Stockholm Syndrome

Three Factors: What makes the Syndrome come to life | Bridging Freedom

Stockholm syndrome is a psychological response. It occurs when hostages or abuse victims bond with their captors or abusers. This psychological connection develops over the course of the days, weeks, months, or even years of captivity or abuse.A person who develops Stockholm syndrome often experiences symptoms of post traumatic stress: nightmares, insomnia, flashbacks, a tendency to startle easily, confusion, and difficulty trusting others.

The majority of the Tribal Council are so ridiculous we decided that they suffer from Stockholm Syndrome. They’re not just sycophants, they seem to thrive on the abuse doled out by their beloved Cedric Cromwell.  So…the emergency meeting last night was to decide Cromwell’s political fate.  Essentially to get rid of him.  Je$$ie Big Doe was running the meeting and blocking people from getting on the Zoom call. Shes pretty exceptional.  Anyway, the Stockholm Crew they worship Ceddie despite the fact that he is the “target” of a major federal investigation (backed by 4, count ’em, subpoenas).  In addition, the US Attorney also says the “Tribe is the victim.”  But what do they care. They’re in love with their abuser.

Weeden needs to get his values straight. Being a champion for Cedric is not smart politics.

They killed the motion by Carlton Hendricks Jr. to remove Ceddie immediately and instead approved a motion by Frick (David Weeden) and seconded by Frack (Anne Marie) to remove him as chair of the Gaming Authority. Not the Council where he gets paid to keep abusing us…the Gaming Authority aka Cromwell’s Laundromat. Course the laundromat’s closed.  No more laundering to do. $400-500 million was enough I guess.  Any they just won’t do anything to stop the abuse. Yvonne, and Winne joined Frick & Frack and essentially endorsed the continued victimization of the Tribe.

These people are keeping us from getting our land in trust.  The first thing anyone paying attention would say is why didn’t you do something? Everything we did, Cedric or the Council up ended it.  Like:

Cedric cancelling his own recall election.

The Council voting to remove him, and them restoring his status.

and forget about Ceddie.

Frick has a split personality. One for the Board and another for the Tribe. He needs to take his job on the Council more seriously

They refused to remove Je$$ie after she resigned in a written letter. So take it all in and remember these clowns and their marathon Amateur Hour make us look like the Howdy Doody  show.  Who would give us anything with a federal grand jury investigation in full bloom and David Weeden confused about what’s actually happening to us.

Let’s put it this way.  If this were happening in the Town of Mashpee, do you think those White selectman would be playing patty cake with the federal government and ignoring the blatant wrong doing. What a clown show Thanks Yvonne, Anne Marie, Winne, David, and  Je$$sie Big Doe, keep embracing corruption.This is why we are going to have a rough time getting on our feet once Ceddie stops ducking and dodging.  He is the target after all.




Another Subpoena, that makes 4 and the man is knocking on the door

There’s a saying about being “wanted.” “When the man comes knocking, there’s no back door.” Well this fourth subpoena asks for all Cedric Cromwell’s tribal emails dating back to 2012. So, anyone who doesn’t understand the seriousness of this federal investigation needs their head examined.  Course there are those council members like Je$$ie Big Dough who makes it her business to hold Cedric in her own self defined ” protective custody” of sorts.  And asking stupid questions about sovereignty.

Let’s be clear….the feds were unable to nail America’s most notorious gangster, Al Capone.They finally got the cruel murderer on tax evasion, the government’s most trusted weapon. But they have a favorite hits list of white collar crimes….violation of RICO, that would be Racketeering  Influenced and Corrupt Organization act, money laundering, and  kickbacks are also favorites that could be the reasons  $600 million has disappeared from Tribal coffers without a trace.

Knees Knocking is playing hide-n-seek from the Tribe.
Such an incompetent looser.

It’s clear the investigation is drawing to a end, and they are moving close to the indictment phase…very close. Also, the government has talked to a lot of people who know how the money is moved around in the Gaming Authority and the Tribe….Yup.  They have been in and cut heir deals and probably piled on with loads more of Cedric’s ( and Lou Caterina’s) bad deeds to save themselves.

So chew on that for a minute.  We will say that suddenly, Treasurer Gordon Harris has taken 2 months of sick leave.  We don’t know what’s wrong with him….but you can guess. We still don’t have the budgets for 2 years and he and Cedric have signed off for $1.5 million in hazardous duty COVID money for themselves and 16  employees who come into an empty building.  Jesus Christ…none of the officers ever come to work!

There are so many atrocities committed by this administration, especially with one of the

No one knew Greene as a Tribal member. Let’s just call him “Petri Dish.” Ya that works. Taken a lot of money from us, and apparently he doesn’t share…with us that is.

contractors at the top of the list of the investigation. Tribal member David Greene of RGB is under scrutiny.  Right now, Greene is paid $5,000 a week to monitor the Taunton land.  Nothing is happening there.  The phantom Casino was never even started. The land was cleared, that’s all.  What the hell is he monitoring? Exactly. But Greene has had his hands in every construction project since Cedric became chair. The tens of millions of dollars spend on unnecessary architectural  redos was also in Greene’s wheelhouse. And Greene who showed up after recognition, was brought to the table by David Weeden who wants to see facts in all this mess. The government has all the facts.  Facts Weeden, Greene and Cedric have long since  forgotten.

People, Cedric and crew have really destroyed this Tribe.  As you consider candidates in the upcoming election, you better find some serious people with plans to bring about the sustainability and economic development that generate revenue and opportunity for our people.  This cannot be a popularity contest.  We need a plan for the future to convince the new administration that we can avoid people who do not have the experience or know how to get us out of this dilemma.  We have a big big problem. We need the new administration to help us with our land in trust efforts. We have to prove we have scandal free leaders with an agenda that works.

Cedric is just like Trump and most of the Council members are complicit just like the Republicans in the US Senate.  And look at all of Trump’s flunkies….they got jail time.

There’s and emergency meeting Monday. It’s time to take our future seriously.


The Tribe will finally gets to talk about the 3 federal Grand Jury subpoenas tomorrow in an outdoor meeting at the Tribal Council. Bring your own chairs and masks. Hand sanitizer will be provided and you will have to socially distance.

Jessie Jones, Jessie Jones, still shady. Still playing the victim. Still without the credibility she desperately wants. Still loyal to the embattled Cedric. The Tribe be damned. Initiator of our worst scandal.

This third effort to hold the emergency meeting finally broke through. Jessie Jones , known as Jessie ” Little Doe” Baird, Jessie Baird, Je$$ie Baird, Messy Jessie (and a host of aliases) lead the coverup to thwart transparency despite 16 months of stories in Reel Wamps and mainstream media. Tribal members had to read about it here or in the newspapers.  Carlton Hendricks, Jr, Brian Weeden, Aaron Tobey, and Rita Gonsalves mustered the votes to hold tomorrows meeting.

Believe it or not, there are tribal members who do not understand the seriousness or don’t believe the federal investigation into the whereabouts of $600 million is real. It’s real alright and we have to say that you would be hard pressed to find any federally recognized tribe that has squandered or laundered so much money in plain sight no less!

No one wants to admit that they have been scammed, but this is a horrible sequence to the 32 year struggle for recognition. We all know who lead this abuse of power and exploitation of our fledgling tribe. Cedric Cromwell, Jessie Jones, Mark Harding, Yvonne Frye Avant, Gordon Harris, Mark Tilden, Rebecca, Lou Catarina, and you know the others feeding at the troth .

Here’s the thrust of the subpoena inquiries:

July 2, 2019- Financial officers past and present– Robbie Hendricks, Gordon Harris, Mark Harding subpoenaed along with hard copies and electronic financial records.

August 2020 — Cedric Cromwell defined as the “target” of the investigation and the “Tribe as the VICTIM.” The subpoena  focus is on Cedric’s election, and Jessie’s infamous loading of the voter rolls. And of course the US Attorney wants the Council minutes.  Good luck on that.  We don’t have minutes now, and for upwards of 5-6 years there is no record of what the Council did.  Course we have discussed that repeatedly.  Try to get access to the minutes…it’s your constitutional right. Nothing to see there.

Lou Catarina split in 2017, but the carnage remains. His role was not lost on the FBI.

September 2020 – All contracts signed by Cedric from the infamous Gaming Authority. This is the place where really bad stuff happened.  Cedric’s longtime assistant Lou Catarina  is also targeted.  Catarina is thought to have had a major role in bringing vendors to the table who gouged the Tribe with huge monthly bills with no deliverables. 

 Catarina really was the Tribal Chairman. 

Cedric, a Fidelity tech employee had no professional relationship with lawyers or business executives of any sort.  He was a fake and a fraud. He was easy prey for Lou.

Yvonne has a problem also. As the Authority secretary, she is responsible for handing over authority minutes.  Those pesky minutes. The Council authorized her to bill the tribe $30 an hour for 130 hours ($3,900.00) to pull the minutes files.  Really?

How about you go to the Gaming Authority Minutes file and pull everything.  Why does she need to be paid twice for doing her job? Or do the minutes files even exist?

The other issues up for discussion::

  • Two years of spending without budgets authorized by the Tribe.
  • Only $3 million spent of the $9 million in COVID revenue has been spent. Where are those $700 checks?

David Weeden, like a loyal Trumpster, continues to have his intelligence questioned.

Also remember, that Cedric tried to cancel this meeting, like he did his recall election. People say Cedric loyalist are afraid of what he has on them..  Please. Certain Council members are just as responsible as Cedric for the the demise of this Tribe.  If they think the government doesn’t know about what they’ve done….they better ask somebody….Cause Cedric can’t tell the government anything they don’t know.

That’s right David Weeden. Mr. Complicit You do that little HAPPY DANCE for the White people as a member of the Mashpee Board of Selectmen and the STOMP DANCE on the Tribe. Jesus David, you want facts? Ask the US Attorney….you damned fool.




Third subpoena hits tribe’s gaming authority

A third subpoena was served on the Tribe September 8.  This time it targeted all documents signed and authorized by Cedric and his special assistant Lou Catarina’s dealings with the infamous gaming authority. You may recall that in excess of $400 million dollars was dumped in the authority over the course of about 8 years. Very little is known about what happened to the money, but many of the expenditures were shady and offer insight into illegal activities that are now coming to light.

Yvonne always finds a way to be on the wrong side of history.

The US Attorney also wants to see the authority minutes.  Our government has failed to keep the most basic record of its actions on the tribal council side let alone the gaming commission. Yvonne Frye Avant, aka Mean Travel Queen has been behind the scenes on everything that has occurred.  In this case she is the authority secretary. Yes she is. Her nephew Bobby Foster is a pop up and Cedric’s cousin John John (formerly on the authority) was paid a visit by the FBI  at the new housing construction site (the construction company is also under scrutiny) a few weeks ago.

Message sent. Message received.

There’s more to this and it just gets worse and worse


Once again the Council fails the Tribe and more…..

The sad story of our Tribe is ongoing because certain Council members seem to think they can protect Cedric from a federal grand jury. That’s pretty astounding.  That would be Jessie who was knocking people off the Emergency Council meeting call last night. It’s not like she’s the most popular person in the Tribe. But that little arrogant maneuver was pretty awful. On top of that, Only Brian Weeden, Carlton Hendricks, Jr and Aaron Toby voted to remove Ceddie from the chair. The day before, the attorney for the tribe informed them that the US Attorney called to tell them about another subpoena that targeted Cedric.The “victim” of the illegal election shenanigans where Cedric took 10’s of thousands of dollars was “the Tribe.” Also in the mix is Mark Harding’s Wamp Worx, Cedric’s executive assistant Lou who apparently  had a hand in all that money circulating with Green and others. Meanwhile the paid Council continues to pretend this thing is gossip or something. The fact remains that Cedric and Yvonne were the ones the lead the push to get Glenn Marshall to resign when he was under investigation.  That’s right.and now they’re making excuses to keep Cedric, a foreigner in charge. You damn fools, Cedric can’t take care of himself right now, how can he cover you ?

Call it a red flag, a tipping point, a bad sign, or a bad place to be….. any lawyer will tell you Cedric Cromwell will very likely be indicted by the federal grand jury and arrested.  Clearly he knows that and has lawyered up.The Council officers need to do the same thing in light of the fact that they can’t produce meeting minutes, voter rolls or ballots cast.They can’t produce a damned thing.

When you’re called before a federal grand jury you really need to have a long talk with God and then zoom in his son Jesus.  The last resort is the Devil and he’s likely to tell you he don’t want to be bothered.

Messys’ loyal to a fault. The poor Tobes will never redeem themselves. No doubt she will go down with her cousin Cedric. We can’t go any lower. But maybe not. We never backed them.  Their legacy was not worthy.

Lets get to  Messy  Jessie and the subpoena demand for the enrolled members from 2011. Cedric appointed Jessie to head enrollment to the horror of tribal members. She struggled for about 8 months to figure out the  complex numbering system that assigned roll numbers put together by elders and Patty Oakley. Of course every one of the nearly 600 federally recognized tribes in this nation has their own system .  We were no different.

