No we’re not. We didn’t talk about the chairman’s probation because we thought m a y b e he would go to trial. You may recall that he said he would go to trial and would not take a plea deal. Well sources say the state refused to reduce the

Brian is trapped in the “NO WORK” zone. He has no understanding of the philosophy to “take care of home first.” Tribal members sneer at his NCAI post based on his lack of leadership record.
charges or offer a deal (he’s on video tape for Christ sakes). So a week after his December 12 (7th) hearing, he was immediately scheduled for a ” probable disposition” hearing which signaled probation. Yup. The judge said this had gone on for ” too long.” Really? Putting him on probation for a year is the most severe sentence that could be administered because it punishes the Tribe!
Despite the fact that the felony charges are still in place, he has not been convicted, so he does not face constitutional mandate of automatic removal. And with that, Brian went on to show us his natural _ss. He was conspicuously absent from the recent community meeting to discuss critical issues facing the Tribe. The big headliner was security at the cemetery, a very very important discussion. The Chief, Medicine Man, Vice Chairman Hendricks, Council members, Roxanne Mills Brown, Nelson Andrews and even Magpie were there to face Tribal members and be accountable….but Brian never showed. He doesn’t show up to deal with anything. But the meeting was very productive with dialogue involving tribal youth, elders and tribal leaders that resulted in a fix that everyone thinks will help. It’s a good first step. But more importantly, the Tribal members and it’s leaders worked together for solutions.
Brian is still in charge of Operations, even though he tried to act like he wasn’t during 2 real public comment blow outs a couple of council meetings ago..another mess that never should have happened. First, we are in dead of winter and the homeless shelter is unable to open for a million reasons. One reason is no one can work with Robin Tobey. She proved that with yet another performance of outrageous personal attacks and threats that Brian refused to stop. But getting the resources to get the shelter open to capacity is stalled because Brian doesn’t give a damn and has no interest in actually helping tribal members.
That means the Tribe is on the merry-go-round of missed opportunities. The federal government recently gave the state $25 million for homeless shelters. As head of Operations, ya think he is going after some of that money? Course not. Is Brian asking anyone to go after that money? No to that too. Again we’re on the merry-go-round of missed opportunities because Brian thrives on chaos. Some managers utilize that strategy that inspires some level of competitiveness. In this instance it’s nothing like that. A leader he is not.
Back to Magpie for a minute. We told you about his failure to get BIA

What happened to you David? Your lack of certification disqualifies you as a THPO officer. You can’t certify grants. Why continue to embarrass the Tribe?
certification as a Tribal Historic Preservation Officer. Come to find out, it’s not about filling out the paperwork, he doesn’t have the Masters degree needed to even qualify for the certification. Matter of fact, he does not have a bachelors degree.
So Magpie is the only paid Council member ($80 k) who is a director who is uniquely unqualified for the job.
Over the next year by the time the next election rolls around on Feb 16, 2025, we will have spent $140k on Brian and $90k on his uncle.
Over their 4 year terms its $845k for The Weedens. Quite a hustle.
Ain’t it awful Mable?