The Tribe will finally gets to talk about the 3 federal Grand Jury subpoenas tomorrow in an outdoor meeting at the Tribal Council. Bring your own chairs and masks. Hand sanitizer will be provided and you will have to socially distance.

Jessie Jones, Jessie Jones, still shady. Still playing the victim. Still without the credibility she desperately wants. Still loyal to the embattled Cedric. The Tribe be damned. Initiator of our worst scandal.
This third effort to hold the emergency meeting finally broke through. Jessie Jones , known as Jessie ” Little Doe” Baird, Jessie Baird, Je$$ie Baird, Messy Jessie (and a host of aliases) lead the coverup to thwart transparency despite 16 months of stories in Reel Wamps and mainstream media. Tribal members had to read about it here or in the newspapers. Carlton Hendricks, Jr, Brian Weeden, Aaron Tobey, and Rita Gonsalves mustered the votes to hold tomorrows meeting.
Believe it or not, there are tribal members who do not understand the seriousness or don’t believe the federal investigation into the whereabouts of $600 million is real. It’s real alright and we have to say that you would be hard pressed to find any federally recognized tribe that has squandered or laundered so much money in plain sight no less!
No one wants to admit that they have been scammed, but this is a horrible sequence to the 32 year struggle for recognition. We all know who lead this abuse of power and exploitation of our fledgling tribe. Cedric Cromwell, Jessie Jones, Mark Harding, Yvonne Frye Avant, Gordon Harris, Mark Tilden, Rebecca, Lou Catarina, and you know the others feeding at the troth .
Here’s the thrust of the subpoena inquiries:
July 2, 2019- Financial officers past and present– Robbie Hendricks, Gordon Harris, Mark Harding subpoenaed along with hard copies and electronic financial records.
August 2020 — Cedric Cromwell defined as the “target” of the investigation and the “Tribe as the VICTIM.” The subpoena focus is on Cedric’s election, and Jessie’s infamous loading of the voter rolls. And of course the US Attorney wants the Council minutes. Good luck on that. We don’t have minutes now, and for upwards of 5-6 years there is no record of what the Council did. Course we have discussed that repeatedly. Try to get access to the minutes…it’s your constitutional right. Nothing to see there.
September 2020 – All contracts signed by Cedric from the infamous Gaming Authority. This is the place where really bad stuff happened. Cedric’s longtime assistant Lou Catarina is also targeted. Catarina is thought to have had a major role in bringing vendors to the table who gouged the Tribe with huge monthly bills with no deliverables.
Catarina really was the Tribal Chairman.
Cedric, a Fidelity tech employee had no professional relationship with lawyers or business executives of any sort. He was a fake and a fraud. He was easy prey for Lou.
Yvonne has a problem also. As the Authority secretary, she is responsible for handing over authority minutes. Those pesky minutes. The Council authorized her to bill the tribe $30 an hour for 130 hours ($3,900.00) to pull the minutes files. Really?
How about you go to the Gaming Authority Minutes file and pull everything. Why does she need to be paid twice for doing her job? Or do the minutes files even exist?
The other issues up for discussion::
- Two years of spending without budgets authorized by the Tribe.
- Only $3 million spent of the $9 million in COVID revenue has been spent. Where are those $700 checks?
Also remember, that Cedric tried to cancel this meeting, like he did his recall election. People say Cedric loyalist are afraid of what he has on them.. Please. Certain Council members are just as responsible as Cedric for the the demise of this Tribe. If they think the government doesn’t know about what they’ve done….they better ask somebody….Cause Cedric can’t tell the government anything they don’t know.
That’s right David Weeden. Mr. Complicit You do that little HAPPY DANCE for the White people as a member of the Mashpee Board of Selectmen and the STOMP DANCE on the Tribe. Jesus David, you want facts? Ask the US Attorney….you damned fool.