Nellie Hicks is laughing at us now….because she can see everything. She can see what the “no accounts” are doing. Yes she can. She can confirm what she thought was going on from the heavens above and she can see what’s in her “newspaper”…. Reel Wamps, before it’s published. And she knows now who’s writing it and how much they love her.
Our Elder super sleuth is touring all around her beloved Mashpee (driving way too fast)with her childhood friends, her sisters, her mother Mrs Stella and yes, she’s bemoaning the death of the tribe and yes, we mourn hers.
Nellie Hicks was the matriarch of the Hicks family. She was a hard worker, and a good one. She was an accountant and the Treasurer under the previous administration and proudly so. Nellie was loyal. That’s a Hicks trait. “Solid.” The Hicks clan always backed the political leaders who brought progress to the tribe. It made sense. And Nellie was on the front line.
She let her instincts lead the way. She loved Glenn Marshal and

Glenn did everything right, What he did wrong in the eyes of the government, he paid for. But as one Tribal Elder said, ” He set everything up, and these guys just walked in,” and destroyed everything Mashpee.
was part of the that team. The team that brought recognition to the 1001, who could not believe it finally happened. And now many see the importance of what Glenn Marshall did and how leadership is not part of the current governance equation under the Wicked Wamp 9. Nellie knew that and attended every meeting alone and watched every move. Long as it didn’t interfere with her weekly hair appointment, she was there. She saw the misbehavior at Dino’s and the bartenders complained to her about the council members indiscretions. She told what was going on and she spoke up.
Nellie had a dry sense of humor and irascible when she wanted to be. ‘Hell, I’m old…I don’t kaaaya !” she said. Damned right girl !
Nellie’s legacy is a reflection of her good deeds and her search for the truth Everyone can’t say they carry Nellie’s Club. They just can’t. Cause if they did, we wouldn’t be in this God awful mess.
We love and miss you Nellie.Throw that war club down here.