Council Meeting

The Old Indian Church Cemetery is the resting place for ancestors who deserve better. Rosalie Newcomb is right.
Since the Mittark continues to be very selective about what they print…we thought we would talk about some Council activity that people actually care about….since few people read the Mittark anyway.
Everyone complains about the bad activity going on at the cemetery. Rosalie Newcomb is always reminding Council about what goes on over there in plain sight. Thank you Rosalie.
Her points:
- People are over there partying and drinking.
- The trash and liquor bottles are everywhere.
- Bobby Foster is in charge and he’s been on vacation twice since he got the job.
- Camera’s and security are needed.
- The whole thing is a disgrace to the ancestors.
All true Rosalie.
So she was told there would be a follow up with the Tribal Administrator. Ahem…
Ok so the Tribal Administrator is someone nobody sees. The last time he actually took action was a couple of months ago

“The Floater” —Bobby’s wherever he wants to be whenever. A true Mashpee Wampanoag “Phenom.”
when he said that employees could take 2 hours off a day and fish. And that didn’t include the lunch hour either. That little faux pas was quashed within hours by a council member….. as she laughed all the way back to her office. No one could figure out what the hell he was thinking because it was so outrageous. As for reigning in the notorious Repo Man (AKA Bobby Foster) that could be tough since he’s been spotted touring Mashpee in a new ride…a Jaguar. Boby’s trifling ways are part of his incredible legacy….he’s held every job at the Council and never hit a lick.
The Code of Conduct should be implemented in a month.
The language program will be brought under the Tribe which has been long awaited. There is a $276K deficit because of a lapsed grant. The Tribe will pay the bill and be reimbursed when the grant is restored.
Champion builders should complete the second phase of the housing project in 140 days. The company gets high marks for quality work but the Tribe is still negotiating to secure the bonding. Right now there is a 10% hold back of funds as opposed to a bond.

Rita is a talented professional. We’re lucky she’s on the Council and leading IHS.
Council Member Recognition
On May 18th Council members Rita Pocknett and Nelson Andrews received the Unsung Heroes

Nelson brings us national recognition. Positive press is good.
Award from the Mashpee Chamber of Commerce. Needless to say, that’s a good thing. Both council members hold important posts in the Tribal government that play important roles in maintaining good quality of life in our community. Our Indian Health Services department provides excellent service to tribal members and is a constant source of innovation and administrative efficiency that benefits the Tribe thanks to Rita. Nelson’s management and expansion of tribal Emergency Management is recognized and cited in Indian Country as an example of a well-run program. He’s called upon to present as an expert on tribal emergency management for FEMA and NCAI. Nelson constantly seeks out revenue sources and grants to self fund his department. He recently brought more distinction to Tribe when the MWT was the only Native Nation participating in the AmeriCorps/CDC initiative that will recruit, train, and develop future physicians, nurses, social workers, and other professionals in the public health sphere.
Good stuff to have our leaders recognized locally and nationally. We need to say thanks too.

Lots going on….. don’t miss it!