Monthly Archives: April 2024
When the petulant child is in charge things go bad wrong
It’s starting to get a little crazy. But it’s no surprise that the guy that does the least claims credit for doing the most. So, following the path of least resistance, the easiest thing to do is to list the things Brian has done. And that would be zero. None the less, he claims credit for tribal benefits he had nothing to do with …ever. Of course, he’s campaigning early. Ahem. But, it’s like a Hail Mary play by a guy who doesn’t understand that acts of desperation never work.

It takes more than skipping around the circle to lead a Tribe. But apparently, we have a chairman who is leading us into crisis once again.
The most ridiculous is claiming credit for the $15 million given to us in the American Rescue Plan Act that included COVID and stimulus money that was AUTOMATIC to every tribe without request. You will recall that as duo citizens, we received another check from both the Tribe and the US government. He had nothing to do with either.
Then the Child King took credit for the land into trust. That is such a good thing but a painful journey for us. It took 15 additional years to conclude. Thankfully it’s over now. A slog bogged down by the incompetence of the Cromwell Administration. Brian was a loyalist, along with his uncle David, Cedric’s most obedient servant.
He does not fight for the Tribe like a leader. He does not attend meetings that are critical to our financial future or advance long-term strategies. He will go out of his way to undermine other council members who are working on important projects and brining in millions by spreading rumors and gossip depending on his mood. He uses his position as chairman to threaten and harass tribal members. He claims his life has been threatened 3 times. So, Tribal police waste time running around “investigating his nonsense” instead of doing their job! Ridiculous.
Another great example of propaganda is content in the newsletter which is now a PR tool. He credited all his cronies for reworking the wind farm deal. This included his uncle Magpie, an even Bobby Foster like it was a team effort. Magpie, who was the lead on the project was so busy lecturing the federal officials on our relationship with the earth, he was clueless that we were getting screwed on the annual payments. Again, it took Nelson Andrews to raise the issue. That got us the millions of dollars we deserve instead of a pittance. Andrews bears the brunt of CK’s wrath. While the grant wizard is oblivious, everyone inside and outside the council know it. Brian even whines about being in Reel Wamps. Well, he should do his job. He and his minions work hard to divert attention from his abysmal record. They are actively circulating rumors that attack any council member bringing in revenues.
Shoring up the Clan Mothers
So Sunday, CK shows up at the Peters family meeting where there was a discussion about issues surrounding the designation of a clan mother. About 15 members (out of over 60) from the Steve Peters line were there. Missing were 70+ descendants from Charlie “Todd” Peters (Joe, Hazel, Freddie “Sip”) Marion Peters Hendricks – Margie Hendricks Frye (Ca, Donna, Bonnie, Yvonne, Joanne, Buzzy, Ellen), Pete Peters (Gordon, Eddie), and Federick Peters (Putnam, Pauline, Everett). We stopped counting and still left a lot of people out. It looked like Brian was there representing Katurah but was justifying clan mothers based on the adoption of competition dances from other tribes. Ok, ah… Other tribal families have shown no interest in clan mothers. The good thing was that the family members really enjoyed the discussion and gathering and will do more.
Trouble is, CK immerses himself in other people’s business instead of handling his own. Like the finance department debacle. The combined annual salaries of that department are $500,000.00. The Comptroller, a Greendeer hire, makes $150K a year and the man can’t complete the 2022, 2023 audits. That interferes with our ability to secure grants. We haven’t had a budget since 2021 and there’s a reason for that. Any close scrutiny will reveal a horror story. Horror upon horror. That’s why we don’t have a budget.
And the Child King is worried about clan mothers
Even his travel buddy Bobby Foster, denies any affiliation with his finance department. Recently, he told a

When Repo Man became the treasurer by default, you could hear the groans all over town. We have been paying his child support bill for a long long time. At least his kids are getting something.
Tribal member that he is not responsible for the “no account” crew. He’s the treasurer. His responsibilities are spelled out in the Constitution! But you have to remember we’re talking about a guy who relied on a forged GED to get every job he’s ever had with the Tribe. Amazing….. He does absolutely nothing but talk foolishness all day long.
He empowers his buddies like Winona who is not only in finance (without a degree) but is also the liaison to the Public Safety Council…Tribal Police. Right. Confidentially is not her strong suit. As a matter of fact, we don’t know what her strong suit is. Get this, she also has oversight of the Mittark….Winona. No further comment necessary.
He just can’t do it
So at the Sunday Meeting, Shelly Pocknett asked David Weeden, the Historic Preservation Officer (wink wink) why the Meeting house security cameras weren’t up and running. He mumbled around and then blamed it on the vendor being unable to get the ” historic ” poles they are supposed to attached to. So she asked why he didn’t get a deadline, challenge the contractor or look for another one etc. Well whatever the answer it wasn’t the right one. Another example of paying someone who makes no attempt to do the work on something so important to us.