Closing in, tightening up, and the misfeasance continues


Jessie’s doctorate could be honorary which means it’s not real. Furthermore, if it is honorary, she is not supposed to use the title Doctor. But you know Jessie. So not cool.

First the light stuff.  It is comical. So, Jessie is plastered all over this flyer for the Lucy Covington Symposium as “Dr.” Jessie Little Doe Baird. Alright, so Herrin’ and Roe start their inquiry.
Herrin’: “Since when does Jessie have a doctorate? “
Roe: “You askin’ me? How the hell do I know? You know she loves to make up
stuff to be important.”
Herrin’: “Well one thing for sure she loves to cut an run when things get tough, so she never comes to work. Maybe she did it then in her free time. Don’t they hafta have some expertise
on a subject?
Roe: “I guess so. She’ll do anything to impress White people. They believe her too.”
Herrin’: “Wait a minute, lemme ask Patty about it.”
Patty: “Hi Herrin’ how ya doin’?”

Herrin’: “Hi Pat. Pretty good. I gotta question for ya. Don’t people have ta do something special to get a doctorate?”

Patty: “Ya they have to research a subject and defend it before a panel of scholars. It takes a lot of work. It’s called a dissertation.”

Herrin’ and Roe figure since Jessie stopped working for the tribe she got a fancy doctorate….maybe.

Herrin’: “Thanks. Well if she did get it I hope it’s better than that damned land in trust application talking about pine needles and the ancestors canoeing down the Taunton River to try and prove we lived in Taunton when we didn’t.”
Patty: “Well, ya know they’re pretty foolish. Gotta go. Bye.”
Herrin’: “Well people are trying to figure where she got her undergraduate degree, and the masters is a certificate of some sort. Oh well..hey there’s Minnie Ah Hah. She has an Elders Report on the Corona Virus money from the federal government.



By Minnie Ah Hah

Minnie Ah Hah says the Corona money will not be used to help the tribe, but for Cedric to help himself.

The Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe lead by Chairman Cedric Cromwell applied for emergency funding to help the tribe deal with the deadly virus.  People of color are disproportionately impacted by deadly diseases that cause death when combined with the coronavirus.

What I learned was that the Tribe, authorized by the chairman and the council (all but Carlton Hendricks,Jr) sent the federal government a budget request of over $900,000 that is top-heavy with salaries for the three officers, lawyers, consultants and 11 staffers. That was how they wanted to spend the money and that was what the federal government approved.

Cedric Comwell, Ann Marie Askew, Gordon Harris   $152,000

11 employees $211,000

Legal & Professional Services $196,000

Education $70,000

Elders $50,000

HHS (Cheryl Cromwell) $30,000

Social Services $100,000

Council Supplies $50,000

ICWA $20,000

Housing $18,000

Food Pantry $12,000

Hardship $11,000

Minnie Ah Hah’s report will raise a few eyebrows because the most in need get nothing and it’s a sure bet that Cedric will be raiding the Elders money and anyone else they choose when they run through the money.

Cedric has finally lost his mind….

 Looks like Cedric has gone over the edge. He got another 45 days delay before the Department of Interior takes our land out of trust and it all looks bleak. It isn’t as if the Tribe is at fault. The Cromwellians just kept taking those checks, screwed up the only thing that mattered to us, and that was land in trust and saddled us with a $600m debt to Genting that has garnered a lot of attention. He might have figured out that it’s going to be tough to explain the disappearance of $600 m.
This Rapping needs work and will probably make matters worse if that’s possible.

Every man for himself & God for us all

Trump despises us yet Cedric was ready to beg him for help. Like Trump, it was all about him. Actually, that’s because they have a lot in common..narcissism, incompetence, vindictiveness, the inability to accept blame, and an affinity for surrounding himself with the biggest losers (in the tribe).

Cedric Cromwell continues to blame Trump for the tribe’s demise and spread misinformation to mainstream media.  In the Huffington Post, they basically say that Trump’s Department of Interior is penalizing us because we built the casino that undermined 45’s Atlantic City casinos.  Well, we know it was the Pequots and their Foxwood Casino, that crushed Trump not us.  And when he said, “They don’t look like Indians to me,” he was talking about the Connecticut  Pequots using their federal recognition to build what would be the largest casino in the world. It was not us.

So Cromwell has engaged the Trump strategy of garnering sympathy and distraction as his final act of desperation.  He blames a racist unpopular president for his failures. It is easy to do.  But transposing the Pequots brand of ” not looking Indian” to the Mashpee Wampanoags is another disgraceful tactic that undermines everything our families achieved. And it goes unchecked by the so called chairman.

How soon we forget that we received recognition under the Bush administration and were labeled the most

Members of the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe when recognition came. Clearly not the Pequot.  What a proud day for us after a 35-year struggle. Within 2 years, the Cromwell administration would undo everything the previous administration had done to establish a credible functioning tribal government. Just like Trump destroying everything Obama. Ceddie allowed incompetence and cronyism to rule the day instead of serving the people. It puts us in a bad place.

credentialed tribe in the country.  We proved that we were a tribal community surviving and practicing tradition for centuries. We also had documentation that proved it.  Western tribes had nothing like that, but we did because we were one of the first contact tribes. The British, colonists and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts kept good track of everything they did to us and we were wise enough to buy our own land back and have the deeds

All this reminding is for a reason.  We have been through a lot.  It has been a fight that comes in different forms for each generation but with common thread—racism, denial of the legitimacy of the tribe and land grabs.

But Cedric hurt us in ways the White people could not. Remember, Cedric, lied about his education, his job description at Fidelity, his family relationship with the tribe and didn’t know what the tribal roll was. And he actually delayed our recognition because he was on the council and was not on the roll.  Again for those who don’t know, Patty Oakley and Glenn Marshall had to instruct him on how to get his mother’s birth certificate, (because she was adopted when she was 5 and moved to Boston). Then, unlike the rest of us, he did not know his genealogy or family history, so they had to help him with that too.  He was rarely in Mashpee as a child or young adult, just for parties.  And then word came that the casino was on the horizon and he comes with ” Me too, me too, I’m a Mashpee

A rare sight Cedric and Sherry Pocknett at a tribal dance when he was a young dude attending Roxbury Community College. You had to believe that the person who made this crazy outfit was trying to embarrass him. Reel Wamps did the big reveal and we never saw him in it again. The Halloween Pow Wow dancer was canceled thank God.

Wampanoag without the slightest idea of what that meant and didn’t give a damn.  It was all about cashing in. Cedric’s mother was a Tobey and he was different from his relatives on the Cape who let’s just say were different from the other Mashpee families. Cedric tried to portray himself as sophisticated and educated…thus the big bodacious lies emerged.

The crooked election brought Cedric and his partner Mark Harding to power and the Tobeys had finally risen to what they thought was a position of power and respect at long last.

But Running Bear (no one knows who gave him that ridiculous name) left the Tobeys behind and chose instead his new wife’s people….the docile Fryes who also had a big hand in throwing the election his way by allowing ineligible pending tribal applicants to vote. The election records disappeared and the Fryes went on to hold every tribal job of consequence regardless of their lack of education or experience making 3 – 4 x’s what they would have made outside the tribe. Only one out of at least 25 of the Frye’s employed had an education, their matriarch Yvonne Frye had a bachelor’s degree.

Oh you forgot all that didn’t you?  Or actually you wanted to forget all that…but there’s more you need to remember coming your way.

We have our own pandemic.




It was all too predictable

The ultimate stalling tactic went south.  Ceddie knew as we did that the BIA was not going to stand behind its original decision to take our land into trust.  He used it anyway, to keep getting paid.Genting was happy.

And now he is trying to put the blame on Trump.  Well, for 5 years the Cromwell administration let the LIT application languish under the Obama administration before filing a flawed plan. What followed was 5 years of failed appeals, the phony congressional legislation proposed by Keating (that went nowhere as we predicted) and screwball maneuvers highlighted the incompetence that has branded this administration and humiliated this Tribe. And you were going to ask Trump for help? Guess his agency showed you.

The gut-punch dealt by conservatives on the US Supreme Court was horrific for tribes seeking to put LIT. Cedric was clueless about our precarious position for years. He was too busy basking in power and paying a lot of White people who would not bring one iota of positive results.

February 2009–US Supreme Court says the BIA cannot take LIT of tribes recognized after 1934

It could have been avoided if the greedy ghetto fabulous regime understood what the hell was going on. Too busy riding around in limos spending up the $800k surplus in the bank. They weren’t even thinking about the land in trust. They ran out of money in the fall and instead of continuing to work with the original investors and finish the deal, Mark Harding and his revenge move, brought them Genting. It went downhill from there…fast.

What should have happened in February 2009

  • The original land in trust application could have been completed quickly. Middleboro passed the environmental evaluation and just needed a signature.
  • The Middleboro land was paid for ($6 M for 356 acres of contiguous land) well documented and validated our historic ties to it…unlike Taunton.
  • They were so politically inept they failed to ask Sen Ted Kennedy to pass a congressional fix to remedy the US Supreme court ruling. Kennedy was the only one who would have or could have done it and he would have helped us without hesitation.

