August 7, 2024
Trying to get a look the finances or formulate a budget has been a slog. The Child King cancelled last week’s budget meeting, clearly to prevent a big reveal of the bad news he’s been covering up. Of course, Council neophytes are about to discover how badly CK scammed them with big budget promises. Sucking up to CK is not real productive as they will soon find out
So, Councilman Nelson Andrews called the emergency meeting scheduled for this evening to get to the bottom of the financial crisis that has been covered up for 3 years. To no one’s surprise, TAT (Bobby, The Alleged Treasurer) will not be in attendance. You may recall he said that his role as treasurer has nothing to do with finance. Yup.
Interestingly, the Council has moved ahead with new hires of a Tribal Administrator and Human Resource manager. Conspicuously absent from the decision making was CK of course. Always absent never present.
Ironically, this week CK’s at a leadership training conference at Dartmouth.
We’re not kidding.
“When you were made a leader, you weren’t given a crown, you were given the responsibility to bring out the best in others.”
August 3, 2024
The Child King has been on vacation for weeks. This is not news. He’s always on vacation. When he’s here, he purposely runs out the clock in meetings because he’s afraid someone will challenge his disturbing behavior and call him out. As a matter of fact, BP, “Big Perp” aka the Medicine Man Guy Cash was running around trying to get councilmen to bring Farmgate to the table. He was told “That’s your job, you’re the Medicine Man.” Pause,…..he slithers back to his corner. CK thinks he’s dodged the bullet again.

CK’s Cliff Walkers are wobbling on the edge. They actually believed the big lie. Just like Trumpsters.
But his erratic and disturbing behavior has pushed him to the brink of removal again. He’s so awful, pulling the relief valve is viewed as the ultimate prize. His refusal to do anything or to deal with serious issues is compounded by the Tribe’s financial crisis exacerbated by the budget coverup. Add to mess, are the most outrageous budget requests in the history of the MWT. Clearly, they were misguided by CK’s promises of huge sums of money, and they went for it. We won’t mention names, but these people are not the sharpest knives in the draw. Ya lie down with dogs ya come up with fleas …and other things.
Interestingly, CK’s Cliff Walkers, also now known as “Big Money Grips,” find themselves embroiled in a lawsuit that charges them individually for violating the Tribal Constitution. Rather than have a special election and allow tribal members to decide, they voted to seat TBL (Winnie) in Rita Gonsalves’ seat. They knew Winnie had lost two previous elections and couldn’t survive another. So the deal was done… Roxanne, Winnona, David, Nitana, Big Perp and CK broke the tie. And here we are again. More on that and CK the No Show on everything.
Meanwhile Wamp Whistledance has some tea for you…… stay tuned.