Now everybody knows that Mashpee Wampanoag Tribal Chairman Cedric Cromwell has come undone, thanks to the Cape Cod Times today. So we’re going to give you the story leading up to his second meltdown he’s had in a week.

The 7 ft former tribal VC David Pocknett has challenged and chastised “Shovel Ready,” repeatedly on traditional matters and a host of financial irregularities that have indebted the Tribe. Cromwell’s envy of Pocknett’s reputation in Indian Country was coveted status he would never achieve.
Let’s start with the Council meeting late last week where “Shovel Ready” Ceddie was being asked questions he wouldn’t answer. David Pocknett asked Cedric (mentioning Vice Chair Jessie Jones Baird as a partner in crime) why he got a $50,000 bonus for land into trust that hasn’t materialized and failing to deliver a single job or shovel in the ground? Course there was no answer. Pocknett also asked (overpaid, under performing) attorney Judy Shapiro what the status was of the casino and what the BIA letter meant. What ignited the blow up was the question “Are we going to break ground or not?” Yes or no, he said. She did neither and just rambled. So Pocknett said he had enough and left the meeting. As he walked out, Cedric angrily called him a “punk” and a “bit–“. This is vintage “Shovel Ready.” Ghetto to the end, the tribal chairman was shouting fighting words and would have been cowering in the parking lot if you dragged him outside.
A few days later on Sunday, at the annual pow wow, David’s son Chee Nul Ka talked to Ceddie about disparaging his father at the council meeting. He said, ” If you talk to my father like that again, there’s going to be a problem.” The drummer (and champion dancer) walked away.

Chee Nul Ka Pocknett called Cedric out but the Chairman once again disgraced himself and the Tribe.
Well, instead of Ceddie appologizing or explaining why he lost his cool, he became Donald Trump. He became a yelling screeching maniac calling Chee a “mother fuc—,” threatening his family. Well, everything stopped except what was billowing out of the foul-mouthed chairman. “Shovel Ready” is such a narcissist he forgot where he was. Proof that he has no knowledge or respect for tradition, because he was disgracing a place of honor by imploding under the Arbor. Elders and drummers were forced to witness his unraveling. Cedric was forced to leave the pow wow with his security detail in tow.

Cromwell just couldn’t make the transition to Indian. It was obvious when he clapped this poorly made imitation of a smoke dancers headdress on his head. The humiliating picture ran in Native newspapers nationwide. We don’t even wear these. He only wore it a couple of times, but the crazy picture is everywhere reminding us that we had a phony in charge.
It doesn’t end there people. Today, on the last day of the pow wow Cedric showed up again and got into a tug-o-war over the pow wow microphone trying to make excuses for his behavior, but Chee won the day by telling the audience what happened and how Ceddie threatened his family. It’s not about Cedric, it’s about what he has done to us.
He is being crushed by the pressure and the tribes knowlege of the deal going south. The bigger problem though is as everything shuts down so go his Great White Council of Lawyers. They just disappear… It could be a good thing because he’s been pimping us and they’ve been pimping him
The tribe is out of money. There were rumors that the drummers were not being paid and very little prize money. But other indicators are posting red flags. VC Messy Jessie asked for her $20K bonus now instead of

Jessie is Jessie and that’s “messy.” Chasing that $20k hard. When it gets too hot she’ll disappear to the Island.

Leslie Jonas kept her Indian heritage on the down low most of her adult life. Now it’s lots of wampum and cooing on mystical Indians…ahem. But she’s laying claim to 3 months pay and a long vacation.
later ( there’s never enough for Jessie). Tribal Administrator Leslie Jonas is taking 3 months paid leave, right now. Newly elected Council member David Weedon who campaigned on “NO SALARY” is taking it now and the first check dates back to the February election. Everyone’s getting theirs but the Tribal members. If you’re not on a grant or working for Indian Health….it’s bye! And those department heads need to watch out because the greedy council will take their jobs to keep getting paid. You know it.
There’s no more money to draw down and those who know that are raping the coffers before the collapse. The Wednesday meeting should be interesting. Our sources say Genting is not interested in extending any loan. They are done with us. That will also impact the legal masinations underway with the Bureau and theTauntonites. Lawyers don’t work for free. The town of Taunton should not hold their breathe either. He named himself Running Bear for a reason. So what’s our Plan B? Just asking.