The weakest links are being pried off the chain. A second tribal financial officer got bad news today and there may be others in the finance department who have already come in voluntarily to validate statements before August 8. And, the sycophants’ of Cedric’s tribal council, loyal to the end, agreed to pay tens of thousands of dollars for the legal fees of these weak links who are bound to tell all to save themselves anyway.

That’s a tough one. Lawyers can only help when you come out and are indicted. Then, cutting a deal is a high priority.
And once again tribal members are on the back end of Cedric’s crap. The council

A slave to the Plymouth Plantation cash cow, Paula could never get the Tribe to give her the credibility she desperately wanted. Now, it just gets worse.
should remove him immediately. Cromwell and his cronies have dragged us down at a steady clip. His public and private partner Mark Harding has remained at the center of the storm as has Harding’s partner Paula Peters who maybe suprised at how sticky this whole thing is about to get for her. Her craving for attention and power in the Tribe could be realized at quite a price.
It is a sad sad place we find ourselves at. We did talk about all the signs for years. And here we are. Ten years of no progress, $500 m in debt to Genting and accomplishments that are the result of the federal government.
The true Mashpee will get back up and move forward. Lesson learned we hope.