The Power Shift

The election of Nelson and Mingo signaled a new direction for the Tribe.
The core of this Tribe made its decision. The election of Domingo Tiexeira and Nelson Andrews made the Tribal Council complete. A new Council is in place. It is pretty diverse, which is good. Mingo has life lessons to offer and management skills sorely needed in areas where we need his expertise. He is actually excited about helping. He’s a good man, looking to the future for his children and ours.
Nelson Andrews has a long list of accomplishments and knowledge concerning federal grants and program funding that is vital to the Tribe. His relationships with state, federal and tribal entities is is invaluable. Another asset with a lot of knowledge.
We started from a bad place the day Cedric Cromwell became chairman. To review the horrors of his 12 year reign is a lot to do. But it’s best to understand who delivered the Tribal government back to the people. While the election was a clear sign that the membership wanted change, it was a very small group of council members who remained vigilant and never gave up. These Council members also had strong voter mandates and became a menace to the Cromwell Alliance along the way. We have to say the Cromwell Alliance was loyal to the end which is really strange when Cedric did so much damage to the Tribal brand and government infrastructure. But that in turn tells you how they felt about the Tribe…their family.
Who fought for the Tribe

Easily the Council diplomat, Rita is also has the administrative skill to manage tribal assets.
Many suffered a lot, just trying to do their jobs. Rita Gonsalves survived because her administrative skills were exceptional and when she brought plans and projects to Cedric he either killed or co-opted them as his own. He was atrocious in his theft of intellectual property. When she became a Tribal Council member, she was a triple threat because she had a vote.
Aaron Tobey fought a years long legal battle that was instrumental

A stickler for Tribal law, Aaron kept challenging the corruption.
in ending the Cromwell regime’s grip on the Tribe. From the recall petition to the Constitutional challenge of the new election ordinance, Tobey’s efforts restored local control to the core of the Tribe. The phrase “elections have consequences,” resonates for the Mashpee and it’s a good thing.
Carlton Hendricks, Jr. made good on his promises of transparency, government integrity and building a tribal economy run by tribal members. He immediately began repairing damage done to tribal

In a matter of months Hendricks has made real progress on restoring essential fishing resources and programs that the Cromwell administration allowed to meltdown.
infrastructure by the Cromwell regime. The oyster farm was on the verge of collapse and the state was threatening to take over the critical project. Joined by tribal fisherman, Hendricks made the course correction to keep the state at bay. Also a victim of neglect was the HASSP program that sets the stage for the Tribe to meet guidelines that allow it to produce fish product to sell retail and wholesale while improving the bay water quality. Also back on track, this project alone would provide a huge boost for fisherman struggling to to remain in business. It also provides long term stability for the tribal economy. Inside the Council, Hendricks has worked to restore confidence in the government and service to Tribal members. As the head of operations, he meets with Department heads frequently to get a grip on their progress, budgets and goals. The tribe is focused on competent experienced employees no matter their family ties.
Hendricks is laser focused on the Tribe’s financial well being. He continues to challenge the idea of taking high interest loans from Genting. Who does that when the Tribe can receive interest free appropriations? The loyalists don’t know what to do, how to get it done, or get the professionals to help us move past this disastrous situation. Cromwell’s people are eerily silent when they learn of more tens of millions of dollars worth of expenditures on projects never started or completed. They never questioned it or asked why. They just let it all happen… us.
Regardless of the Justice Department’s continued scrutiny, and interviews, Genting is bent on holding us hostage. They are desperate to ensnare us in what will be the biggest scandal in Indian gaming. Just remember that whatever Genting builds on the Taunton land and whatever money generated will go to Genting. We get nothing. That money repays over $700m in debt that Cedric and crew acquired.
We do have options for self sufficiency and a vibrant economy. We have to let leaders lead.
Just understand what we’re up against. Cedric and his loyalists did an excellent job of destroying us. It’s time to get off that struggle bus.