“What’s all the hubbub about?” Now it’s about the foolishness involving the latest effort to make it appear that the Land in Trust is going to happen some kinda way. You may know that Hubbub is our thousand year old dice game. It was confusing to the colonist because of the shouting Native players made to intimidate opponents. It was very messy to the White people you know…noise. The dice game was very common and played by all ages. A game of chance with a lot of noise. It was a game. Like the one played by Cedric Cromwell and a very very small group of 10 Congressman (out of 435 that he claims are “bipartisan”) who say they’re going to get our land into trust with a special bill just for us. This has to be done by “consent” which is nearly impossible. Well first of all all 10 members on the bill are from Massachusets or liberal states like California are not in leadership and do not have Senate support in a chaotic body that is not going to do a damned thing before November, let alone pass a bill that defies the Carcieri Supreme Court decision.
But you know what this is about don’t you ? You know don’t ya? The Department of the Interior is not going to render a positive decision on our LIT at the end of the month about a way around the Carcieri decision, because there is none. And the chaos in the Trump administration is almost as bad as what’s going on in the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe. But Cedric like Trump knows the walls are closing in and the money is running out.
So if you think another bill that is dead on arrival in the Congress will bail Cedric out…..you’re nuts.

Shovel Ready had the title but never the respect. And this tribe has been rudderless for 9 long years.
But there has never been a play for the tribe outside of Cedric and the corrupt Council getting paid. They’ve fired everyone they can. and are pushing grant directors out to put themselves in place until the well runs dry.
The Cape Cod Times new reporter apparently didn’t do his research when he did a couple of stories about everyone being fired at the council because he forgot to note that the Council is still getting paid hundreds of thusands of dollars and none of them do a damned thing for it…its called malfeasance and misfeasance.But Cedric still wants to avoid responsiblitity for destroying the Tribe while lining his pockets to sell us out.
When we finally got what we deserved, recognition and an opportunity to lift ourselves up and give our kids something, he singlehandedly sold us out for the title of Chairman and boatloads of money.
There’s more to the horror story. When he and the Council suck up every dime that’s left and there ain’t much we’ll be looking for help from the Congress? The strategy linking us to the Virginia tribe is similar to the lame scam they used before saying we were like the Cowliz…remember them? Yah, take a look. Every effort was to stall and drag things out. We spend millions on crappy lawyers to give us bad advice while Shovel Ready Ceddie kept getting paid and running up the tab.They keep getting paid to do nothing. Great work if you can get it. Apply at the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe.