The Mashpee 5 & Cohorts refused to make the course correction. So they continue to operate the Tribal government in a Trump like fashion by ignoring the rule of law.
Total Violation: All spending has been in violation of the Constitution because for going on 3 years Treasurer Gordon Harris has not presented a budget nor has the Council or the Tribal members approved any spending plans. That’s the most transparent government inaction by this Council ever and it’s all illegal.
We don’t have a Treasurer or a Chair. Je$$ie Baird is stalling because she doesn’t want to be chair, nor does she want to resign as chair because she wants to screw with Aaron Tobey who would become chair in

Angela is brutally frank to a fault. But she’s honest.
her stead. That foolish Gordon Harris is on sick leave…..he’s sick alright. Mr. Chatterbox ( “Knees Knocking” cause I can’t face anyone) has been spotted riding up and down the road on his very expensive road bike near his Sandwich home, all dressed up like Neal Armstrong… touring! The insult is just too much. Instead of Gordon being a man and stepping aside, he continues his abuse of the Tribe, getting a check and frolicking about without a care in the world. In Gordon’s case, Angela Marcellino would have assumed the role of Treasurer because she came in second to Harris with 222 votes. Angela is no friend of the Cromwell regime and questioned their illegal moves consistently.
The recent acceptance of the $3 million dollar Genting loan and the plans to spend it is yet another of many hundreds of illegal actions taken by the Mashpee Tribal Council that continues to usurp service to the Tribe. This is business as usual in the shadow of Cedric Cromwell
It’s rouge governance at best, like Cedric never left.
Throwing the upcoming election: Well well well, once again the Council didn’t approve a thing, but the election is supposed to be magically moved to Mach 14. The Constitution was violated again to allow mail in ballots/absentee ballots (one in the same). Apparently the election committee is making all the decisions (or violations) and it’s all based on the advice of former elections chair, Rita Lopez. That would be the same former elections chair who cancelled the recall election of disgraced former Tribal Chairman Cedric

Running Bear is definitely running scared. He’s in so deep he’s begging the Council to pay his legal fees. Guess he feels he was acting on our behalf. But clearly the government didn’t agree.
Cromwell. Oh ya, she asked Cedric if that was what he wanted to do don’t forget. If it weren’t so damned embarrassingly corrupt, it would hysterical.
Can you imagine this group trying to conduct a fraud free election with mail in ballots? Ann Marie thinks absentee and mail are different. They are not. I mean really?
But this kind of blatant corruption is what got Cedric indicted in what is an ongoing investigation that includes the scrutiny of the 2017 election.
Now, you might say, who in their right mind would be so stupid or unscrupulous as to draw attention to tribal election activity that IS CURRENTLY UNDER FEDERAL INVESTIGATION BY THE US DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE? Well criminals always get caught because they can’t resist returning to the scene of the crime. In this case, the mail in ballots benefit Doe Little Je$$ie & Cedric’s candidates because they rely heavily on those 1,000 or so Casino Stalkers Je$$ie put on the roll. These are people who were never supposed to be members. They created her own

Jessie continues to lead a shadow government as she tries to revive the dormant Casino Stalkers who once kept her regime in power. They did not show up last election and she only won by 4 votes over Carlton Hendricks, Jr. But who knows? Their elections are so shady.
tribe for a reason. And like everything she does…it’s illegal.They conveniently skipped the step to make mail in ballots legal which requires a 2/3 vote of the Tribe. It’s the core of the Tribe who would make that decision, and the Mashpee 5 and Cohorts are desperate to avoid that. So they’re doing an end run around us. Believe that Paula Peters is behind this, but instead of worrying about her own problems she’s frantic to hold on to power via the Mittark propaganda rag. You see the Casino Stalkers are only people who read the Mittark. We’re paying a lot for propaganda to the bootleg tribal members.
The Constitution was crafted to be very hard to change to avoid this very thing…outsiders who have little to do with the tribe taking over and benefiting from the struggles of the people who remain on the homeland. Why would any Tribal member vote themselves out of the decision making process? Exactly. We lost control because outsiders took over….worse than when the White people outnumbered us and took over the town.

To stay in power, the Council is emulating Trump. It’ crazy and disturbing.
How about conducting a legal election with drive up drop off paper ballots counted by the Elders? Oh wait, we forgot. The Elders have no role in this Tribe under this administration and they’re still looking for the $50,000 that was allocated to them. Where’s it at?
Every time these Council members pull these stunts it makes it harder to be taken seriously and move forward with a positive agenda. They are like Trumpster clones who will do anything to stay in power. They are doing exactly what Trump is trying to do…”find some extra votes.”
Every family should have a role in the future of this Tribe. No family should be branded or held responsible for every bad actor in that family cause we all have a bunch. But we have to stand up for Mashpee as individuals. We can’t look back, only move forward.