The tribal books are such a mess that the auditor is frantically trying to fix the problem. The trouble is there are no reciepts or documentation to substanciate the hundreds of thousands of dollars unaccounted for. Amid all the finger pointing, hostility and “WHISTLE Blowing’, the accountant can’t get a striaght answer…course there probably is no answer. And guess who has the job of reconciling the mess? Mark Harding’s acountant…No lie. And of course they’re trying to blame Marge.
Monthly Archives: January 2011
Barnstable judge throws Cassie out of court
We said Cassie wasn’t qualified to serve as interum ICWA Director (January 12, 2011) because just like her predessor Ronda Hughes, she is not a licsensed social worker. Much pity for the tribal family that was forced to sit there while the state explained the whole sorry history behind the fact that Ronda was unlicensed and busted for drug possession etc etc…blah blah blah and that Cassie had no license and on and on. Well the Judge also heard that the tribe is in his court because the Tribal Court is not ligit cause the tribe has no land into trust blah blah blah and of course the state and feds still have juristiction.
Bottom line is that…Cassie was thrown out of court. Girl from Bourne with foiled hair, niece of Aaron Tobey, the $95k a year Vice Chairman embroiled in humiliating divorce because of his audacity to think he is smarter than the Mashpee Wampanoag. Well now you know damn it . You own a tribe in name only that the Indians have abandoned.
Diane Bassett a Wannabee Indian no more!
Diane is having such a moment . She is in charge. She is in charge of the Saturday soiree by the Tribal Council who peed on the People and the Selectman of Middleboro. and the original investors Now that the Fall River deal has been nixed for the 5th time….Diane is bringing a ” Indian Social–Potluck” loaded with drums for hire to the tune of $10k.Diane’s obsession with power was evident in 2008 when the Tribe blessed the Middleboro land and held the Gathering of Communities where she bum rushed the presenters because she wanted the blanket to hell with with her mild mannered husband who is Wamp. Well, it’s been an on going psychosis issue because there is nothing we can do to make Diane acceptable to the group in Middleboro who complain about her her obnoxious behavior and her insistance on being in charge of these Mashpee. Well honestly…the White people don’t give a damn who’s in charge…long as they get what they want. It’s not like we have a got King Phillip protecting our interests.And Diane is the new liason. Her son HAS THE CONTRACT FOR SECURITY…YOU KNOW THE ONE WHO ALWAYS CHECKING ID’S . Ya him and Elzy….great. And she ain’t a member of the Glenn Marshall fan club that got us here is she?
Once a Whistle Blower…. You’re a Whistle Blower for Life!
When you know too much and you have proof of illegal activity and fellow Council officers keep treating you like you’re crazy…well it’s bound to piss you off …especially when the officer has the check recquisitions, and sends the documented proof to the entire Council in an e-mail when the offender denied wrongdoing. Well Cedric promptly called the officer a ” Whistle Blower .” Now why would he say that ? Because the fellow officer knows too much and is not controlable.. wandering off the reservation frequently, then wandering back, then off….it’s a problem. Esspecially when you’re embezzling. That’s why there’s pandemonium at the Council Office because the books won’t balance…at all. Maybe the Attorney General will help.
Wedding bells for Bobby
Bobby is running for Council for the 6th time,and you know Bobby, he always has a hustle connected to his game. This go round , he’s marrying a Helms from New Bedford, thinking they will bring him 150 votes. Well there’s only about 20 of them on the rolls….but then again who really knows with Jesse putting anyone she wants on. If she won’t show us proof of her HS diploma or college credentials, why would we believe her actions on anything. Good luck Bobby all the happiness to you and your new family!
Cedric challenged on authorized payola
Cedric claims that he’s authorized to spend more than $500 without Council authorization but he can’t produce the documentation to prove it. So those $2,400 checks he’s written to his family and friends were not supposed to be given out…Then again, there’s no record of anything when you have a phantom government and the chairman treats the tribal bank account as if it was his own. You can’t buy respect or support …but desperation is one hell of a motivator. Boy that Fall River deal was a glowing example of leadership.