Cromwellians not only missed the opportunity to fix the LIT with Kennedy’s help, they had no idea that failure to act would destroy the tribe’s ability to grown and thrive. When they did act, it was a sham proposal that ultimately could not pass muster, once again disgracing the Tribe.

Ted Kennedy dies on August 25, 2009. The Cromwellians did not understand the impact of the SCOTUS decision, never consulted lawyers and fired tribal members with experience and our original attorneys who were the best in Indian Country.

The bumbling continues

  • Fat and happy with big salaries, Cedric flys over Massachusetts look for new land for his casino (literally)
  • He starts the LIT application process all over, looking for new land, hiring  more inept consultants and lawyers with no Indian law experience
  • In Nov 2011, he puts down a $3.4 m non-refundable deposit on land in Fall River already owned by the state for biotech research.
  • He ends up paying 70x’s more for broken parcels in the much maligned  Taunton.
  • The tribe submitted its third LIT application that was so bad it started a war in the BIA because many did not think the historic documentation was valid.

No answers, not one success story or benefit for the Mashpee in 11 years

  • Tribal members really thought the casino was going to happen, and they were going to get paid.
  • Cedric never told the truth. The truth was he and his cronies were the only ones getting paid.  For 11 years no amount of questions or challenges, scandal or even a recall election could ply the truth out of Mr. Dochester or get rid of him.

What happened to the $600 million dollars funneled to the Gaming Authority?

It looks like the Feds want that answer because there is no evidence that Cedric spent a dime on the Tribe.

What is the strategy?

Cedric has one last card to play with the appeal in the DC Federal Court.  That will go nowhere based on the decision by the Department of Interior/BIA. It is taking the land out of trust and signaled that they do not see a way to take the LIT and getting around the US Supreme Court Decision.

Doing what amateurs do…

  • Trying to get Keating to revive the congressional fix legislation IN THE MIDDLE OF A PANDEMIC (members are home in their districts).  They are not thinking about us.

Come on Nelson…don’t let Cedric get you into trouble with the feds. Tribe First works best.

Shout out to Nelson Andrews–Emergency Assistance Director

Herrin’ and Roe say, “Ya better watch out boy… cause that Ceddie Lou is gonna try to rob your federal allotment for coronavirus.”  We know you love Ceddie but the tribe comes first.  Now is not the time to sell out completely.

We should never have ended up in this bad place. A landless tribe. What makes it worse, the very people who keep “chirping”  about how they ” never wanted a casino ” they sure took that damn Genting check and on the regular. You know who you are.  You need to shut up.  You brought this curse on the Tribe with the crooked election and stupid ideas.

With complete failure at hand, you may have noticed that there was never a plan to salvage our dignity with an economic development plan. It’s like standing on the side of the road with a tin cup.

The Tribe was never the client.  It was always Genting.

Cedric and Mark sought revenge from the start because they were never accepted. We see now it was for good reason. Nothing has changed.


Do the math, watch the Grand Jury, desperation bingo & the Donald

The Cromwell Administration and it’s funny money clearly has not gone unnoticed. More subpoenas are

Cedric is shameless in his extortion of the Tribe. But we warned that he was not Mashpee and would never be accountable to a people he did not know or care about. Now it’s time to pay the check.

likely in light of the fact that the federal investigation is still going strong. The Cromwellians keep spending illegally from budgets that were never approved ( 2018 or 2019). Apparently they think they are invisible.  It adds to the long list of offenses that are being discovered, especially the Gaming Commission expenditures…so so Messy.

“Knees Knocking” aka Treasurer Gordon Harris becomes more obscene every time he starts fumbling through the illegal budget numbers.  Alright, take this: 2019 YTD budget report, $3.6 million in expenditures and only $2.7 million in the bank. That means the tribal coffers are nearly a million in the red. His brilliant explanation was “You can operate in the negative but not really be in the negative.” The man is really sad. Here’s some of the glaring wrongdoing. $1.4million in salaries, with no employees.  The majority work on federal grants. $900k to lawyers and other professional services…and only $11k to tribal members facing hardship. Misfeasance and malfeasance are still crimes. Accepting a paycheck and not delivering service is a crime committed by Cedric and crew for nearly a decade.

They are flat broke and Cedric takes a $10,000 a year cut. It is outrageous that he pays himself at all. He is without honor. He has not had one success that has benefited this Tribe.  Not one.  A real tribal leader would step down.

