Ben from the Todd and Weld law firm told the Tribal Council that the feds subpoenaed all the tribal financial records. The first bad sign was that the law firm charged a $100k retainer to dance with the federal government. That’s the retainer. That’s comparable to defending somebody with a murder charge with 5 eyewitnesses. We can only imagine the hourly rate. How about $750 – $1k. Who knows.
Here’s one of the dumb questions from our esteemed council. ” Do we have to give them the files? Haven’t they overstepped? We’re a sovereign nation.” Response: “I wouldn’t go that far.” Translation: No, you’re going to give them the files alright. The council may try to stall for time to get everything together. The feds will find whatever they’re looking for to be sure.
So the Feds want all the Tribe’s financial records by Tuesday, June 23. The teeth grinding could be heard on Zoom. So Ben’s attempt to cheer the
council up was his grand announcement that “The Tribe is not the target.” Well of course not. The Tribe consists of 2600 Wampanoag who has absolutely absolutely no idea what happened to $600 million loaned to us at 27% by Genting. But guess who does? The guy who signs all the paperwork for the money transfers, contracts, orders etc., etc. Cedric Cromwell. This is not a good thing for old Running Bear. He can’t possibly remember every switcheroo, sleight of hand, bad deal or shady deal he made. But it’s all in the financial records. We remember a couple, like paying $3m non-refundable) for land already owned by the state. Overpaying millions of dollars for land no one would buy in Taunton. But there’s so much more we don’t know. But we do know a lot of stuff was illegal.
The brilliant Jessie Baird surmised that the Feds were retaliating because ” the tribe kicked their ass in court.” Ever the loyal toady for Cedric, Jessie’s dreaming if she thinks the FBI is retaliating for the court ruling. Besides, that ruling was not the victory Cedric touted.

Judge Friedman knew the consequences of ruling in favor of the Tribe. He tossed it to the DOI. The DOI is not likely to reverse itself.
We told you that the Judge was sympathetic and was trying to find a way to keep our land in trust. Very admiral indeed. But it was a stretch. Because legally he couldn’t do it because he would be overturned. Judges don’t like or want to be overturned. It is the worst stain they can have on their record.
So when the judge sent it back to the BIA as we said he might do, Cedic misleads everyone by calling it a ” victory” for the Tribe. Not so. It’s another delay on the same issue with no new evidence that our land should be in trust. Complying with the US Supreme Court is still the booger. So once again the DOI / BIA has to show through some suggested M reference by the judge how to justify keeping the land in trust.
Cedric’s misinformation campaign is ongoing. Ole Running Bear is back in his Trump playbook. The judge sent the case back to Interior. He’s counting on the agency writing a positive decision. Why would they?
In the Cape Cod Times, he said, “Let’s say they write it’s positive, and it’s a positive record of decision, then we’re done. It’s over. That’s a success,”
And if they don’t, which is very likely, then what? The land could be removed from the trust. More legal wrangling buying Cedric more time. Here’s the rub. The federal investigation is ongoing as we have seen with the subpoenas today and two weeks ago, another tribal member was called to appear before the Grand Jury.
Cedric thinks he’s going to be saved when we get a new president. Well, in that instance the FBI agents don’t change. The investigation goes on. The Grand Jury has been very busy and if there were nothing going on…they would have shut down long ago. Working this long means they could come out with indictments. And when Cedric’s record was researched, the corruption and abuse of power erupt. One campaign official said after reading several Cape Cod Times articles, ” Wait a minute, how can he cancel his own recall election?” The response was, he knew he would be thrown out of office. He does whatever he wants. “What do they mean they’re illegally spending tribal funds without authorization?” He does whatever he wants because he answeres to Genting was the answer. ” How does he explain the expenditure of $600 million? Is that why all the treasurers were subpoenaed?” Probably more people were subpoenaed, was the answer. “Wow. not exactly a stand up guy.” was the response.
Yes! More Covid-19 money. Over $7m with a lot of strings attached. Ceddie hired an accounting firm for $200k to explain the federal guidelines and restrictions. That’s pretty comical considering how he’s allowed cash grabs on all the grants since he’s been in office. Ironically they really don’t know what to do with the money. They but they knew enough to give themselves time and a half hazardous duty pay raises…that is Cedric, Ann Marie, and Gordon. Jesus. That’s for going into the council building. They just can’t get enough money. Ironically they were having trouble trying to figure out how to spend the COVID money. God forbid they do something for the tribal members. We’re still paying for all the bad decisions, misappropriations and incompetence… $300K in a week and millions more going into someone’s pocket. What did we do to deserve these clowns?