What the Mittark ain’t saying
This month’s Nashuonk Mittark has the usual column, ostensibly written by our Chairman, Cedric Cromwell. It positions itself as a “state of the Tribe” message, of sorts, it falls far short of that. Merely listing a lacquered and lipsticked listing of what one would like citizens to see, without an accounting of one’s failures and the remedies to be pursued is nothing more than puffery. We would like to deflate some of his rhetoric and propaganda with some not so pretty facts. We will not only remind you of their public failures, but of some of the more private ones. Also, we will address their failures dealing with dissent, i.e., how they try to suppress the “naysayers” among the elders and longtime Mashpee residents who have the most to lose from the Tribal Council’s monkey business. There are a lot of points to visit, so stay with us while we go through them, one at a time.
Grab yer ankles, Wamps, here comes Ced and MarkIf you read the latest “Mittark,” you saw language like this:”
There are many moments and accomplishments in 2010 that make me very proud. Our monthly meetings and newsletters provide clear information to all Tribal members. We have implemented a new finance system the first of its kind for our Tribe that will provide transparency, accountability, and effective management of our Tribes finances. There have been growing pains with its implementation, but I am confident that it will provide a huge improvement in our ability to manage and share financial information.”
This is, boys and girls, a textbook example of American corporate marketing department speak, if I ever heard it. Fluff it, puff it, dazzle ’em with BS. Misdirection.We had a very good finance system through the Community Action Committee of Cape Cod and the Islands, also known as CAC. They have been performing financial services for non-profits for years. They have the personell and skill to maintain any kind of financial system. Trouble is that Cromwell’s administration does not want the books out of his, or Mark Hardings control. I wondwer why?
So, friends, when Cedric complains of growing pains, remind him of the pain of being financially sodomized by his and Mark Harding’s handling of our finances.
Tribal elections 2011
The Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe’s 2011 elections will be held on Sunday, February 13. I really can’t see much enthusiasm for the field. Lets jump right in and take a look at them.
Patricia “Trish” Keli’inui, isn’t she the former Election Committee chair who abandoned her post at the 2008 election, leaving the ballot box unsupervised and unsealed while she ran off to Dino’s to celebrate Cedric’s big victory? Add to that that she is as dumb as a sock full of gravel. Trish, you were cute at one time, but that time is gone.
Martin “Bruzzy” Hendricks, AKA “ZZZZZZZ…, wha?” He’s our poster child for what happens when you smoke too much weed. Now Bruzzy is a ‘good ole boy’, and I love him, but he is a danger to himself and the Tribe.
Charles “Bobby” Foster, hero of the 2009 powwow. Have we gotten a report on the finances of that abortion? Picture Bobby rolling around naked on thousands in cash. BBBRRRRRR….. Too much to process.
Laura Tobey Miranda, wasn’t she the one using her position in the District Attorneys office to try to find dirt on people a few years back? Isn’t that illegal? What’s up, Laura? All those questions of Cedric and you never got an answerimpressive! Your own cousin.
Michelle Hughes Fernandes, Had any parties at your house recently? Rosie would be ashamed of you and your behavior.
Why are you in this?
I hope that this gives you, the voter, a little perspective on what is available to you this year. No decent candidates wanted to throw down really because they saw the treatment that Richard Oakley got that drove him to resign, and the continuing treatment that Carlton Hendricks Jr. gets at the hands of Cedric and his crew. Lots to hide and nothing to show for the 17 million in debt. If you wish to vote on the 13th, I suggest writing in the names of Tony Moniz. He wasn’t a Wamp, but he was more a member of our community than any of our present leaders.
