We’re at the point where a bowl of Cheerios looks damned good.
You ever get that feeling that there’s gotta be a better way? Like when you walk into to the Government Center and, there’s nothing but strangers and boogie men you don’t recognize. Can’t even recognize them by family. Like invaders. And the Pow Wow was a pretty miserable display of foreign occupation and non-Indians dressed up in costumes…….with the exception of the children and their parents. Once again most of the real Mashpee stayed home.
We need scanners that actually detect the real Mashpee, the good Mashpee, the scandal free Mashpee, and members of the 1001 that brought us recognition. Instead we’re left with buzzards walking the halls of the echo chamber looking for handouts. ” Nothin’ left bird, nothing left.”
So now, the incompetent greedy tribal govenrnment is on the verge of collapse. The Chairman, Cedric and

Cedric ” Running Bear”…….
Yup. No more invisible cloak.
his PR crew Winnie and Peter Pan, is trying to dispell the prospect of the Feds making those moves when he knows that he made it so easy for them. In Plain sight. Plain Sight. Like a true neophyite , he thought he was invisible. And as a sovereign government, he thought he could do whatever. Ya okay.
Let’s be honest. The Feds can walk onto any reservation through a 1/4 inch slit and do just about anything. Why do you think Uncle Sam has to take our “LAND INTO TRUST ?” (And Ceddie Lou screwed that up). This is federal government land. Just so you know, all tribes are camping on their own land. The reality is painful. By the way moving the LIT court case to Washington DC sounds like friendly worthwhile territory, but does not resolve the fact that the Congress has to pass a law to get around the Supreme Court decision. Ahem. Where is that legislation by the way?

Poor Robbie, not paying attention.
But no tribe will experience the kind of devastation we will face, resulting from

Treasurer Gordon Harris received another new name. “Guy with Knees Knocking”
Cedric Cromwell’s ineptitude and web of lies. He surrounded himself with incompetent consultants unethical staff, overbilling law firms and lazy greedy council shills who were/are clueless about the most basic elements of good government and the law. He made them think they were invisible too. But Cedric isn’t sleeping too well and here’s why.
- Question Weakest Links– Financial Officers and staff
- Seeking Answers– Mysterious Gaming Commission, Potential money laundering, kickbacks, tax evasion, overbilling, gouging grants, and housing fraud
- Results Lots of flipping noises, finger pointing and deal cutting anxiety
- The Wide Net Effect catches all fish and biggest fishes of all
- Remember–Tell the truth cause they have all the answers…the bank statements, phoney companies and everything else

New name for Winne that we can talk about publicly. ” The Wacky Hacker”
Oh yah Cedric, will you please tell your scary mouth piece Winnie to stop talking about hacking this website. She said YOU could not get the IP address to do it. Boy she’s a rocket scientist. She said it in front of several witnesses. Jezusssss does she not know that hacking is a federal offense? I bet you know don’t cha Cedric? You need new friends man,really.