Jessie has a long record of insurrection and conjuring that has undermined tribal culture. It began with the shunning of her own family members.
When Cedric made Jessie enrollment director, in a matter of months, she put about 1,200 people on the Tribal roll at least 80% were from the RED BOX because they did not meet the requirements for membership. Those numbers literally created another Tribe who did not know her background or anything about the Mashpee Wampanoag. They were labeled “casino stalkers.” Shortly thereafter, with the help of the CS she became Vice Chair and wrecked havoc with our Land in Trust, and every aspect of our being. Now, her Tribe is no longer active because the casino (that she screwed up) is not eminent, so they lost interest. An irony not lost on us.
Thursday Jessie submitted another letter of resignation or something. No one can really figure it out. You know Jessie…very slippery. But she’s been busy spreading lies about the upcoming election. Like everything she inserts herself into..it becomes a cesspool. She doesn’t like the way things are going.
The Tribe is unified and is doing a lot of self healing. Members are talking about how they feel and what they want to happen. That’s how it works. Meanwhile Jessie does not want her rule to end.
Tribal members have had some productive conversations this week on the first zoom meeting Monday attended by Nearly 100 members. They brought serious concerns to the table. A big problem was resolved when the Council agreed to rescind the emergency election ordinance ending vote by mail.
DARLENE IS THE HERO ! “Come on cuz …!” Can’t we we just do this..together. And she suggested getting rid of the emergency ordinance. What a relief to tribal members who were suspicious of the election committee and the mail in ballot that was in place. Darlene’s a member of the embattled election committee, but the Mashpee broke through and common sense won.
Apparently Jessie was not happy with that decision. After all she is responsible for being part of the crew dragging us down to our lowest point. Now she can’t decide whether to walk away or keep on draggin’. There will be an emergency meeting to determine whether she keeps her Jack-in-the Box status…torturing the Tribe.
The advisory opinion from the court said that Jessie and Gordon Harris could not just quit when their terms were up Feb 14. They have to work until the next election which is now May 16. But why should they follow the rules?
They never show up to meetings. Only when they want to undermine progress.Gordon doesn’t show up at all…he’s totally random, doesn’t work, got that hazardous duty pay, signed the checks for all those VERY QUESTIONABLE thousands and thousands of dollars to certain staff, triggering another subpoena. And, Gordon just can’t produce the 3 years of budget reports cause he never drafted them. They just kept spending and spending Genting money.
AND HE REFUSES TO PAY the $800 to Tribal fishermen. So he says they have to start the paperwork all over again. Okay, so Carlton Hendricks, Jr is running down these men and women over the bridge, Cape wide and in shelters getting signatures so they can get paid the money they desperately need. And, of course the arrogant resentful Gordon gets a $10k a month check and never comes to work. He won’t face tribal members. How can he? The Sandwich Man.

David has a lot going on. We can only hope he can find his way back.

Kimmie is gaining on David.It’s about his loyalty to Cedric. Another candidate is losing the “Big Mo” too!
Zoom, David tries to deny his long standing support of Cedric and the firm whose primary partner is indicted in the corruption scandal involving our former chairman. David brought David Green and that company to the table. He also pushed hard to ignore federal laws governing the hiring and subcontracting of Native American contractors. David is bleeding votes to Kimmie like crazy. All he had to do do was say he was wrong. He originally said he wasn’t seeking re-election but jumped back in. Clearly at the urging of Paula and Trish. David needs to think about what’s good for him right now.
You know it’s a shame we have so many of our own elected officials disregarding what’s best for us. And they really get angry when their schemes and attempts to cover up are revealed.
As Reel Wamps has said..we don’t need to worry about outside suppression, we’re under siege by internal forces, Gordon, Jessie, Cedric and crew.