Mass Gaming wants a resort casino that makes money not a slot dump.
It’s hard to keep up….but we’re going to take a stab at it
First, the Tribe hosted the Massachusetts Gaming Commission. It was a courtesy meeting clearly because the Tribe has so many problems and is incapable of meeting the state compact or the Indian Gaming Commission requirements. So the state is forced to look elsewhere for a viable gaming entity because what Cedric Cromwell rolled out was totally unacceptable. The state had to be courteous. What the mainstream media describes as a
“hard sell” by Shovel Ready Ceddie, seemed disjointed and meaningless. Genting is literally a predatory lender for Native Tribes….at least the Pequots and Seneca members got paid for a while. Us…it’s turkey and ham while Fryes reap the benefits of salaries (with no education) they would never earn on the outside. It’s a joke.
What was presented was a ragity itty bitty slot dump essentially with parking lot…in majestic Taunton. The Brockton casino competitors, who profer the safe bet is issuing them a casino license, say the lawsuit makes Ceddie’s Asino a huge risk. So true, but much more is at stake and the MGC knows the deal with Ceddie is a no go….. we’ll get to that later.

Mashpee cop and tribal secuirty Kevin Frye, SRC, and Guy Cash SRC cousin, the alleged medicine man pray at the meeting. Guy’s tribal ministry is summed up by his recent demand for $68K a year. “Mr Absent” also looks like he’s goin’ bowling or something. Tribal members are resigned to being without a MM …he’s never ever around and he’s pretty weird.
Back to the embarrassing babble at this meeting.The Genting presenter ( who was very young and all over the place) was actually bragging about their history with the Pequots and Senecas who have horror stories concerning sky high interest rates and gangster moves. Newspaper stories recount the Chinese bursting into a Seneca tribal council meetings brandishing guns demanding payments. Unlike Shovel Ready Ceddie, the Senecas said no deal. SRC is on the payroll and he could care less about some casino. Or taking care of constituents.
This so called ” First Light Casino” has had $25m in architectural re-dos over the

Whatever the slot dump will look like, it won’t even come close to this. just a building and a parking lot…no hotel.
last 5 years. What corporate executive would allow that kind of expenditure on a casino that will barley materialize? That was the beginning and the most obvious part of the laundering scam.
But let’s look at the big picture. Everyone is in this game for the money. The state wants all it can get and so does Shovel Ready Ceddie.
Here’s the difference. The MGC is cutting the best deal for of he people of the Commonwealth. SRC, on the other hand has

The Gaming Commission was probably praying for us in a big way.
never, delivered for “The Tribe.” There is no pay for the tribal members because the Asino will go in the hole some $25 – $45 million a year for 10 -11 years. Why would the state be a part of a scam and the likelihood of the BIA Land in Trust decision being overturned (because it didn’t follow the US Supreme Court criteria to take the action)? The Tribe is not in the picture at all because there’s no payment for the membership. There’s no profit for anyone but Genting and the state makes the interest on whatever the No Light Asino scrounges up from the poor devils who catch the bus to play the slots in majestic Taunton. The “Phase” is for a place that is half the size of Twin Rivers with landscaping that amounts to a parking lot. Nothing like the spandangle in those phony pictures. For some reason they never show you all these “Phases.” Clearly Phases are not defined as a resort casino in the compact. And the sovereignty route is still incomplete with the IGC.
So we’re right back to the bull—- of who wants to be bothered with it? Clearly the banks and other financiers are not interested. So Genting is in to recoup something, anything. After all, we have no economic development strategy because it’s about SRC.
If SRC puts up an ice cream parlor on the over priced property…why would he care? The guy who don’t get no respect is pulling down about $20K a month based on our information from the fiance department. As long as Genting keeps fronting Cedric’s salary, why would he care? Genting has it’s own washing machine..
Again rambling insults and bad humor before the Mass Gaming Commission was nothing more that Shovel Ready’s bipolar issues on display. The audience was beleaguered council members and their Fryebal Council relatives. Council employees, who were on paid vacation to applaud on que.The tribal Indians were no were around. And the Commission didn’t seem real interested in the presentation anyway. It was clear that Jessie ( who stopped in the middle of her bizarre history lesson about the Wampanoag people) realized nobody was listening and abruptly sat down. It was like being in a tribal meeting when someone tells her to ” stop lyin’ and sit down.”
The real story is hidden away from the Commission because if they saw the real financials and the huge losses the casino will take over a ten year period they would be astounded. It is a crime for sure.
So Shovel Ready finally lives up to his namesake 7 years later.
This bogus casino, if it ever materializes, is a payday for SRC. More to come people.