Mark knows the meaning of circular firing squad.He and Cedric are about to become pros at it.
Reel Wamps has learned that former tribal Treasurer Mark Harding has been subpoenaed in what appears to be an extensive federal investigation into the financial workings of the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe under the leadership of Chairman Cedric Cromwell. The Cromwell administration, with Mark Harding as Treasurer took over in February 2009. Harding was an intricate part of the tribal apparatus, outside contracts and partnerships for more than a decade. Harding and Cromwell were in lockstep deciding tribal money matters, policy and divvying up contracts to favorite lawyers, consultants, and subcontractors both tribal and federal.
Within 7 months of taking office, the new regime burnt through $1.2 million left by the previous administration as surplus and donations to tribal youth. Running out of money and refusing to stay with the old backers, the money dried up. Desperate for new casino backers, and underwriters of their excess, Mark Harding brought the notorious Genting to the table. Genting is a known preditor of small Native American tribes, most on the east coast. the Pequots, Seneca and finally, the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe. Sources familiar with Gentings business practices surmise that Harding, who struggled as a contractor, probably received a finders fee for serving the Tribe up to the Malaysian gaming moguls.

Former Chairman Glen Marshall had no time for Harding’s whining. Once Marshall smacked Harding and then had him by the throat against a wall. Hazel and Patty had to stop it as Harding pleaed, “kill me, kill me!” Glen Marshall will have the last laugh in the end.
Very unpopular with core tribal members, and humiliated repeatedly by former chairman Glen Marshall, Harding road to power on the coattails of Cromwell under a cloud of an illegal election where pending tribal members voted outnumbering legitimate members on the roll.
Harding was ousted by the popular Robbie Hendricks in 2013. Harding refused to leave the office, and Hendricks refused to force him out. In Indian Country, these matters are resolved on election day with a change of locks and family member back up giving the perp a look like “do you want this thrashin’?” Robbie did nothing for weeks, despite angry pleas from supporters and relatives. All hopes of a real tribal member managing the money evaporated as Robbie acquiesced to the corrupt regime. He presided over the biggest cash haul, and sleight of hand Cedric would concoct in front of the Creator and everyone. And now ,here he is. “I didn’t know,” won’t fly.
Demoralized and suffering from other personal issues, Robbie stepped down, did not seek reelection, and we got the arrogant pretender Gordon Harris. We won’t review Gordon’s tattered record and his horrible relationship with tribal members. Just review our past posts.

The pain of watching the evolution of Cedric Cromwell.
Cedric Cromwell pulled off the biggest scam since Donald Trump. He lied about his education. He went to Roxbury Community College. He said he handled financial accounts at Fidelity when in fact he was a computer tech. His worst blasphemy is that he did a miserable imitation of a Mashpee Wampanoag and surrounded himself with the biggest imposters in the tribe.
Harding, on the other hand, never tried to fool anyone or blend in. He was just a jerk who’s insecurity made him appear arrogant. He gave up on trying to belong and just stole everything and stayed on the payroll some kinda way for ten years. For years as treasurer he was writing himself checks on federal grant contracts. The agency even wrote him a letter asking if he was doing it as reported. Just outrageous.
Now there will be a big reveal about the depth of the corruption when it’s over. Cause the subpoenas will keep coming.