The grifter needs to go

We said for years that Cedric is a fraud.  Now it’s confirmed for all the world to know. He needs to resign or be removed.

When we all fall down

The worst dream you can have is falling.  It’s the pits. There’s no control of the free fall.  The only thing that saves you is that jerk, that wakes you up, as you try to catch yourself in mid-air.  The stolen wallet or pocketbook is another bad dream until you realize that the item is on the nightstand, all messages about what we fear, value most or the haunting of wrongdoing. Yah.

The Tribe has been in free fall thanks to the Cromwell administration. We haven’t hit bottom yet but we’re close.

The Tribe is having the nightmare. Cedric is living with one or the other every night. But as the end of the money draws closer, we have to think of the complete scam played on us by every officer and council member who voted for wrongdoing to get the paycheck. Millions paid and nothing gained in quality of life for tribal members indebted to the tune of $465m dollars.  Our roll is about 2,400 members, about 600 are casino stalkers from the red box (roll rejection ) a gift from Je$$ie Big Doe. The casino stalkers abandoned the tribe for a couple of years ago and Ceddies base has eroded even more since he fired the Fryebal Council and replaced them with a few Tobeys. Sad sad sad. We will be a landless welfare tribe running off federal programs and grants. Luckily those federal programs and employees are protected by the feds.  Everyone else  gets that tin cup we’ve talked about.

What we have failed to talk about over the last 10 years is the trail of malfeasance (the commission (as by a public official) of a wrongful or unlawful act involving or affecting the performance of one’s duties, and  misfeasance (is the act of performing a legal action, but in an improper way). These offenses have been committed by Ceddie, his officers, past and present, and the paid Council. Very little was done in service to the tribe. A decade of lies, placating and excessive spending by people who never had anything, dizzy with greed and taking everything. And they took everything from us. But that grand theft is not without consequences. To fail to serve the tribe

The LA District Attorney talks about “corruption on steroids” in the California case that mirrors the relentless abuse we’ve experienced from the paid tribal council.

and instead engaging in misfeasance and malfeasance are crimes.  Governments have been taken down and jailed for taking huge salaries and not fulfilling their duties as elected officials. In 2010  citizens like us, in a small town in California were the victims of a similar corruption. Those so called  leaders were prosecuted and sent to prison.And Reel Wamps reported on this story.

The illegal acts of this administration are sweeping.  Violating tribal law, federal law, state law and any kinda law you can think of. The sovereignty the real tribal leaders fought for is designed to allow us to self govern. Instead, we wound up being abused and used by the Cromwell government to launder money (one example was paying a Genting architect $15 m to redesign the same casino 2  additional times, some estimates are even higher) and do nothing more than pay Sovel Ready Ceddie and crew to let them do it.

How about Je$$ie and tribal lawyers knowingly loading up the land in trust application with absurd claims that they knew would not pass muster.  And the proof of our status was on the record in our recognition papers with the BIA for God sakes. What it amounted to was making up some ridiculous stuff to try to get around the US Supreme Court ruling and to keep stalling to get paid. We have paid mightly for all these people with personality disorders and low self-esteem ascending to leadership roles. Je$$ie especially.  She has made a mess of everything she touched. Like a kid playing in the toilet who just won’t stop. Real leaders don’t do stupid things because they have to answer for it.  Not, Jessie, she disappears cause she can’t take the criticism or answer the questions. Her cousin Cedric on the other hand just says nothing or responds with snarky comments because he thinks we can’t do anything to him but keep asking.

