August 31, 2013
Here are the salaries of paid Council members:
Cedric $125,000
Cheryl $65,000
Jessie $98,000
Robbie $74,000
Trish $60,000
Yvonne $68,000
Marie $68,000
Bobbie $52,000
It all amounts to about $ 50,833.00 a month and about $ 12,000 a week. So you would think that between 8 Council members getting paid salaries like these, they would find a lousy $7,000.00 a month for some pathetic $30 food cards. It would average out to about $200 per Council member. Those making more should pay more obviously, but the fact remains that these people are not representing us, they are blatantly exploiting us, and it just keeps going and going and going. They are horrible.
August 31, 2013
Hi! Remember me? I was Chairman during that triumphant time when all of our, and our ancestors dreams and hard work came to fruition, and Washington had to grudgingly agree that we truly fit all the criteria of an Indian Tribe. Our administration inspired trust and fostered good will from the Towns of Mashpee and Middleborough, to where we were able to sign intergovernmental agreements with both. Our Tribe was on its way to a new era of prosperity, progress, and prestige, but dark clouds loomed on the horizon.
Some individuals within the Tribe, and outside it, for reasons all their own, and that we can only speculate on, decided to derail the progress that we were making. Maybe you can finally see what I’m talking about. They decided to railroad me in order to take over your government, and they succeeded. I made my mistakes and paid for them. Now they are making their mistakes, but you will have to pay for them.
May God help us all, that we may survive the hard times to come, as we always have.
August 27, 2013
The only jobs being advertised are on the grants. Ramona Peters, the historic preservation director needs an assistant apparently to make her deposits. She makes $90K, the assistant makes minimum wage. The same person keeps applying for the assistant job and the Housing Director post and they keep getting rejected. They re-advertise. Some people don’t get the message.
The Fryes are trying to find jobs that aren’t paid for by the investors. That means bum rushing the health department,and anyplace else they can finagle. Trouble is, none of them have an education and are trying to supervise people that have serious medical training. Robin, who knows Indian health, is on leave. Other people have quit or been fired. That’s very frightening. That means Cheryl Frye is in charge….with all her education.
The Council meetings are moved around randomly without notice, so members will not attend. There’s not much to talk about as the money dries up. But the 21% interest on the government building is another terrific legacy that can’t be ignored. Back to pillaging the grants and the jobs that go with them.
But as usual the real scandal is on the Council and there’s no hiding things. The emails about Aaron getting Yvonne’s signature on paperwork to keep foster kids when it was common knowledge that his wife’s record would automatically disqualify them. Now that’s pretty nasty alright.
And and the investors are tapped out. But they keep getting a check.Some get 2.
August 2, 2013

That big time gift is gonzo !
It’s getting close people….the end. The $30 food cards will not be distributed anymore. August is the last month. It’s so absurd. And you had to apply for it like it was a home loan.
There was damned near a riot over the distribution of the fans for the Elders. The Elders also had the opportunity to sign up for air conditioners. But the vast majority of them got fans, and the worst of the summer heat is over. And, the air conditioners only went to certain families. Guess which ones?
Another day in Indian Paradise……just living the life.
August 1, 2013
The Mashpee Wampanoag Costume Ball was a remarkable success. The 4th of July heat wave did not stop loads of non Indians from appearing dressed up like Indians and competing in our contests. Bunches of them. The Narragansett showed up to take the prize money . You know them.The judges were all from other tribes.

Bermudans made prominent despite the fact that we had no connection to them
Most of our people stayed away or came to see if this Costume Ball was worse than last year and it was. One Elder walked around saying ” This is awful awful.” But we have allowed it. We have allowed it for $58 m worth of Tobey Terror and guess what ? Nobody feels sorry for us. If they can trick you…well…..
Twenty or so of our people in Grand Entry…the children enjoying themselves and a ridiculous spectacle on the whole. The attendance was low because the price was too high for admission to an event with fake Indians participating in the contests.
The fireball was a hot mess because Bruzzy was clueless. No explanation of the game.Course he didn’t know where the hell he was! That was pretty outrageous.
Can’t wait to get that report explaining how they spent $120,000. We could fund a Pantry for 120 weeks, but that’s too much like right ain’t it?
Oh to be a Mashpee Wampanoag… wonderful.