Cedric’s Council will be forever remembered as the lemmings who destroyed the Tribe. A sorry lot who kept taking a check until the coffers ran dry. That’s not the Wampanoag way.
The Sunday Tribal Meeting was filled with vitriol that went on and on because the Tribal Council members refused to stop taking a paycheck from the dwindling revenue in tribal coffers. More importantly, during the meeting, Tribal members voted overwhelmingly to fire the council basically. But, when when it came time for the council to confirm that mandate…… only 3 members: Calton Hendricks, Jr., Robert Dias,(both unpaid) and Yvonne Frye Avant who would not fully raise her hand, voted the wishes of the tribal members. Clearly the only reason Yvonne fully extended her arm was because she knew the mandate would fail. The tribal council would keep getting a check…hundreds of thousands of dollars to a bunch of people who never come to work and get a check exceeding $1.5 -3.5K a week.
What lead up to this was the audacity of the council plan to fire viable employees as opposed to sacrificing their checks for the Tribe. Of course, certain council members ran out of the meeting leaving Cedric to defend the planned firing of 2 employees at the oyster farm. That would be Corey Hendricks who said: ” I had to find out on Reel Wamps that I was going to be fired in a few days.” Course Corey has a degree and knows what the hell he is doing. Cedric’s too busy protecting people like the Deaconess, no degree, no job description just a lot of cheap talk. Anyhow the other oyster farmer fired up the “Only Paid Medicine Man in America” Guy Ca$h for taking a check. Course Guy said, ” I came to visit you in prison.” The member said, “Ya, but when my mother died you were no where to be found.” Phew!
.Before we get to that we have to go back to the the start of the meeting when Shovel Ready Ceddie and David Pocknett had one of their verbal brawls. Pocknett has been a constant critic of Cromwell for his lack of tradition and financial impropriety. Pocknett fired off a scathing rebuke saying, ” Glenn Marshall did more for the Tribe than you will ever do.” Cromwell said, ” That’s your opinion.” Pocknett said, ” No,

Pocknett, the former Council VP was constantly intervening in Cromwells violent outbursts against tribal women and elders who didn’t support him. Every challenge Pocknett made to ” take it outside” Cromwell cowered.
that’s a fact.” Cedric’s flim-flam running thin and temperatures running high, the beleaguered Ceddie said they would re-evaluate who would be fired. So pathetic. After 10 years of corruption and nearly a half a billion in debt, not a million dollars left or set aside to take care of the tribal bills even.
More about the Monday meeting later….but you probably already know what happened.