We have to remember that in January, after Cedric Cromwell’s messy divorce, business enterprises were exposed, and his failure to pay his taxes, the council unanimously stripped him of his power. The power to spend the tribe’s money. Not that there was much left….but we’ll get to that little end game. Well, Cedric was horrified and went into full gear telling his minions, Je$$ie, Blessed, Winnie and anyone who would listen that

Je$$ie loved the attention, being important, playin’ Indian and supporting Cedric. But a lot happened on her watch and she can’t just walk away like she’d like too.
the casino was still possible and he was going to restore their salaries. They restored his authority. And of course Je$$ie, despite her written resignation and pitty party, couldn’t abandon Ceddie. She violated the constitution instead and stayed on the council (that she never attends).
Since the February 9 election, Cedric now faces 3 council members who are a real threat to his embattled reign. They know stuff that Ceddie does not want us to know, or government officials. They call him out constantly, especially about the $225m funneled through his gaming commission that he cannot account for. So they TRUMP up charges to remove them (without authority) Where are the minutes? There is no record of of anything…changes to ordinances, the constitution, just a rouge government led by a guy just like Donald Trump, who has leveraged his role as Chairman to make money…like a pimp.
Let’s get to the glaring corruption.
Cedric Cromwell was paid a consulting fee of $50,000 by Platform 8, established in August 2017 by his buddy Paul Filtzer. Well Filtzer has some issues. For one, he’s not allowed to practice law in three states. His company supposedly helps landless tribes. Ya, I bet. Just not a very reputable person committing tax

So Shovel Ready’s legacy is
NO CASINO, NO LAND IN TRUST, debt $500m. So who’s proud of that? Fool me once……
fraud and evasion and forced to pay a $620k fine. When he established Platform 8, he also established Tribal Carbon Partnerships in Ohio, with Cedric, and Mr Bad Penny himself…. Mark Harding. Okay, then, Filtzer moves to Hungary 12 days later and …well that’s odd, isn’t it? Remember that it was really clear the tribe was running into trouble money wise, but no one ever knew what was going on in the Gaming Commission where Cedric had total control of the money. So let’s think about this….Like Robert Mueller. Filzer bounced in the legal field in three states, has God knows how many shell companies, hooks up with a guy who has access to hundreds of millions of dollars in this secret “Gaming Commission,” and he moves to Hungary? He can apparently do things n Hungary. $225m is still unaccounted for. Cedric was striped of his fiduciary responsibilities. Remember how frantic his pals Mark Harding and Paula Peters were as they freaked out at their house trying to figure out what to do?
Now, what would Robert Mueller say to that? He would probably say removing the council members is a Comey move no doubt. Obstrution of justice in plain sight. But they plan to undermine the election Thurs. the 19th at 5:30 by trying to remove Carlo in Executive Session in secret. That is illegal. They do not want to face tribal members.

Here’s Muellers comment on the case, “Are you kidding? This guy is remarkably stupid.”
You hand full of naysayers, lovers of Cedric need to understand that this news of a hearing in the House Natural Resources Committee on Land in Trust means absolutely nothing because if it gets out of the House and the other references. IT WILL NEVER PASS IN THE US SENATE. They know that and want to make it appear as though there is still some hope before they get ready to undo your vote on the council members duely elected.
Here’s what he really wants to do after he draws that last dime from Genting at the end of the month and his loyal council members are still waiting for their payday. Crash Dummies.
Cedric, Je$$ie, and “I donno” want to sell the only thing we have and that’s the Middleboro land. That’s right. They were planning on setting up an LLC., serve as officers authorized to sell the land and spend that too.
Cedric has to get rid of Aaron, Carlo and Rita because they are in the way. The rest of them will let him roll right over us and steal us blind. What they forget is that they were:
adjective: complicit
involved with others in an illegal activity or wrongdoing.
So all those using Cedrics talking points about not “airing our business in the public.” Clearly, you would rather know that you’re getting ripped off (enough to impact 10 generations) than not know, right? Maybe not. Ask him if you can have some of the $225m he funneling out all over the world.