Maybe we got a reprieve. But it was short lived. The Council’s so called leadership, is still in turmoil. They are trying to get off the Council or hang on to get a check. You can guess who among the officers wants the check. And they are

Together recently, Paula and Cedric Cromwell continue their political alliance. Staying in power through their chosen candidates is the goal. It was never about the Tribe. It was about power and hundreds of millions of dollars that never touched us.
still taking orders from Cedric and Paula Peters, the desperado. Poor thing. Shes trying to hang on to the Mittark payday….and she’s running candidates tied to the Cromwell Cult… Brian Weeden, Marie “Tah Tah ” Stone, Winnie Johnson, Anne Marie Askew to start. Can’t you just see them presenting a plan in Washington for the tribal economic sustainability or land in trust ? Painful. A certain person could do it in “the language” so no one would know what he was talking about. Ahem.
Tribal members are tired of the Council mess, personal feuds and now an upcoming election where they are being forced to vote-by-mail. It’s another illegal action that violates the Constitution and tribal members are pissed because they don’t trust the corrupt crew running the election. They say that their ballots will be thrown away if they are from the wrong family. You can’t blame them….
If they won’t follow tribal law, how can they run a fraud-free complex vote-by-mail election? Currently they are facing lawsuits for their random, illegal establishment of the mail in ballots. And the experts will tell you anything can go wrong with mail in ballots. The main problem is that you have to identify voters by signature matches and bar codes so they don’t vote twice. In a small election like ours, nine times out of ten you will know the person voting. The election committee oversees the election and counts the ballots. That’s another problem. They are all one family, you know who. They are not functioning according to law because they are short a member. Anyway, they see those signatures. So who’s watching the election committee chair Francie, the “Deaconess” (Cedric’s Executive Assistant and confidant)? What if she decides to thrash ballots? They pick the election monitors who watch them. Because Tribal members don’t trust the Cromwell Cult, they say that their ballot will be thrown away if they are from the wrong family. That’s the first thing tribal members say. Remember the stress the nation’s state election officials were under? Now is not the time to experiment or try to throw an election, through voter suppression, especially while they are under federal investigation for the last 2 elections.
The Members want the option of voting in person and via drop box. The drop box method was presented to Jessie Baird months ago and she rejected it outright.

The 2021 election has been a bootleg, cobbled together mess that has triggered justified legal challenges. A self aggrandizing Vice Chair is not longer interested in exploiting the title of VC and the Treasurer is a flip flopping clown who has violated the law by hiding 3 years of illegal spending. It’s one hell of a hole to get out of.
Course the Council didn’t know. It can be done safely, in person or by drive up drop box. They can control the outcome of the election with vote-by-mail, yes they can. That’s why they want it. They control the counters, the monitors and the process. Why have the election at all?
So let’s tell the truth. The Council Cromwell Cult were so shook up by Cedric’s arrest and indictment they abandoned the election timelines that prepares the candidates to qualify and give the members time to look over the candidates. THEY DID NOTHING to comply with the election laws that span about 3 months for qualifying, campaigning and the distribution of the Election Guide where candidates tell us why they’re running. We do have a process for our people to decide who they want to lead. Most of us know that process well. But Cedric’s regime was so freaked out, they didn’t give a damn. and waited months to start the qualifying process.
So here we are. Members are pissed off because they have no idea who’s running or what’s really going on.But they have an idea of who the choices are. And it will become plain soon enough. Every family has a role in what happens to us. You either choose people who can get us outta the ditch or you keep looking for a check. The Cromwell Cult Candidates don’t seem to have what it takes to get us out of the ditch so we need to carefully evaluate candidates. The clock is running and you better choose wisely. We can’t vote for people who can’t help themselves let alone us.
CEDRIC–Cedric told that he wanted to be a Deputy Sec in the Department of Interior. Really? Do you think Cedric would survive the US Senate vetting even before his indictment. It’s so absurd it’s not even funny. On the more Godly side of things he’s now trying to become a minister by going to theology school as he awaits trial for bribery and extortion. We wish him good luck. Too bad he did not have that “Come to Jesus” meet when he was a “Big da Popa” pimp selling us out to Genting. Prayers Cedric.
Gordon : Damn Gordon! You won’t make the finance department pay the fisherman $800 but you can take

Gordon is just a mess. He spends the COVID money that he has not earned. He’s short 3 budgets. Is he hiding illegal expenditures?
huge COVID money and plunk down big money for 2 brand new cars. Wow. Our people need their money! Apparently you don’t get it. Sign the checks Gordon, Jesus. Just so you know, nothing happens on the Cape that we don’t know about. Mr. Sandwich. What people of color live in Sandwich? Mr. Eddie Amos usta say, “When you go to Sandwich, you betta bring your box.” You damned fool the people of Sandwich abused us more than anyone else. Stealing our land and more. They despised us. Gordon, Gordon, Gordon.