Anyway.. their latest scam is to form the LLC. This allows them (the officers) to set themselves up as a separate government, in the name of the tribe, operating in complete secrecy.  Well, Je$$ie and Winnie (of all people) were running around town lauding the benefits of this venture. Like someone will believe these two are doing anything to benefit us! So, here’s the status

Je$$ie can’t get out of her own way. One thing she’s consistent about is running away from responsibility. The redeeming legacy she craved is elusive. Once again, it’s her fault.

of the collapsing tribal government.  “Genting” Kevin promised the begging Shovel Ready Ceddie that he would try to get another million dollars for the tribe right about now…wait, no, for Cedric.Keep and mind, they burn thru about $450K a month or more, after the firings. If there were the slightest chance the tribe would get a couple hundred thousand, that would be something.  But that’s not the plan, and it’s not likely to happen  All money is gone and Genting has “severed” with the tribe according to Reel Wamp sources with knowledge of Genting’s plan.

Only Cedric, Gordon Harris, and Anne Marie are still on the payroll.  Cedric claims he took a $50K cut, but with a month or so left of payroll what does it amount to? Right, nothing… a savings of $8K. They recently gave themselves raises, taking vacation pay, sick leave and the rest of the council who were laid off do not come to work anymore. Hold it.  When did they ever come to work?

So this brings us to the real purpose of the LLC.  The LLC move is designed to allow them to transact business without the scrutiny of the tribe. Even though they do it now, (and there is no record of what they do, or access to anything that may be on the record). The LLC gives them a lot of cover.  Anyway, the target is the Middleboro land.  What’s left?  About $2m dollars worth of property they (Council officers) will sell to keep paying themselves.


SRC nemesis David Pocknett is a traditionalist and the source of legitimate ridicule of the Dorchester outsider.

And you know slomething is up when Je$$ie starts claiming to worry about paying the note on the

Another Cedric nemesis  is former Chairman Glenn Marshall. Marshall was a compasionate advocate for all tribal members. Urging Cromwell to get on the tribal roll may have been one of his biggest regrets.

building (nobody uses) and the light bill.  Honestly Big Doe, you weren’t interested when you were making money leveraging the tribe and refusing to take responsibility for crack pot schemes that have hurt us.  Actually, if Cedric, his wife Cheryl, Winnie and all the rest would pay the tribe what they owe us, we might do alright for a minute.

The iorny for our tribe is that we are one of the few of First Nations that stayed on their land.Coveted land.  Land that our leaders filed suit to get back. Some of that land we would have restored to us following the 30 year struggle for recognition. We lead Indian America in Native How To and tribes were told to ” follow the Mashpee.” Oh how far we have fallen from the proud resolute people we were. Never gave up. We survived 400 years of encrouchment and ehtnic assault because we blinked allowing outsiders to take charge thinking they knew better than our own.  Well this has not worked out too well, and as we always say, don’t blame it on the White man.


Terrible Tango @Tribal Meeting & Statement of Fact: ” Glenn Marshall did more for the Tribe than you could ever do.”

Cedric’s Council will be forever remembered as the lemmings who destroyed the Tribe. A sorry lot who kept taking a check until the coffers ran dry. That’s not the Wampanoag way.

The Sunday Tribal Meeting was filled with vitriol that went on and on because the Tribal Council members refused to stop taking a paycheck from the dwindling revenue in tribal coffers.  More importantly, during the meeting, Tribal members voted  overwhelmingly to fire the council basically. But, when when it came time for the council to confirm that mandate…… only 3 members: Calton Hendricks, Jr., Robert Dias,(both unpaid) and Yvonne Frye Avant who would not fully raise her hand, voted the wishes of the tribal members.  Clearly the only reason Yvonne fully extended her arm was because she knew the mandate would fail. The tribal council would keep getting a check…hundreds of thousands of dollars to a bunch of people who never come to work and get a check exceeding $1.5 -3.5K a week.

What lead up to this was the audacity of the council plan to fire viable employees as opposed to sacrificing their checks for the Tribe.  Of course, certain  council members ran out of the meeting leaving Cedric to defend the planned firing of 2 employees at the oyster farm.  That would be Corey Hendricks who said: ” I had to find out on Reel Wamps that I was going to be fired in a few days.”  Course Corey has a degree and knows what the hell he is doing. Cedric’s too busy protecting people like the Deaconess, no degree, no job description just a lot of cheap talk. Anyhow the other oyster farmer fired up the “Only Paid Medicine Man in America” Guy Ca$h for taking a check.  Course Guy said, ” I came to visit you in prison.” The member said, “Ya, but when my mother died you were no where to be found.” Phew!

