The Genting front man Kevin Jones was pitching a pep talk to the Council the other day….telling them what a great job they were doing….” you got land into trust,” he says….. clearly the kid is not paying attention…so what about our old nemesis Land in Trust ?
It’s like this. There are some people in Taunton and Middleboro who say the BIA cannot take our land into trust because it does not have the authority to do it according to the 2009 US Supreme Court decision. So they are suing the BIA. That trial beginning July 11. And they have a lot of evidence from the BIA’s previous rejections of our claims that we were under federal jurisdiction before 1934 (which the Supreme Court says is mandatory). Okay that’s the big problem.
The remedy to that problem is finally getting some traction in the Congress. The FIX legislation is moving through the Congress nicely. Trouble is it doesn’t address tribes like us who filed for a NEW land into trust in Taunton after 2009. Here’s what the article said on
The amendment instead ensures that tribal land-into-trust acquisitions between June 18, 1934, and February 24, 2009, cannot be challenged in court. It does not address any applications going forward or any approvals since the Supreme Court issued its disastrous ruling more than seven years ago.

Shawn is flanked by Nellie and Cheryl’s daughter Brayln. Anne Peters is behind him along with Eleanor Peters Thaxton.We were all set until Shovel Ready unraveled the deal.
Reel Wamps has another revelation that will make your head spin around. If our land in trust application filed for Mashpee and Middleboro were not abandoned by Shovel Ready Ceddie and Mark Harding, we would have a casino by now. And no debt! How do you like that? Our application was actually filed before Feb 24, 2009. On August 30, 2007, Chairman Shawn Hendricks held a press conference to announce that he was headed to Nashville to hand deliver the land into trust application paperwork for Mashpee and Middlboro. So there you are. It was estimated that it would take 18 months to process…even if it took longer, we were under the wire, had viable investors and signed agreements with them and the towns. The investors would build and finance the casino in Middleboro at 6% interest. The original investors were a large group of honorable small business people who were also partnered with Sol and Len, prominent South African gaming industry moguls.
Despite the fact that Cheryl Frye (Cromwell) and Cedric as council members were part of

These two have done more damage to us than imaginable. It is as though we are the enemy
everything going on, neither Ceddie or Vice Chairman Aaron Tobey knew how serious the Supreme Court decision was when they came into power in February 2009. Aaron actually told someone that he thought that ” land in trust came with recognition.” They were moronic and too busy undoing all the positive work done on behalf of the Tribe, firing Elders and acting like the outsiders that they are, to actually do anything. They allowed the application to languish and then abandoned it pursuing a Don Quixote mission that landed us in majestic Taunton. So when the investors refused to pay their salaries anymore, Mark Harding found the scandalous Native predatory lenders better know as Genting. And Genting is not giving up the cash now either for Asino project. So here we are in a ditch so deep no one will throw us a rope.
Well no rope cause as we told you, Bank of America left us in the ditch because they couldn’t shop the deal to anyone because WE HAVE NO ASSETS and we pay Genting millions in pre-funded interest which is way too shady for the big bank. That fact was confirmed by the attorneys. Next action by the brain trust…..Cedric and Robbie are actually going to try to solicit investors……ahem. If Bank of America can’t do it, how can they? Watch for shady deals and huge interest rates.
More financial negligence….they plan to sell the Taunton land to the Mashpee Gaming Authority for a dollar and mortgage it because again the Tribal casino is a mirage and a very bad risk. They need money. Nobody’s buying in. They already sold off parcels of the Middleboro land instead of using it, Cedric wasted time looking for land making a fool of us all over the state ending up picking the worst location in the world and paying 20 x’s its worth. We woulda been better off taking the pots and kettles.

Bro needs to worry about Genting’s financial decline and all those damned lies he told the Mass Gaming Commission
Clearing the land and knocking down an old warehouse costs thousands and there’s nothing going on because Genting is not giving it up. The construction is not funded.
So the Taunton/Middleboro people don’t need an injunction because Cedric doesn’t have the money to build the damned thing !
So Kevin needs to chill with the propaganda.