So tribal members are mad. Really mad. Let’s talk about why and how it could have been avoided ….Let’s just say it is such a dumb move, it should never even been considered. Genting invited, clan mothers (who refused the invitation), Council members, members of the Gaming authority and their guests on a trip to THEIR NEW CASINO in Las Vegas. And the damned fools went ! Now you can figure out who didn’t go.

The Resorts World casino offers gambling in a ” honey combed area of slot machines” the size of two football fields. Even the design looks like our phantom First Light. And they’re out there celebrating when we’ve been robbed.
First, we’re still on the FBI radar…or rather council members are and they’re following in Cedric’s footsteps. Taking gifts that are actually taxable income. Cedric got busted for the same damned thing. They called it bribes. Donald Trump’s enterprise is about to go under for his ” taxable income gifts.”
Now, do ya think they planned to tell the IRS about this trip? Do they think the government wouldn’t find out? Trump and Cromwell had a lot in common…they thought they were invisible to the intelligence agencies. Let’s do an estimate of what this little shindig cost: $1k round trip plane ticket per person, minimum $2k hotel room per couple, another $500 for food, $2K free chips and tokens to gamble, $2k shopping money and accounts in the gift shop…Jesus H Christ! It doesn’t cost Genting much. Genting writes it off but the Council members can’t. This group has always been a cheap date. $8,500 per couple or more. The tax man will figure it out…
Worst of all they were at the casino that was built on the money laundered through our tribe. Remember the hundreds of millions filtered through the Gaming Authority that the auditors said disappeared?…well the cheap dates got a birds eye tour of the CTMWTB….the Casino That the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe Built.
We were supposed to have a fresh start. The Tribe is on the back burner already.