Reel Wamps has said for years that the land in trust effort by this administration was incredibly flawed. There’s no way around a US Supreme Court decision other than a new law passed by the congress.  Keating’s pr bill went nowhere and we said it was going nowhere. Unfortunately we were right.  We also said that this administration never had a backup plan to generate income for the tribe if something went wrong. We were right on that too. Now we’re left flat-footed potentially a landless federally funded tribe with no plan in the future for sustainability.

The outsiders came in got paid to let Genting use us and the scam continues until the last dime is spent by Cedric and Knees Knocking… We allowed it.

Ceddie Lou is still trying to keep a check coming in and that means begging the racist president of the United States for help.  That’s a glaring insult, isn’t it?  Who goes to the enemy to cut a deal that would never come to fruition?

We’re not even going to talk about Bingo. Bingo Cedric? Ridiculous.

Once again we have to say….don’t blame it on the White man.


When the bills aren’t paid..stuff happens

Ya, messy, messy messy.  We’re going to try to catch up.  It’s been a minute….but the irony is, what happened to Reel Wamps recently is about to happen to the Tribe.  We forgot to pay the bill and we were down for a few days. We paid the bill and here we are. In the case of Cedric and the bootleg council, it’s out of money, laying off people ( Tah Tah and the Deaconess to name a few) facing the dreaded federal lawsuit ruling that is likely to make us a landless tribe and there is no plan B.

No plan B. No way to pay the light bill or the mortgage on the council building falling apart. There is a lot of jibberish from the Running Bear chairman who continues to beg Genting to loan the tribe more and more money for his salary, Ann Marie’s and Treasurer Gordon Harris.  Harris hasn’t been to a meeting in months and still gets paid out of the dwindling funds. Jessie just doesn’t come to the council at all because she says she doesn’t want to be abused.  If she did something, maybe people wouldn’t cuss her out.

Ahem, and there’s the matter of the grand jury. The secret grand jury…more tomorrow.

You are not an Indian

This is a painful post.  It’s one no one ever had the nerve to do.  But we will.

Tall Oak is a Narragansett on the famed 500 Nations book.
That was before everyone had roll numbers. Why Mr. Weeden? Why?

A few days before Thanksgiving, CNN did this story about the Wampanoag and the misconceptions about the real Thanksgiving.  You can almost mouth the words.  Well, the worst part was waking up at 7:30 am to Cedric Cromwell in his phony Indian dialect trying to get sympathy for us. Pathetic misinformation.

Well, the pain of that soon transitioned to Tall Oak.  Tall Oak, who many of us grew up thinking, was the consummate Indian, when in fact, he is not.  In the story, Tall Oak is said to be an Aquinnah Wampanoag. Bet that’s news to the Aquinnah.  For years we were told Tall Oak was a dreaded Narragansett. He is none of the above.  He was in fact tribe shopping as the eastern nations were being recognized Tall Oak was unable to get on any roll because he was not Native American.

What Tall Oak is, is an advocate for Indians, not and INDIAN advocate.See for yourself.  Of course, Cedric said nothing. Tall Oak is a  tireless worker.  But he is not an Indian.

Bottomed out, in fighting, and the dumpster fire

Okay, we’re a little late with this, but it was so crazy we had to digest it because we thought it was a prank.

Treasurer Gordon Harris is easily manipulated and pushed up to perform stupid dog tricks; he should have listened to his father, who told him not to run for office.

But anyway how about “Knees Knocking” aka Gordon Harris tribal treasurer, was using old talking points from Ceddie Lou and Mark Harding’s smear campaign ….during a council meeting he brought up the tired accusation that two tribal officers (from the previous administration)  owed the tribe money…………Well now ain’t that nothin’? That accusation was debunked years ago…is that all you got “KK”?

Everyone that’s a paid council member owes the tribe money, big money, because none of them, especially the officers, do a damned thing. Yah.

Let’s get back to “Knees Knocking,” also known as ” The Coward,” who is trying to distract by bringing up moldy conspiracy theories about who owes the tribe what. Let’s examine what he owes the tribe. He owes us a budget. Despite the federal scrutiny, “KK” continues to violate the tribal constitution that says he was supposed to present us a budget in February.   We are supposed to approve that budget before they start spending. What follow the law? These guys are worse than Trump.  We are governed by a rogue government sliding into a cesspool.

Let’s look at the budget burn since February. Cromwell and his crew have spent 7 million dollars, $2 million of it in cash. Can you imagine what happened to the 2 million dollars in cash? Tell you one damned thing; they didn’t spend it on you. Probably on lawyers for him that are going to end up working against the tribe if they have cut a deal with the government. They spent it all without authority.


