Shovel Ready in front of the US Capitol in Nov. 2018. What is the point of this photo? More importantly who are those people behind him. Apparently no Mashpee wanted to be in the photo. Great optics for making our case Trish.
Not a single tribal member is surprised by the paid council members vote to restore Cedric Cromwell to his “Big Pimpin’ ” status. After all, Genting told him to or they would not send the tribe the last million dollars. Shovel Ready Ceddie gave everyone their marching orders and they are all set to keep raping the tribe until there is nothing left to assault. Spineless.
You know who they are. They are a small group of unqualified candidates who will let Shovel Ready Ceddie do whatever he wants with Mark Harding,Paula Peters and Trish Kelliinui (very bad at spinning and writing talking points. Anne Marie’s quotes were ridiculous conspiracy theories when everyone knows the damned fools were outed for gross incompetence in the Cape Cod Times, Reel Wamps, the Mashpee Enterprise and any media outlet paying attention) …..and they keep saying the world is out to get them. Bad audits, loose checks left in draws with signature stamps, random budget without year to year comparisons. By the way,a tribal member did not leak anything to the CCT. In the story they noted that it was a freedom of information request. For God’s sake, you can smell the stench of corruption before you hit the building. They have destroyed the tribe in plain sight all for money.
There are other legitimate candidates running who are worthy of your vote, and you know who they are. Make that choice. Backward or forward. As long as Cedric has his pawns in place we will never be able to start over and work toward a shared goal. So think about who will work for you not against you. They will spend that money on their salaries and keep lying about it.
At this point, Cedric can’t face decent people or elected officials now that his administration has been exposed. He’s lied about his professional credentials, education, the casino and his personal life confirms that he’s an absolute loser who can’t run a lemonade stand. All the clap trap he used to talk doesn’t work on anyone but Winnie who says “The casino dream is still alive!” cause Cedric told her that. We don’t even have anyone lobbying for us in the Congress anymore. What does that say about House Resolution 312?
By the way a resolution is not a bill. Tricked ya again….Oh ya Joanne Frye… It’s HR 312 not HR 123, going

Two sisters running. Joanne threw the 2009 election and Yvonne is gunning for a half century of self service to the Tribe.
SRC is still winning though. He punishing us for finding out who he is. It is not over and he knows it. He’s not invisible, neither are his cronies.
But tribal members feel the full weight of shame brought on by the Cromwell administration and Crystal Maddox states it plainly. We should never give up.

Don’t judge whole tribe by the actions of a few
I know the community has this idea of who the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe is, because of what people read in the paper. But that is individuals, not all of us as a whole. Those individuals do not represent who we are.
What the majority of us are is strong, loving, traditional, hardworking people who just want what our ancestors wanted. We want our children to be able to live on the land where their people come from. We want to be able to freely fish and hunt in the oceans/rivers and woods our ancestors did. We want to practice our traditions without interruption. We want to house our homeless and feed our hungry. Most important, we want our land back!
What we are not is greedy, self-indulgent, power hungry, or money hungry people. Never have been! Never will be! This tribe never had money and did just fine. We were not rich financially, but we were rich in every other way.
Do not lump this entire tribe in with the actions of a few. They do not represent who we are, and they do not speak for us. We speak for ourselves!
Finally, no matter how dim our future may seem to others, Mashpee will shine!
Crystal Maddox