.Before we get to that we have to go back to the the start of the meeting when Shovel Ready Ceddie and David Pocknett had one of their verbal brawls. Pocknett has been a constant critic of Cromwell for his lack of tradition and financial impropriety.  Pocknett fired off a scathing rebuke saying, ” Glenn Marshall did more for the Tribe than you will ever do.” Cromwell said, ” That’s your opinion.” Pocknett said, ” No,

Pocknett, the former Council VP was constantly intervening in Cromwells violent outbursts against tribal women and elders who didn’t support him. Every challenge Pocknett made to ” take it outside” Cromwell cowered.

that’s a fact.” Cedric’s flim-flam running thin and temperatures running high, the beleaguered Ceddie said they would re-evaluate who would be fired. So pathetic.  After 10 years of corruption and nearly a half a billion in debt, not a million dollars left or set aside to take care of the tribal bills even.

More about the Monday meeting later….but you probably already know what happened.

Come on Cheryl….Really

You can’t have it both ways, Cheryl.

So Cheryl is now back on the payroll.  She’s got bills and a soon to be EX who could care less about helping her pay

Cheryl just can’t do the right thing. She just can’t.

them.  But why be a phony? Like we wouldn’t find out. Bad girl Cheryl.

Cheryl’s bloated salary could have gone to pay the salary of an employee who actually does something that matters to our people….Like oyster farming!.  The Cromwell administration is talking about firing the two people in that program.  One is Corey Hendricks who comes from a family with generational expertise in fishing of all types.  This is what we are talking about.  Why assault a program that will help build a workforce indigenous to the tribe?  We are fisherman.

Oh wait ….we forgot.  Cedric is not Mashpee.  He could care less. No forward thinking here.  No future in mind just greed.


Cromwell crew “Trump Like” in final weeks


Too late for grand gestures from a scary few. Nothing changes the fact that no one can stand ya and the legal repercussions of your complicity are huge.

Actually not really.  You will not be surprised that Cedric, Ann Marie, Winnie, Yvonne (AKA Mean Travel Queen) and Despicable Me (AKA Medicine Man Guy Ca$h, the only paid Medicine Man in America) will stay on the payroll till they get every last dime.  That may be sooner than we estimated.  Apparently, there will be another massive layoff in two weeks. Sigh, that would leave Yvonne as the last Frye standing because the First Lady, Jessie, and Winnona are laying themselves off.  Good parting gesture but too late. Reel Wamps demanded that  years ago when we could have saved some money for the future of the tribe instead of pay all of you to prop Cedric up and destroy all hope for a future for our kids.

Messy Jessie craved attention and is credited with creating the totally false narrative presented in our land in trust application. It doomed us from the start.

Guy is such a disgrace, not only did he take a salary and counsel no one, tribal members would also prohibit him from presiding over family burials.



Mean Travel Queen has been a fixture on the Coucil for 30 years and has never done a damned thing for her people. A very smart woman without compassion.




Cedric’s fawning pawn Winnie, was embarrassing. One thing for sure, she was loyal to SRC.

Time to pay the check

Kevin Jones, the Genting rep. has a hard time telling the truth about anything. He will likely be the bearer of bad news…alone. The token.

Since September, Genting has made clear they want whatever they can recover from the disgraceful debt dumped on the tribe.  That $400m  was disclosed in a report in a gaming periodical in September. Genting was very matter of fact about it. Since we have nothing to pay back the debt, they will take the Taunton land. And of course we will have no income to pay even the most basic governmental bills.

