Trish looked good and Nita’s handy work was beautiful. The suede shawl was gorgeous, but instead of turtles on the scalloped hem, there were whale tails. The crown was awesome with the imbedded copper…kinda like a pow wow princess.
When Trish Keliinui was crowned as the clan mother of the Steve Peters family it was an event dominated by outside influences. The relatives who had little to do with the tribe or the family chose Trish. They held a shady election run by the cousins who actually shunned the family for decades.
The whole thing was really strange because it in no way represented a ceremony. They called it a “Raising,” but once again the outsiders had nothing to imitate, because it’s not part of our culture. No circle or lifting up of the contributions of each of the 4 elder women in the family. In fact, one daughter made it her business to constantly denigrate her Aunt Anne in these so called “family meetings” That one has a lotta nerve. Lotta nerve indeed. And clearly a very short memory.
It got stranger and more bizarre as it progressed. There was an MC, and a written program resembling those you get in church titled “Order of Service.” From the podium there was only a tribute to Amelia Bingham and a weird interpretive reading of Robert’s poem. There was a sprinkling of traditional culture with the medicine pouches given to the 3 clan mothers in attendance. Eight were on the program list. Two on that list were not even Wampanoag and the others have never committed to participate on any level. We give the chairman and his uncle credit because the drumming was very good. The round dance (11) was a majority of women who rarely cross the town line and that was evident. Missing was nearly 30 Peters women and girls.
The relevancy of the event was marked by the absence of the Chief, Medicine Man and 8 Council members. Guess they’re just not into it