
The Cape Cod Times basically rewrote the Regan press release and never checked the viability of the bill. We said it was a fluke before the CCT wrote the story.
Okay. Shovel Ready Ceddie has pretty good luck with getting his phony press releases into the 24 hour news cycle. All this effort (by the Regan PR firm at $15K a month) is the result of lame strategies to make it appear as though land in trust is just over the horizon and the casino is still a possibility. All false and fake news. Recently, the Cape Cod Times was duped and published a front page story claiming that the congressional bill was going to save us from the numbskulls who have scamed us into oblivion.
So Cromwell continues to try to justify his paycheck with fake news. And let’s not forget the hefty salaries paid to the council members to keep them voting the right way. Remember Hendricks and Dias don’t get a pay check. The salaried council members just authorize direct deposit. And that’s all they do. Our media review comes with a sidebar.We have to say, it’s very likely that the CCT is working on a bigger investigative story about tribal council salaries and the salaries (and the contracts) of all the lawyers and consultants.And there’s a good possibility that the CCT has all that information, sort of like Special Counsel Robert Mueller, and is trying to figure out what the hell Cedric and the consultants did with nearly $450 million. Ya. Won’t that be a damn fine revelation? Yes sireeeeeeeeeee.

So the Enterprise did a story that told the truth. While the Tribe suffers, Cedric and the Council keeps getting paid. Its time to get beyond the embarrassment of be scammed. It really is.
Well the little paper that mimics The New York Time style very nicely, confirmed what we said in our May 20 post. The ME said that the congressional legislation in the House and the Senate had not had a committee hearing in the House or Senate and published the salaries of the council, that we talked about. Appaarently he got a copy of the slick budget with no content. They also made mention of the fact that there was no previous budget to compare to. Confirmation confirmation confirmation. We have a huge problem, but Ceddie has a bigger problem. No money to pay people off. No base vote to keep him propped up. Either the money runs out or the Tribe gets rid of him. He’s running things on a slim magin of support. 2 votes is not enough to stop a people who have nothing to show for $450m in debt and the humiliation of being tricked by a guy who went to Roxbury Community College.
And the CCT has something up it’s sleave. Let’s see if Regan can defend the indefensible after making over a $1million off us over 6 years.