Cedric Cromwell and his cohorts had quite a learning experience last night. Tribal members took them to the shed. Yes, they went “Mashpee on ’em.” alright. It was not pretty. All of it could have been avoided if Cedric was a true leader and did something for the people. Something. Instead he paid selected Council members
and bought their loyalty. Forget the Tribe. With council member in tow, well, he does whatever he wants and rewards who he wants like Councilwoman Winnie Johnson. She owes the Tribe thousands of
dollars and yet Cedric granted her “housing assistance” recently. The problem is. No one knows what favors Cedric’s handing out to his pals, but we know it’s a lot.
The Tribe is paying for Cedric and his business partner Mark Harding to represent the Mashpee at the National Council of American Indians. Thaaaats right. How much business do you think they’re doing for the Tribe? Why are we paying for either of them?
Another example. Ramona Peters leaves her position and David Weeden is handed her six figure job as head of Tribal Historic Preservation? Ramona has expertise, David has no expertise in the field. None. No formal education…ah….. Someone with expertise should have replaced Peters, instead of a political pawn. David was reminded last night of his blind loyalty to Cedric when he whispered his
“no” vote to the executive session and voted “yes” at the last minute. David Pocknett gave him some choice words privately of what he thought of him and told him that every time he sees him, he’s going to remind him of his new brand… “L—–F——B—-.”
Another Weeden, the youngest council member Brian, was dressed down pretty thoroughly by elder Pauline Peters. She told the otherwise chatty Weeden that he needed to talk less, listen and stop discussing things he knows nothing about. Peters also said he does not have the education or experience to critique anything. Weeden reminds everyone that he was the highest vote-getter in the February election, but tribal members were predicting a sharp drop off in support because of his adoration of Cromwell and his unpopular vidictive attacks against
anyone who challenges him.

Je$$ie, some people just aren’t cut out to be public servants. Stop listening to Cedric. He’s making a fool of you. Take your hustle and move on.
Je$$ie was chastised by her aunt for continuing to sit on the council when she submitted her resignation in writing. A written resignation is final and cannot be rescinded according to the Tribal constitution. Je$$ie has put all council actions in legal jeopardy since her January resignation. Tribal members see it as another example of the council just doing what it pleases defying the rule of Tribal law.
Treasurer Gordon Harris took quite a lambasting. Coward was just one of a long list of uncomplimentary names he was hit with. As we said, for 2 hours, he never looked up
Anne Marie was demoralized by one of her closest friends and relative for not standing up for the Tribe and falling in with Cedric. The emotions ran very high because the administration never discusses anything with Tribal members and has provided nothing to them for the $500m debt. Cromwell does not have a single friend among Tribal members, only the council members he’s bought.
The expulsion hearings for council members Aaron Tobey and Rita Gonsalves is scheduled for Thursday and Friday. It could likely result in a replay of the Tuesday night lesson on ” who’s the boss.”