TFL is sick of Shovel Ready and wants her bills paid. She has been in court for months demanding the Shovel Ready pay up. Triffling and corrupt is what he is.
Some interesting things about Shovel Ready. He seems to get his hustle on when it comes to lining his own pockets. And he really loves leveraging his tribal chairmanship to do it. Divorce filing reveal that he has a bunch of shell companies that he runs money through. Now let’s take a look at this. Cedric is the Chairman of the Tribe. He has consulting contacts on the side, and has been working with one company Platform 8 since 2014, that has a terrible reputation for preying on destitute Native American Tribes that are “landless” like we are about to be. Now, Cedric recieved $50K in October from his buddy Paul Filzer who is head of Platform 8 probably anticipating our destitute status. So he gives him $50 K a sorta deposit to sell us to his company. He gets paid because Genting could bail at any minute.
BUT….even if Genting doesn’t, why is Cedric “consulting ?” Have you ever heard of a Mayor, Selectman, Governor or government leader on any level consulting or taking money to excercise influence on anyone? Well of course not. Only Cedric. Anyway this guy Paul Filzer is very shady and close to Ceddie. Basically it appears that once the Department of Interior throws us under the bus, Paul fills the breach and we have a new owner, and Ceddie keeps getting paid. Thus the $50 K. October Deposit
Reel Wamps has some sympathy for Cheryl, the former First Lady. Why? Cause Cedric has not paid the mortgage triggering forclosure in Attleboro and a multitude of houshold bills for the family including Cheryl’s legal fees. So there’s about $25k or more that she wants out of that $50k.
This could be one big ruse to make it look like they are struggling, but you can’t fool the FBI that has been watching him, Mark Harding, and Jessie for years cause they’re so greedy and obvious.
When are we gonna get a break for these people?
That Sunday Meeting should be humming. More after we read the rest of the court filings.