Cedric meanwhile will offer some lame gobbledygook explanation for the end we all knew was coming.  We’ve got 5 weeks before the next wave of layoffs. After that, it’s all about Shovel Ready Ceddie and the paid council and officers who are blowing threw  the last million dollars at about $500K a month.  They are not only taking their salaries but advances on vacation pay and sick leave. None of them hit a lick of work so the jokes on us. But the last 10 years have not been funny. Cedric has destroyed us, gotten rich  Nothing like sucking us dry eh? The situation is clearly ripe for a lawsuit.

Now that the obvious is about to happen and that means Genting will stop paying for everything because we are no worth to them. Cut and run.  Worst of all, Cedric kept egging them on with his BS and a totally flawed land in trust application that had no evidence that we were under federal jurisdiction in 1934.  What made it worse, they spun the Department of Interior abandonment of our effort as part of Trump racism saying that DOI walked away because we “were not Indian.” The spin was ridiculous in light of the fact that SRC tried to mask their incompetence with racism. The story was a horrible Thanksgiving piece that only served to undermine our credibility.  Over 30 years of struggle for credibility undermined by a wannabe

Trish struggles to be relevant. So painful to watch.

desperate to hold on to power and money.Luckily it had no impact.  Oh yeah what about

Why would Cedric put our fate in the hands of DOI Sec. Zinke who is a weirdo and facing a dozen congressional investigations? Right. Did they visit in DC?

the great protest/rally in DC in the middle of November to to pressure the DOI to defend us …oh you missed that one bus wonder did you? Another boneheaded idea by Trish Keliinui.  She gets paid good money for really bad ideas.  Someone need to tell her how to build a crowd and break threw the media racket. Not that sharp ya know.


Cedric is not Mashpee because he knows nothing about us. Embedded in our recognition profile is the fact that we are the most credentialed tribe in the United States, that’s according to the Bureau of Indian Affairs.  We have more proof of our consistent participation in tribal customs than any other.  400 years worth.  Not 200 or 150 years but 400 years worth. We don’t need anyone to define our lineage or heritage. Each tribal member has documentmentation dating back 300 years. He was willing to sacrifice our tribal integrity in a very weak strategy of pressuring DOI.  That agency is in turmoil and could care less about the Mashpee debacle.  Cedric does it again.

And Cedric did not know what the ” roll ” is. He’s running what’s left of the tribe…..right into the ground.




Cedric’s plan

TFL is sick of Shovel Ready and wants her bills paid. She has been in court for months demanding the Shovel Ready pay up. Triffling and corrupt is what he is.

Some interesting things about Shovel Ready.  He seems to get his hustle on when it comes to lining his own pockets. And he really loves leveraging his tribal chairmanship to do it.  Divorce filing  reveal that he has a bunch of shell companies that he runs money through. Now  let’s take a look at this.  Cedric is the Chairman of the Tribe.  He has consulting contacts on the side, and has been working with one company Platform 8 since 2014,  that  has a terrible  reputation for preying on destitute Native American Tribes that are   “landless” like we are about to be.  Now, Cedric recieved $50K in October from his buddy Paul Filzer who is head of Platform 8 probably anticipating our destitute status.  So he gives him $50 K a sorta  deposit to sell us to his company.  He gets paid because Genting could bail at any minute.

BUT….even if Genting doesn’t, why is Cedric “consulting ?” Have you ever heard of a Mayor, Selectman, Governor or government leader on any level consulting or taking money to excercise influence on anyone? Well of course not. Only Cedric.  Anyway this guy Paul Filzer is very shady and   close to Ceddie.  Basically it appears that once the Department of Interior throws us under the bus, Paul fills the breach and we have a new owner, and Ceddie keeps getting paid. Thus the $50 K. October Deposit

Reel Wamps has some sympathy for Cheryl, the former First Lady.  Why? Cause Cedric has not paid the mortgage triggering forclosure in Attleboro and a multitude of houshold bills for the family including Cheryl’s legal fees.  So  there’s about $25k or more that she wants  out of that $50k.

This could be one big ruse to make it  look like they are struggling, but you can’t fool the FBI that has been watching him, Mark Harding, and Jessie for years cause they’re so greedy and obvious.

