Call it what you want …lies, a mistake, but in this case it’s the worst kind of communication ……misinformation. The Mittark continues to misinform readers with inaccurate information. For the second time has printed the notice that the election has been moved to March 14 and that mail in ballots will be allowed. Well, we all know that that is not true because AS USUAL, Je$$ie did not follow the legal process and the Council never approved any of the recommendations from the Elections Committee (that is functioning without authorization because it does not have enough members to function) AND they’re paying big money to a law firm for an advisory opinion to tell them if what they did is legal. Again the ” advisory opinion” is not worth a warm bucket of spit.

Stevie, like mother like son is not a good idea…misinformation is not the way to keep your employers in place. Won’t work.
So Poor Steve Peters who supposedly assembles the Mittark says he just prints what the committee sends him. That’s what he told Carlton Hendricks, Jr. Wow, that’s pretty scary. Then he runs it a second time, Hendricks raises more hell.. tells him to print a retraction because it’s not true. Stevie says wait till the Council meets..Council doesn’t meet (too much controversy), and the three ring circus continues.
This kid is doing what his mother Paula tells him to do. She’s supposed to be a journalist and knows that incorrect stories are supposed to be corrected. That’s called a retraction. To do otherwise is engaging in misinformation. Repetition of lies is very dangerous because people start believing the lies that are repeated over and over…… all those crackpots who stormed the US Capitol based on misinformation claiming that DONALD TRUMP WAS RE ELECTED!
This kind of irresponsible misinformation comes at a high price and it is definitely not beneficial to the Tribe….The Council has currently engaged in a marathon to the bottom by violating Tribal law at every turn… continuing in the in the footsteps of disgraced Chairman Cedric Cromwell.
Paula, the Queen of lost causes is now using her son to keep her buddies in power and the checks coming for that expensive Mittark.