September 29, 2019

Cedric was not alone in selling us out. His Council cronies voted with him on every money transfer and bad deal ever made.
The tribe’s outside auditors had some bad news for the Council. They were not able to complete their audit because of the federal grand jury investigation. The current Treasurer, Gordon Harris, former treasurer Robbie Hendricks and according to our sources Cromwell business partner and former treasurer Mark Harding have all been subpoenaed to appear before a federal grand jury and it has possession of tribal financial records. The auditors do not have access to those documents. And the auditors querries got a donut from the feds
That tricky Gaming Commission. It was a dumping ground for millions of dollars each month. NO ONE EVER KNEW WHAT HAPPENED TO THAT MONEY or How it was spent.
So now the bill comes due. The auditors couldn’t get much intell out of the feds…actually nothing. But they

Yvonne, 30 years a council member never used her education or experience to help. Her silence was lethal as ever. Slithering into her hiding place like an eel.
know about these things. There’s a clause in the financial agreement with the investors that says that if there’s “bad faith” actions (and the auditor put it like this) :
” I’m not saying it happened, but let’s just say someone in the gaming commission took between $100,000 and $1m….then the tribal assets are at risk.”
That means what land we own etc. would go to Genting for payment. A drop in the bucket compared to what we owe them. Cedric and his ouncil Cronies knew about the fine print so why didn’t the tribal attorneys or any of them tell us? Well, they had to keep getting that money…at any cost.
So now we’re in a really bad place. Reel Wamps has to confess that pounding on Cedric Cromwell was not
enough. He didn’t create this horror show alone. He had a lot of help from the Council cronies. A really sorry lot. Jess$e Big Doe and Mark(ie) Poo Harding leading the parade. The ancestors are spinning in their graves. Everything Cedric did came with their vote of approval. Their complicity was tantamount to their participating in the felony murder of the Tribe. Just because you didn’t pull the trigger does not absolve the guilt. You must have proof that you tried to stop the crime. They were cowards all the way. They should be held accountable.
If we know the feds do too.
September 13, 2019
So Cedric Cromwell is once again on the ledge…desperate. And at the Council meeting he presents his cesspool dive.
- Judge Amanda WhiteEagle said she’s not going to give an advisory opinion. Meaning she’s not going to do anything to stop the recall election.
- Cedric orders the elections committee lead by Rita and his do girl Trish, to cancel the recall election
Just like that. He just does whatever he wants. Cedric can’t man up. He just can’t do it. So the committee that was autholrized to oversee the constitutionally mandated recall process was ordered to cancel the election without authority. In fact the Council can’t do that nor can the committee. The committee has no authority to thwart the Tribes right to vote. Jezus! FED alert.
Out of control. Illegal and a violation of the Tribal Constitution.
Into the cesspool we go.
September 11, 2019

David told Cedric he was the “worst chairman in the history of the Tribe. That fact was undisputed.
It stinks. The Sunday meeting was a brawl that revealed that Cedric Cromwell is a truly despised man. Berated and chastised, he continued to lie about his plan to stop the recall election through a tribal court advisory opinion. Crystal Tobey, a member of the recall committee asked that question and in true form Cedric denied his intent and it was on. The tribal members followed the constitution and all procedures to get the recall and now Cedric Cromwell was violating tribal law to suppress that vote.
Well, the tribal members went nuts. Cedric’s nemesis David Pocknett called him out again while describing him a “#*&%#** ass B—- A new demoralizing ID was slapped on — “N-word” from Attleboro.” Humiliating at best. Anyone else would have walked out. Cedric told David to leave….well it went down hill and again, Cedric was escorted to an office. Our guess is he felt safe there.
Today, Rita sent out an email to the tribal council asking the Chairman if he wanted to postpone the recall election? Rita is HR director and the elections committee chair that approved the recall and is now trying to undo the legal process.
So what does Credic do. He puts it on today’s tribal council meeting agenda for consideration. So Cedric’s buying time to :
- Spend the last of the tribal money

Trish is watching her world come to an end. No more getting paid to do nothing.
- Stall his inevitable ouster
- Blatantly violate tribal law.
Of course his election sidekick Trish Keliinui is working hard to preserve her legacy of throwing the 2009 election and handing us a10 year misery index never experienced anywhere in the world. She’s by Cedric’s side to the end. He’s her mentor….ahem.
And, Cedric is back to doing whatever, like he’s invisible. What he does not know is the federal government does not like corrupt elected officials, tribal or not who thwart the election process because its a power grab WITHOUT AUTHORITY. It only confirms his malicious intent for us. His misfeasance and malfeasance.
September 5, 2019
The scandal engulfing the tribal government is apparent by the latest act of desperation by Cedric Cromwell and his council cronies. It seems to be getting worse because a few weeks ago he was begging for forgiveness on Facebook and wanting to explain his behavior for the last decade at the meeting before the recall election on September 15. That was a pretty pitiful move, because of what he’s done to the tribe, is unforgivable. Maybe he was drunk or something but you can see by the Facebook post he was grasping for anything and everything.
But last night it became clear that the final door was closing. The Cape Cod Times was calling for comment and it just didn’t look good at all. CCT had finally confirmed the story we did 2 months ago about the federal grand jury subpoenas of former Treasurer Robbie Hendricks, and current Treasurer Gordon Harris. All this, of course, will piss off tribal members all over again because everything they feared was confirmed a second time. They were scammed by people who were not Mashpee and dashed their hopes of getting rich. Like Reel Wamps has warned for 10 years. Two hundred-seventy tribal members have to show up, on time, an hour before the recall election for the election to happen. After this torpedo of tribal credibility, tribal members should be running to the polls….that’s Cedric’s greatest fear.

Cedric put his phone number on this desperation play, but we decided not too. Figured he had been cussed out enough. But maybe not.
Current, former Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe treasurers subpoenaed
Posted Sep 4, 2019 at 6:29 PM Updated at 6:26 AM
Tribal Council votes to hire lawyers for both in federal grand jury probe

Cedric has used a bipolar strategy of contrition and defiance that has failed. He can’t man up an just walk away.
So at the emergency meeting, knowing he faced hostile tribal members, Cedric
played Russian roulette and plans to file an emergency resolution in the tribal court to stop the recall election. He indicted him self with that move. He’s trying to retroactively kill the recall because he’s run out of options and he’s using a vehicle without credibility. The tribal court is good for nothing and is not used for anything substantial because the tribal government is so corrupt. We can’t even imagine what kind of influence Cedric would exert over the Ho-Chunk Judge Amanda WhiteEagle to get his hands on that last $200K and hold on to power. With nothing left but Middleboro, you can imagine what the next move is? We want to remind Running Bear to expect more incoming. His conflicts of interest with his businesses and the tribe is on the way. We need an emoluments clause to prevent

WhiteEagle in the very ornate tribal court. The pressure on WhiteEagle wil be extraordinary.
the profiteering off the tribe and the office of chairman. And watch for more detail on Cedric’s messy divorce. It’s even messier.
Time to have a talk with Ceddie at the Sunday meeting. Overreach on his part is destroying our opportunity to start over.