Guy Cash posing as a medicine man in this strange getup at the Meetinghouse in 2009. He always had trouble identifying like his best buddy SRC.
The illusive Guy Cash, fraudulently known as the Tribal Medicine Man is now officially a paid council member. The Wicked Wamp 8 will now become 9 with the addition of the man nobody knows or sees.
This is yet another abomination perpetrated by the council that would rather line their pockets than care for our people in need. Cash’s salary of $68k would go a long way toward helping our tribal families. But tribal secretary Marie “Tah Tah” Stone insisted on hiring Cash. The irony is that among Tah Tah’s many bizarre Facebook posts is her campaign motto, ” I support helping the needy. I oppose subsidizing the greedy.” The troubled Tah Tah is the only person believing that sound bite. Unfortunately, the most memorable thing she ever did was tripping Cedric Cromwell and cussing him out in front of God and everyone.
Opponents argued that paying the MM would upend the sanctity of tradition, which is based on a calling to minister and comfort tribal members.The medicine man also keeps the council apprised of the health and welfare of the tribe.Ha! Cash has been a political pawn of Shovel Ready Ceddie from day one. He would show up at council meetings to vote or to make a quorum. Now he’s going to get paid to do it.
Cash was invisible during the many crisis we have experienced especially of late. In a matter of months, 5 tribal members died of drug overdoses and other horrible circumstances. Guy Cash never darkened the doors of grieving families.
Certainly Guy Cash has issues of his own. He is hard pressed to explain the behavior
of his son (who lived with him) and was a administrator on the gaming authority when he was arrested for possessing bags of heroine in a body cavity. It’s funny but pitiful when you think about it. Mostly though, it’s very very telling. And really disturbing stuff. .