When are we gonna get a break for these people?

That Sunday Meeting should be humming.  More after we read the rest of the court filings.




Love Lost….the Cromwell divorce gone bad. Can a real Indian get a break?

Ain’t they cunnin’ ? Not really. On the road to divorce. It’s been rocky.
and Cheryl wants out.

Shovel Ready Ceddie has been such a mess this last year. Part of of the reason is because of his messy divorce. All bills for the Attleborough house are in arrears and charming Cheryl can’t get him to pay anything.  They live apart with Cedric  living in a dump in Wareham somewhere they say.  Boy that White play play Indian girl from New Bedford sure took off to DC and never looked back when things started going south.

Stumbling along on his  walker, looking for sympathy, the “Dodgey Dodger” has been difficult to deal with  when it came to producing his financial records. Well,the court became very annoyed. Cheryl of course, true to the her place at the backside of the Frye family, decided to get the hell out of the marriage before the indictments came. Course she has other business to tend to if you know what I mean. But Cheryl has a bigger fan club that Cedric.  At least she’s Mashpee.

Cedric has a bunch of companies incorporated in Delaware where shady characters go to establish companies out-of-state and hide assets. One Nation LLC is one and there’s a  $50,000 deposit to an acount with Cedric’s name  on it..

Anyhow, Cedric  tried to get the Tribe to pay his divorce attorney  bill to the tune of $12,000.  Ahem.

Wellllllll the “finance Fryes” refused to pay the invoice.  Yes they did.  So the the Comptroller, Rudy Roman who initiated  the transaction was bounced with a huge severance package and the Tribe is flat ass broke with only enough payroll to pay that trifiling Council and a handful of staff until January.

Meanwhile the “Deaconess” Francie Frye once again failed to sneak through another raise as a worshiper of the failed disgraced Chairman with the help of Anne Marie. Sneaky she is.  She’s so dumb she thinks her nic name “Deaconess” is a compliment. Nic names in Mashpee are  not compliments in case you need to know.

We have more but this is enough for now.  You need to think about what to do about this BS.




One Question

Shovel Ready never built the casino, but he kept getting a check while the Tribe slid into the ditch. The Casino Stalker who never fit in.

On February 9, 2019 Cedric Cromwell and his regime will have been at the helm of the  Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe for a decade. The Cromwell administration has systematically undermined and poisoned the health and integrity of a once proud and spirited Native American Tribe This epitaph is a sad ending for the people who survived all efforts to wipe them out by the White man only to  succumb to the assault of a phony tribal member from freaking Dorchester who didn’t even have a roll number.

So  the only question that needs to be answered is why Cedric and Cheryl are rich ( between $5–10 million) and the Tribe is destitute.

Or try it another way.

Why are we worse off now than we were 10 years ago?

THE CCT did a real story…and How the March to Nowhere got us NOWHERE

Genting’s trying to salvage the casino and land in trust deal…it will be tough. But Cedric and Jessie will never escape the label of the Casino Stalkers who destroyed the Tribe.

We said it in the headline but we just want to remind you that that stupid march resulted in nothing. The crazy Trump people and the wacky Interior Secretary who rides to work in DC on a damned horse…. and we got nothing.  The appeal is a stalling tactic for the paycheck. Nothing on the news or national news.  Someone needs to tell simple Trish that it’s hard to break through the Trump daily distribution of insanity.  If you can’t get  on nationally what’s the point? Oh okay, I know, you didn’t know.


Well, we know when Genting stopped paying our lousy  lawyers a couple of years  ago and recently started paying lobbyists on their own. Town does the old guy. Well, the Chinese were wanting results.  Genting had to make some money somewhere because they have been taking serious consequential financial losses with their gaming operations in the United States. So obviously before they take Cedric and the Payola Council off the payroll, they’re going to make a last run at getting this done by a pro, from Florida no less.

Yah.  The Cape Cod Times finally got an investigative reporter to do the real story behind how this stuff works. More tomorra.