This is a painful post. It’s one no one ever had the nerve to do. But we will.

Tall Oak is a Narragansett on the famed 500 Nations book.
That was before everyone had roll numbers. Why Mr. Weeden? Why?
A few days before Thanksgiving, CNN did this story about the Wampanoag and the misconceptions about the real Thanksgiving. You can almost mouth the words. Well, the worst part was waking up at 7:30 am to Cedric Cromwell in his phony Indian dialect trying to get sympathy for us. Pathetic misinformation.
Well, the pain of that soon transitioned to Tall Oak. Tall Oak, who many of us grew up thinking, was the consummate Indian, when in fact, he is not. In the story, Tall Oak is said to be an Aquinnah Wampanoag. Bet that’s news to the Aquinnah. For years we were told Tall Oak was a dreaded Narragansett. He is none of the above. He was in fact tribe shopping as the eastern nations were being recognized Tall Oak was unable to get on any roll because he was not Native American.
What Tall Oak is, is an advocate for Indians, not and INDIAN advocate.See for yourself. Of course, Cedric said nothing. Tall Oak is a tireless worker. But he is not an Indian.