Monthly Archives: February 2018

Where is Tah Tah when you need her?

You know during these sad times we need a little brevity. At Reel Wamps we thought of the Mashpee that actually reflected many of our atributes of defiance and humor.  Of course the award winner without denial is Marie Stone, affectionately known as Tah Tah. Her performances have been extraordinary and impacting particularly on our unpopular Chairman who marches around with his talking points from the White Man and desperately seeking relevancy where there is none with a racist regime that will likely be marched out of the White House under heavy security.

This is a good long one so we  will revisit tomorrow along with the crazy budget shennnanagens with your coo coo Treaurer Gordon Harris  who is totally unaware of the Consitution and his job responsibilities.   And the Cape Cod Times missing the real story yet again cause they don’t talk to the INDNS.