We were the last ethnic group given the right to vote in our own country. Let’s not forget what happens when the core of the tribe loses political control to greedy unqualified interlopers. We’ve suffered for 12 years
The election committee will tell us Monday how they plan to conduct the election May 16. It looks like the drive through drop off on election day: Elders vote 8:30 – 10:30, everyone else votes until 4:30. And same day registration. There’s a lot of oversight that has to worked out to satisfy Tribal members. The main thing is to ensure no one votes twice or stuffs the ballot box. Certain people were fighting hard for the vote by mail to cheat plain and simple. There was also someone offering deafening silence on the mail in ballot and damned near every thing blowing up all around us.
But it’s pretty basic security and validation of membership/registration beyond the health safety issues that are far less stringent than nationwide in November 2020 at the height of the pandemic .
Having eyes on every aspect of this election is the only thing that will satisfy the Tribe. It means paper ballots and a manual count by hand. The committee is talking about doing both but you have to ask why? Electronic voting machines are used for elections with thousands of voters. We have 600-700 voters. Why are we spending $4,000 – $5,000 to use the town machine when there will be a manual count anyway? Not necessary. Have monitors who represent candidates as monitors.
Anyway let’s hope the Council approves what you want to determine who governs us. And remember The Justice Department is already investigating our last 2 elections ( 2013 & 2017). We have to get this one right. Going back to the old way just might do the trick.