A record number of Mashpee were on the Tribal Council zoom meeting last night. So were some of Reel Wamps’ contributors.

Herrin’ and Roe say Da Magpie needs to stop talking and recapture the grants needed to run his program and pay his $70,000 salary.
Herrin’ ” That was quite meeting last night. What they call a “mixed bag” of activity.
Roe ” I should say so. It went on forever. Da Magpie, probably hurt his nephew, the chairman more than helped on that Executive Order business.
Herrin’ “ Da Magpie?”
Roe ” Ya David Weeden is a Magpie… a talkin’ ass bird that never stops. It mimics sounds, even barking dogs. Da Magpie is notorious for talking nonsense all the time, in circles, running out the clock. You can see Council members nodding off on the zoom. Nap time.”
Herrin’ ” Wow, so he’s an expert on Executive Orders? Reads ’em all the time he says. Reads the ones by President Biden and such. Oh Yeah. And he says that his nephew has the same authority as President Biden, Damn right!”

Da Magpie’s politics on the Board of Selectmen and the Tribal Council are not benefiting the town or the Tribe. His quest for relevancy is not in our best interest.
Roe ” You know the whole Tribe was up in arms at the thought of taking voting power from

Ramona Peters’ grew the Tribe’s historic preservation program in to a success story with a
$500k annual budget. When Magpie took over a few years ago, everything went south.
the Council and handing it over to his nephew through some Executive Order. But no, Da Magpie kept on and on about how the White people do it and other governments do it. That our Constitution is ” awful.” Like our laws aren’t real. Indian law. Too hell with the Constitution then?”
Herrin’ ” Well, the Council members pushed back with the answer. Executive Orders don’t exist in the Tribal Constitution.
They voted to revoke the Executive Order by a 6-1 vote. That was a relief.”
Quahog Pie: ” Uncle Herrin’ isn’t Councilman Da Magpie in charge of historic preservation? Is that why he kept talking? To keep us from tearing down that old torn up building?
To stop the construction of the fish market? Cause he couldn’t prove that the old building was a historic building like he was supposed to? And then turned around an told the Vice Chairman that he had to prove it was not a historic building even though the Vice Chairman already did? Is that why he talked for 15 minutes about getting an inspector to go in and do all that research which will cost thousands of dollars and delay the project another 3 months, when he already knows it has no historic relevancy to the Tribe?
Herrin’ ” That’s it.”
Quahog Pie ” So does Councilman Da Magpie get paid to stop projects?”
Roe: ‘ Boy, we don’t know what he gets paid to do or why. What we do know is his $70,000 salary comes out of the federal money from the American Rescue Plan meant for Tribal members. He spent down hundreds of thousands of dollars in the historic preservation grant and never restored it to run the program or pay his salary.”
Weetamoo: ” Well then, he’s about self-preservation, right?

The world has changed since Weetamoo’s time, But Winnie’s lack of decency is a abnormal to her and even modern day Wamps.
Herrin’: ” Probably. Da Magpie’s spotty career path was started by his pal Cedric Cromwell. But a few years before that he was running up

Winnie & Da Magpie, fierce Cromwell loyalists failed to denounce the corrupt regime. Winnie refused to face the reality of loosing badly to Hendricks for VC and the recent Council re-elect. campaign. She needs to get help.
and down a hotel hallway trying to put all the White people out screaming, ” Get out Get out. This is our land.” That was during the King Phillips Ball. Magpie’s mouth got us in so much trouble. Because of him, the Tribal events at Cape hotels have been banned. That shut us down for years.”
Roe: “He’s such an Indian. Using it when it’s convenient. You would never know it judging by how he praises the town and punks us. And now he’s Chairman of the Mashpee Board of Selectman after raising hell and playing the race card. He likes to play Indian, but he don’t wanna be Indian.”
Weetamoo: ” I want to know about the Winnie person who was attacking the Vice Chairman at the meeting. Is there something wrong with her? She was screaming and yelling, cursing, and lying about all kinds of things. I hear it’s a regular occurrence. Is that how Mashpee Wampanoag women act these days?
Herrin’ “ No it is not. But people are tired of Winnie’s madness. Every time she sees the Vice Chairman she looses it. If there’s a microphone around she really goes berserk. She’s banned from the Elders, the farm and she’s headed for serious trouble with the Council. She would not shut up. Took foreva to mute her. The chairman threatened to shut down the meeting, she still didn’t stop attacking. She was kinda hard to understand at one point. Just spitting and babbling.”
Roe: ” Consider it a blessing.”

The complaints about Greendeer and his potential legal problems have not stopped him from obsessing on all the wrong things. He has produced nothing but scandal.
Minnie Ah Ha “ I need to know about what I saw earlier this week. I
walked into the government center and in the rotunda, all the department directors were standing in a circle around the TA. What’s his name Cujo?
Herrin’ ” Not really it’s David Greendeer. The guy is a mess.
Minnie Ah Ha ” I should say so. He had them standing in this meeting for nearly an hour. Elders, a pregnant woman standing as he prayed for 15 minutes. He talked a lot of nonsense for most the time before he asked what was on their calendars for next week.
Roe “Puttin’ on quite a show for all to see. He was trying to chat Natalie up the other day. That had ta be comical. But his actions speak louder than silly words.. Maybe if he showed up a did some work instead of chasing all the women in the Tribe he wouldn’t be in so much trouble.”
Minnie Ah Ha “Oh my. How do you know this?”
Herrin’ ” The man’s prolific, brazen. Women complain about him openly and loud…in the building, out of the building. The dude knows no boundaries.”
Minnie Ah Ha ” But he has legal issues pending right? I just don’t understand.”
Roe ” Don’t worry. He’ll understand soon enough.