So the Council meeting was a full agenda. A major move forward is the plan to

It’s bad enough that New Seabury was built on what we considered our land, but to name it after one of our heroes is beyond ironic.
establish a living tribal village designed to present a true picture of how we lived 400 years ago. The grant for $175K will launch the project that could be located near the farm. Talia Landry and Councilman Nelson Andrews are spearheading the effort. The idea of presenting our traditions and heritage to the world as we see it has been discussed for over a decade. Now it’s coming to fruition.

The copyright of our mystical hero Maushop tells you the value and limits of ownership of branding (Maushop Village) and intellectual property.
There’s one potential problem. Naming it Maushop Village might not work because New Seabury probably has the development copyright named after our mythical hero. Which brings us to the language copyright controversy. There was a joint meeting between the town and Tribal Elders over a project honoring Tribal veterans. The group wanted to use the Wampanoag language to inscribe a message on a plaque. The town representative said they had to check with Jessie Baird to get permission. Right. To avoid copyright infringement is what it’s called. So Jessie owns the copyright to our language that is thousands of years old? What do you think? So did Jessie write our language and copyright it?
Okay, to be clear, copyright means you own the intellectual property that you created.

Jessie has used the Tribe to get millions of dollars in language grants while her cousin Cedric was Chairman. We may never know what went on. Are the Weedens far behind?
People, corporations, governments copyright music, books, logos, brands, but languages…no. Jessie is scamming again circulating misinformation because people really don’t know how that works. She has never told us where she got her undergraduate degree, so she could not acquire a masters, and she lied about having a doctorate.
Jessie is still working to get back into the tribal structure anyway she can. She had the nerve to try to get on the enrollment committee. Ahem. That didn’t work. She made it on to the pow wow committee. All in all she earned a new name of “Little Red Box.” Her legacy of adding hundreds of people to the roll from the Red Box. Ask her about the Red Box.
More on what constitution revision really means. You will be shocked. It’s coming your way.