So Winnie is on one of her rampages. This time she’s trying to get a restraining order against David Pocknett. Now you know how she is. But this time is exceptional. Here’s why. You may have heard that after June’s service there was the situation over the drum. It’s David’s drum…he founded the group, that’s to be respected. Sitting around that drum is sacred. Well, David and another tribal man had words about that…back and forth. It got a little heated but as the two calmed down and came to terms…. here she comes injecting herself where she is not allowed. The drum and anything pertaining to it is the domain of male tribal members in any Tribe. So she was told to ” mind her %^#!!# business.” Only Winnie would violate tradition so brazenly and have the nerve to try to get a restraining order. He needs a restraining order against her! Winnie has quite a record. She beat a woman up who was six months pregnant and did time for it. She’s attacked other women in the Tribe and now she’s violating traditional norms. And she wants a restraining order. Let’s see what the judge says Monday in Falmouth .
Is that what a Vice Chair does? Is that why we’re paying her $85K (that we don’t have)? To Keep mess going? At Robert Tobey Jr’s Celebration of Life, she ran on for so long a family member had to go to the podium and tell her to stop talking and sit down. Just a lot.
More about Canal Street’s new assistant (wink, wink)…Is the homeless shelter reboot on the way? The money shell game and more, stay tuned!