The inseparable cousins, Jesse and Cedric were self serving and vengeful refusing to do anything benefiting the many needs of the Tribe.
Let’s evaluate the status of the Tribal government. The Chairman Cedric Cromwell faces 7 indictments and a potential prison term of 100 years. Jessie Baird, the sidekick Vice Chairman is the philandering grifter who occasionally leads (always the wrong way) abdicating responsibility as much as she can. Ann Marie Askew is well…Ann Marie. Being the only Mashpee officer (Secretary) she actually thinks that abstaining clears her wrongdoing. Of course it does not. She continues to betray the Tribe and siding with those in power for a check. Then there is Treasurer Gordon Harris, abandoned his post and has failed to provide a budget for 3 years straight. It is a gross violation of his duties and an open and shut case of misfeasance.
This is what happens with officers in charge who are incapable of doing their job.
These outsiders would never have such crucial leadership roles in any tribal government or otherwise. The ones who have the most authority are the worst as we see now. They are unfit, just like Trump and everyone he appointed. But they currently have power. People gravitate to power and political power is all encompassing, again as we have experienced. But now as the power wanes they all have amnesia about those bad votes for Cedric and Jessie that undermined our future. It doesn’t go away. It’s a haunting and corrupt legacy.
On the second Sunday in February 2021, we are supposed to hold an annual meeting to approve a budget (each year). We have not followed this constitutional mandate for 3 years. Here’s the guts of it.
Article VI, Section I – Tribal Council
To prepare and present an annual balanced budget of Tribal operations to the Tribal body and in the event the budget is approved by a majority of the registered voters present and voting in the annual meeting of the Tribe, to allocate the funds called for by said budget.
So these numbskulls have been in blatant violation of the Constitution by taking over $23 million from Genting and spending it (on God knows what) without our knowledge or authorization…for 3 years. So David Weeden does the Mashpee Board of Selectmen operate like you guys? Didn’t think so. You need to stay focused on your own longhouse and stop listening to Paula Peters lame efforts at distraction. You guys are like a cartoon designed to scare the hell outta people.
The Election
So they’re in so deep, not only are they violating Tribal law by failing to meet all the election requirements and deadlines they’re paying lawyers again without authorization under law.. The election is also held during the annual meeting February 14. So they took $30,000 from the newest unauthorized loan from Genting, and paid (unauthorized) an outside law firm to get around more that 10 election violations. Again we asked what does tribal attorney Rebecca do? She didn’t want her fingerprints on this latest in the continuing saga of wrongdoing. So this law firm had to get around all the screw ups and the effort to have mail in ballots on and unauthorized date of March 14.The firm wants the council to approve election emergency measures Monday. It’s unclear how that’s done.

Once proud, the humiliation continues though actions by remaining members of the Cromwell regime. The continuing federal investigation doesn’t seem to bother them.
Ironically, today’s Sunday meeting is the deadline for candidates to turn in their paperwork for certification to run. It gives candidates about a month to campaign. The packets with candidate requirements and number of signatures etc were supposed to go out in mid December. So they want to have mail in ballots without deadlines, cut off dates, impartial counters, oversight, recount options, validation of signatures and all the procedures to ensure a safe, secure and viable election? They still have a conflicted-out election committee short of required members. Once again they don’t want to take corrective action but want to endorse this illegal act and potential disaster. So the “law firm” tosses it to the infamous do nothing Tribal Court asking for an ADVISORY OPINION. But wait, this happened before. Cedric asked the court to render an “ADVISORY OPINION” to stop his recall election. The court refused to get involved in any way. He told the elections chair at that time to ” call it off.” Besides ADVISORY OPINIONS MEAN NOTHING LEGALLY. Rebecca and those lawyers know that. They’re just taking the money and doing as little as possible. Lawyers have lost they’re licenses for less.
Our own method of voter suppression
Apparently Cedric’s pop shook ole girl up so much, they’re just trying to hang on as long as they can….cause confusion and keep as many core members from voting as possible. Just like Trump.
And despite the fact that the Justice Department is still investigating…they just keep on trying to hold on to power.
Voter suppression attempts do just the opposite now a days. It pisses people off and makes the people you’re trying to suppress show up. And COVID is not an excuse to violate our laws prohibiting mail in ballots. For 500-700 voters who do show up you can vote in the gym, masked, socially distanced or drive through drop box with a paper ballot where everyone can see who’s doing what. That doesn’t take an emergency ordinance. Just good sense that is in short supply. No one trusts their raggedy mail in effort.
Gordon is returning to the Council meeting Monday. Will he have the 3 years of budgets? Probably not. He’s been so sick ya know. We should ask for a refund of 3 years of salary…around $285 k.
Message to Cromwell regime ….there’s no way to navigate away from complicity.