You really have to wonder when CK’s misfeasance is going to stop. His moral compass is broken for sure, but so is his spine. Take the swastika incident. The hate crime occurred in September. Donald J. Myers,

Gina Marcellino took this picture and reported it to the Mashpee police. The FBI was also involved. The chairman is so self-absorbed he won’t even call out the attacks on our civil rights and our right to exist peacefully on our ancestral land. Pathetic.
the 18-year-old son of the School Committee Chairman Donald Myers was charged with vandalism for spray painting the hate speech symbol on the building that houses the Native Land Conservancy and the Wompanaak Language Reclamation Project. He pleaded not guilty and was released on his own recognizance. Fast forward to this week’s joint meeting between the Tribal Council and the Mashpee School Committee. CK’s on the school committee and during this meeting the so-called chairman said nothing, as usual. No indignation about the hate speech, the detrimental impact on our children let alone that it’s alleged culprit is the school committee chair’s son. Like it’s ok. The Child King is insufferable. Myer’s court appearance is Nov 20. Doubtful that the Child King will ask Tribal members to show up and have a presence in that courtroom? Why should he? Protecting our interests is just not his thing.
Uncovering the coverups is important right now, because we have a chairman who’s obsessed with distracting from his mismanagement of the government and tribal law violations. He’s helped by the sycophants protecting him in a cover up scheme. They’re still pulling the wool over our eyes.
Enter Sycophant #1 MWT Police Chief Kevin Frye; Kevin’s

In 2018, Kevin gets the MPD Distinguished Service Award. We couldn’t find out why being that a few years earlier he was demoted from detective to officer. Now on two payrolls his service to the Tribe is anything but distinguished.
dereliction of duty is striking. He failed to file a report on the farm insurrection incident that he witnessed by his own officers. The Child King lived up to his name forcing his way past the police that night, leading hundreds of partiers and non-tribal members on to the Tribal land. The Child King’s gang cursed Kevin and did everything but spit in his face and moon him. And he did what they told him to do, “Get the F— outta here.” That happened 4 months ago and Kevin, true to his reputation, didn’t do a damn thing. No police report, no investigation just dereliction of duty. We know the reason for the Cover up. Because the investigation or report would constitute a violation of CK’s probation a little more that 35 days away from ending.
Enter Sycophants #2,#3,#4, Lovely Winnona (aka “Little Genius”), Forked Tongue, (Comptroller John Larsen), and TAT (The Alleged Treasurer- Bobby) This crew right here is so incompetent, if we fined them for every screw up, we could fund a budget to run the tribal government no sweat. Where do we start?

Little Genius is the Child King’s only friend. They spend all day, every day together. When they’re not screwing with people in the government center, they trying to undermine those who can anticipate their every move …because they telegraph it all over town! It’s the best comedy ever. Stay tuned to hear more on those ” laser focused” strategies.
Lovely Winnona, Confidant to CK, as loyal as she is stupid. We don’t say that to be unkind, but who in the hell tries to get a hold of the officers’ signature stamps without their authorization? Ya, and she works in finance! Trying to stamp signatures on unauthorized checks and blame specific officers? Or how about absurd excuses for incomplete audits and other reoccurring finance failures. As CK’s “do” girl, Little Genius spends her time stirring up gossip, rumors and political nonsense that a wouldn’t come out of the mouth of a 12-year-old. Little Genius is also liaison to the Mittark and the police department….exactly. Her cover up role is larger than we will discuss here. It will come out soon.
OMG! It’s Forked Tongue! This guy’s hair should catch on fire every time he’s called a comptroller cause his impersonation is awful. He hasn’t delivered a budget in two years and can’t produce one. He blames everything on his staff that he describes as incompetent. Really? They’re still there, and he’s still working with them, or something. When the budget issue was bubbling hot, he took a long vacation. We thought he was using up his vacation time before he got fired. Ahem. Where can he do nothing, cover up wrongdoing and get paid $150K a year in the bargain? Jeeez. The question Larsen will soon have to answer is, what did you know and when did you know it?
Now TAT…..this dude is resilient if nothing else. But Bobby is played out. He’s tried to abdicate his

During better days Bobby thought he was a playa. Playa, playa! Looking “clean!” Now he’s trying to bribe the Elders with $15K from “investors” saying, “They’ll vote for me now.” Yah, he really believes that.
responsibility as Treasurer (CK gave him the job illegally without an election, just like Winnie) with so many wacked out excuses for the nonexistent budget. It’s not funny anymore. He’s contemplating his future prospects with the Tribe. They are nonexistent and those child support payments loom large. He’s probably not on the roster of candidates the Fryebal Council is trying to broker to save their jobs this election cycle. Rumor has it that the Frye’s are trying to revive Cedric as their champion. Boy, that reeks of desperation.
They’re kind of like locus. They swarm in, devour everything then disappear only to return at another inopportune time.

Robin’s management of the homeless shelter is coming into question now. She has yet to find some competent help. Wonder why?
Robin Stamps resigned as chair of the Elections Committee. Needless to say, there were no protests. Bombastic, erratic and difficult to work with, she’s also unfamiliar with the basics of election procedures and makes things up. She manhandled volunteers and caused chaos at every turn. During one election she was supposed to conduct a candidates’ forum. She threw in with Paula Peters (who stole the 2009 election) and the forum was a mumble jumbling mess. Now she’s running around slandering people as usual while contemplating a run for office. Weird strategy. That’s part of the package with Ole Robin. It’s a lot.