Monthly Archives: March 2025

Trashy behavior —lawsuits and malfeasance rule Weeden regime

The Interim Comptroller felt threatened by Treasurer Fenton Soliz so she called 911 after being fired by the Tribal Chairman.  The Comptroller saw too much, and she knew too much. Soliz is incapable of composing an email properly let alone decipher a spread sheet. He is unable to do his job, clearly. She found gross errors amounting to nearly $2m dollars in over payments (that she recovered) and the most horrific is $500 k in payments to Collective Strategies for the 2022 audits (2023 still incomplete). The IC could have gotten it done for $40 k. We can’t reveal all the horrors here.  You would be overwhelmed.

So the Wall Street Wizard, angry with the Interim Comptroller, blamed her for all the problems she revealed in finance. The man is just stupid. Angry with her discoveries and recommendations, he went to the Child King and demanded he fire the IC.  CK did it. But the Tribal Counci didn’t vote on it.  So apparently, we have devolved into a monarchy or autocracy….take your pick. But the treasurer and the chairman are engaged in malfeasance because they have acted without the authority of the Council. Unfortunately, this is becoming common practice with this crew.  That drags the Council right into the illegality.

We have no Tribal Administrator, no Comptroller, no Human Relations Director, and no Housing Director. No professional management. When the Tribal Administrator was fired she was subjected to a horrific diatribe by newly elected Vice Chairwoman Winnie who went off screeching and spiting all over the poor woman. That’s your Vice Chair.  And the others sat there and watched and later joined in berating the poor woman. Word is the chairman wants Winnie to be the liaison to the Elders. That’s a reach for sure.

Talia is supposed to be the liaison to the Youth Council again. That’s not exactly what the kids want. You know why….

Despite the so-called travel ban implemented recently by CK, he sent his tight girl Winnie to DC to represent us at some conference.  Hopefully she wasn’t spitting on people there…but who knows…Oh Talia was with her.  Ahem. This was a junket.  It was not a mission to bring money into tribal coffers.

We just keep paying people that cannot come up with a single plan to generate projects that will bring in money or create jobs. They just keep paying themselves. None of the people elected can help you do a damned thing.

And it looks like they are getting us back into big debt via the same sleazy people. More soon.