It’s hard to imagine what Cedric was thinking during his trial because there just wasn’t a bright spot to be found. For someone who pleaded not guilty and was convicted on 6 of 8 counts, he either got some bad advice or thought he could get away with some really bad actions.
Now some of his crew tried to be evasive, like Trish and Bobby Foster. They served on the Gaming Authority where at least $650 million was funneled to Genting vendors, lawyers, consultants, architects, builders and every non-tribal member you could imagine.
They were clearly watching too much Law and Order because they (Trish and Bobby) kept saying, ” I don’t recall.” and it was all in the FBI record. Stupid. Bobby’s complicity is beyond reproach. And Dino, Bobby’s cut buddy was so awful, we can’t talk about it here. Well, Robbie Hendricks told the truth. Whatever contract Cedric wanted he got, no questions asked.

They called themselves Partners in Progress. On the gravy train. But, in the end, they abandoned Cedric. A Black man who attends Mashpee Baptist Church had to give him a ride to federal court in Boston.
Cedric had one character witness…Dan Neuy who served on the Gaming Authority, a cop no less insisted that he be paid. He showed up but the defense never called him. What does that tell you?
And yes, Trish ushered Cedric in with her cousin Paula Peters in the beginning with the 2009 election where non-tribal

Once again Bobby, the guy with a forged GED, is at the center of the storm with stupid dog tricks and a big salary. Yup. And a player in a federal criminal trial.
members voted and Bobby Foster was the caretaker of disheveled ballots that could not be validated and mysteriously disappeared. Incredible. The BIA was begged to help 3 times. Tribal Elders took Cedric to court. They kept on. Winnie Johnson was easily the most prolific Cedric cheerleader even after the indictments. The shrewd Yvonne, never out of power went along for the ride for 12 years. Finally, she resigned from the Gaming Authority as secretary after the FBI called her in asking for the minutes. Ahem.
Paula and Trish launched a regime that destroyed the Mashpee Wampanoag and a family legacy of Tribal progress for their own self-aggrandizement. A few of the Steve Peters family try to ignore this degradation of the influential family but it is a disgusting reality. It was initiated by a very few. But their actions impacted many Mashpee in a bad way.

“Hap” Peters was beloved for initiating progress while preserving our unique culture. His children kept that tradition but some of the grandchildren chose the corrupting influence of power over the Tribe.
They are just as guilty as those Reel Wamps has criticized repeatedly for over a decade because they failed their ancestors by joining the corrupt regime.
There is not a damned thing about a Mashpee family that we don’t know…if we’re Real Mashpee. But quiet is kept, we hold it close because it is still us against them.
So think about where you think we should go from here.
What the future looks like for you and your family. You have a right to a good quality of life.
Sometimes we go deep here about our problems. But it’s better to know than not know when someone aiming to hatchet you in the back.