Cedric is multi-tasking and taking over as the tribal office manager.  We know it’s ludicrous.  He’s trying to make himself relevant as we enter the last two months of solvency. Instead of trying to save money for us, they are still spending on themselves and unnecessary staff. But Cedric wants to look like he was working as the canoe sinks.  But the move was controversial and created conflict between Cedric and his boy Brian

The Mashpee are pros at mocking. “Ya boy, you’re shovel ready alright.” He wouldn’t deliver the casino. Just clowning for the White people and Genting. We aren’t laughing anymore.

Weeden.  Weeden didn’t think it was right or doable.  Weeden may have been right, in light of the fact that Cedric clearly has no administrative skills, nor can he be an impartial manager and the political leader at the same time. There are very few credentialed professionals in tribal management now.  The pros are in Indian Health Services, and there are a few there whose competence is questionable and need to be reported to Nashville.  But on the tribal council side, who the hell cares, right?  Well, Cedric’s sycophants, Winnie and Ann Marie, threw up some idiotic defense that wasn’t convincing, so they put it to a council vote and made it official.  So you have Tah Tah (the human resource manager, yes that’s correct) and Cedric managing about 20 people. That’s all that’s left. You may also wonder why Tah Tah was brought back in such an important role as human resource manager. It is astounding in light of her many issues and the problems she continues to cause with her erratic and bizarre behavior.But here we are at the end of the nightmare where the council and their leader are on the ledge looking over their shoulder.  As we said, complicity leaves no wiggle room.  Je$$ie, Ann Marie, Mark Harding,”KK” Yvonne, Cheryl, Trish, Winnie, and all the others that voted with Cedric without question indict themselves in their assault on the tribe. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.




Federal investigations stop everything

Cedric was not alone in selling us out. His Council cronies voted with him on every money transfer and bad deal ever made.

The tribe’s outside auditors had some bad news for the Council.  They were not able to complete their audit because of the federal grand jury investigation.  The current Treasurer, Gordon Harris, former treasurer Robbie Hendricks and according to our sources Cromwell business partner and former treasurer Mark Harding have all been subpoenaed to appear before a federal grand jury and it has possession of tribal  financial records. The auditors do not have access to those documents. And the auditors querries got a donut from the feds


That tricky Gaming Commission.  It was a dumping ground for millions of dollars each month.  NO ONE EVER KNEW WHAT HAPPENED TO THAT MONEY or How it was spent.

So now the bill comes due. The auditors couldn’t get much intell out of the feds…actually nothing.  But they

Yvonne, 30 years a council member never used her education or experience to help. Her silence was lethal as ever. Slithering into her hiding place like an eel.

know about these things.  There’s a clause in the financial agreement with the investors that says that if there’s  “bad faith” actions (and the auditor put it like this) :

” I’m not saying it happened, but let’s just say someone  in the gaming commission took between $100,000 and $1m….then the tribal assets are at risk.”

That means what land we own etc. would go to Genting for payment. A drop in the bucket compared to what we owe them. Cedric and his ouncil Cronies knew about the fine print so why didn’t the tribal attorneys or any of them tell us? Well, they had to keep getting that money…at any cost.

So now we’re in a really bad place.  Reel Wamps has to confess that pounding on Cedric Cromwell was not

enough.  He didn’t create this horror show alone.  He had a lot of help from the Council cronies. A really sorry lot. Jess$e Big Doe and  Mark(ie) Poo Harding leading the parade.  The ancestors are spinning in their graves. Everything Cedric did came with their vote of approval.  Their complicity was tantamount to their participating in the felony murder of the Tribe.  Just because you didn’t pull the trigger does not absolve the guilt. You must  have proof that you tried to stop the crime. They were cowards all the way.  They should be held accountable.

If we know the feds do too.




Jumping into the cesspool

So Cedric Cromwell is once again on the ledge…desperate. And at the Council meeting he presents his cesspool dive.

  • Judge Amanda WhiteEagle said she’s not going to give an advisory opinion. Meaning she’s not going to do anything to stop the recall election.
  • Cedric orders the elections committee lead by Rita and his do girl Trish, to cancel the recall election

Just like that. He just does whatever he wants.  Cedric can’t man up.  He just can’t do it. So the committee that was autholrized to oversee the constitutionally mandated recall process was ordered to cancel the election without authority.  In fact the Council can’t do that nor can the committee. The committee has no authority to thwart the Tribes right to vote. Jezus! FED alert.

Out of control. Illegal and a violation of the Tribal Constitution.

Into the cesspool we go.