Fall River reconfirms death of casino
According to the Boston Herald, the mayor of Fall River has begun negotiations with the state and U Mass to move forward with the Biotech deal. In December you will recall, Mayor Flanagan said the Mashpee Wampanoag casino would not happen. The move forward with a court hearing in March or April is to keep the plaintiffs from continuing their lawsuit against the town.
Old news….cause we told ya so
About 10 days, ago the Department of interior rejected Cedric Cromwell’s attempt to include Fall River in the land in trust application. Wow. Bet the Malaysians are smarting over that one . Middleboro shouldn’t get too excited though. More on that later.
Outsiders make a hell of a mess
Caron (Tobey) continued a family tradition established by her brother Vice Chairman Aaron Tobey, by having absolutely no idea what they are talking about. She made an absurd remark to someone married to a Tribal Council member when she commented, “My brother is the best thing that ever happened to the tribe.”
Oh indeed Caron. Is this the same brother that thought that the land automatically went into trust when we were federally recognized? Or the political genius who created a phoney elders council in a failed attempt to usurp the real Elders? Or the man who boasts of a non existent law enforcement background allowing him to trump up investigations that result in nothing…just attempts to cover up thier illegal actions? Aaron’s screw ups are legendary…and the thought of him working witrh the Massachusetts Legislature concerning perscription drug abuse and other serious law enforcement matters is a frightening thought.
With his outrageous hiring practices and his continued leadership role in the family employment agency..with the hiring of his niece Kassie a few month ago as a ICWA support specialist….but like Aaron’s dear dear friend Ronda Jones Hughes….she’s not a licensed social worker in Ma. She can’t serve even as interum director of ICWA, as she has been assigned.
But since Aaron was also fired as Inspector Clueseau and has more than his share of trouble lately, maybe we’re in for a reprieve..
Meanwhile you have to ask how Caron or Aaron knew anything about the tribe when they never came over the bridge. Ever.
Aaron wanted to take us on excursions to Plymouth Plantation to learn our history and traditions. You forgot that insult didn’t ya. Well, the insults keep coming.
Snickering at Cedric… the new tribal past time
So sad for Cedric when the the Cape Cod Times blew the doors open on his shady operation. So he proceeded to email John Hughes and blame him for the administrative failures of his Vice Chair….Aaron ( “I want to Be the Chairman ” }Tobey. Yes Cedric put it all in writing like he always did back in the day when he claimed to be an officer with Fidelity and spent days on end annoying everyone with his rediculous emails. He assaulted John John and blamed him for ” making the tribe look bad” Then he proceeded to call Norman Dias to bad mouth Elder Anne Peters Brown…accusing her of contacting US Attorney General Eric Holder. Contacted by Reel Wamps, Peters Brown said, ” If he wants me to contact Eric Holder, I will certainly oblige him. But with the trouble he’s in, why would he want to get the US Attorney General invoved ?”Cedric also accused Huges and Peters Brown of making the ” Tribe look bad.” Course Cedric needs to take total credit for all that and he should be reminded that Norman and a contigent of Elders went to DC to ask the BIA to interviene and help get the tribe out of the mess Cedric created. Poor Cedric. Dorchester never prepared him for this. Let the Snickering continue.
Lumbee Lie gets fired — Clueseau sleuthing days over!
Rhonda Jones Hughes was fired Wedesday….on a unanimous vote. Even though VC Aaron Tobey was not at the meeting, he reportedly delivered the bad news to his lovely close friend , so she had her things all packed up. She also tried to defend her drug bust falderall by saying she pleaded no contest. They say the dope dogs were all over “her person” when she came off the cruise ship. Cold busted. It had to be awful for a women to hide weed in that manner.
Anyway, Aaron Tobey also got bad news that he was no longer Tribal Detective… more investigations andstumbling around trying to pretend that he’s keeping order, when he’s really wrecking havock, and bringing the heat down on the scandal plagued Cromwell administration. He might want to start getting rid of some of his unqualified nieces etc.. and walk away while he can.