Hungry for power and revenge for years of election humiliation from poor showings, Jessie loaded over 1600 people  on to the rolls from the infamous ” Red Box.” These were people who did not qualify to be members. These were people who would never be members.  Jessie put em on anyway.  Tribal elders and members got off the committee because they wanted no part of what Jessie as doing.  She was on a mission to build a voter base that would keep her, Cedric, Yvonne and the paid members in power.The core of the Mashpee Tribe was out numbered by the Casino Stalkers looking to get paid by Jessie.  They didn’t know Jessie or Cedric like we do. They kept them in power, despite attempts to restore the true Mashpee to leadership.  And lets be clear, the paid Council members lead by Yvonne made sure they did whatever they wanted, lied cheated and stole our prosperity.  Course they got paid millions to sell us out. Jessie barely won her election in 2017 by 4 votes against Carlton Hendricks ,Jr. because the Casino Stalkers stopped showing up to vote. And the tribal members who knew her wanted new leadership.  But the elections were never real because Cedric had to stay in power for Genting to keep laundering money through the Gaming Commission.  Yvonne was there…on the Gaming Commission from the start.  Yes she was.

The infamous 2009 elections’ records mysteriously disappeared.  You will recall that election was fraught with fraud and corruption because we were overwhelmed by hundreds of strangers who were not on the rolls lined up to vote. We can thank Paula Peters,  her partner Mark Harding,Trish Keliinui,Joann Frye and her sister Ca for that little maneuver.  And Joann’s son Bobby Foster for  disposing of the election records.So f—-ing dumb. The feds may want to request those documents for laughs, yes indeed.  They may want to check with Bobby because that’s where this nightmare began.They cannot produce one shred of paper let alone a voter roll that can be cross referenced with the real voter roll.

Bobby Foster and his boy Dino, his aunts tight man, were the big nickel and dime hustlers…caught up in the net. Dumb as rocks indeed..

The Tribal elders went to the Bureau of Indian Affairs twice to beg for help. All tribes know the BIA.  Just because there are a bunch of Indzn working there doesn’t mean a damn thing.  Native bureaucrats hide behind tribal sovereignty too.

That was how Cedric came to us.  A stranger himself with all the baggage of a greedy outsider who wanted to play Indian, at our expense.  So here we are. And here he is with some serious consequences smacking him in him in the face. The other council sycophants are on trial with Cedric.

Some words from Glen Marshall who bore the brunt of Cedric and Yvonne’s attacks.

omes full circle. And honest to God, we couldn't be more screwed up than we are now.

Glenn Marshall’s detractors are now the target of a federal grand jury investigation

..“I’ve watched them kick the crap out of the constitution, squandered over 600 million dollars and fail to serve the Tribe.  All they had to do was follow the path laid out for them.  They never consulted the elders on anything.  They violated us over and over again. Now it’s their turn. It ain’t fun.”

Below is the news story that we have been talking about for 11 years.

Cedric’s Subpoena story appears on

Federal grand jury subpoenas Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe for documents related to the election of Chairman Cedric Cromwell

A federal grand jury investigation into the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe is now digging for information on the re-elections of tribal Chairman Cedric Cromwell, according to records obtained by MassLive.

Roughly three months after a grand jury requested that the tribe hand over information related to its finances, MassLive has learned that federal officials are requesting that the tribe turn over documents and records related to the 2013 and 2017 elections for tribal council chairperson, according to a copy of an Aug. 10 subpoena obtained by MassLive.

According to the subpoena, federal investigators are seeking voter records, election results and campaign-related materials in the tribe’s possession, including mailers, brochures, photographs, videos, policies on campaign contributions or expenditures and complaints received by the tribe related to the election, any candidate or any candidate’s campaign
Officials are also requesting tribal information identifying the number of enrolled tribal members between 2011 and 2020, as well as copies of all contracts entered into with the former architect of the tribe’s proposed casino project in Taunton — Robinson Green Beretta Corp. Officials are also requesting all meeting minutes of the committees that selected Robinson Green Beretta Corp. to work on the project, called the First Light Resort and Casino.
Grand jury proceedings are largely secret. Roughly two dozen citizens serve on a grand jury, receiving documents and hearing testimony — usually presented only by government attorneys — to determine whether there is probable cause to indict someone on criminal charges.

In June, federal prosecutors requested all records and documents related to the tribe’s finances. A little more than a year ago, a federal grand jury issued subpoenas for the tribe’s sitting treasurer, Gordon Harris, and his predecessor, Robert Hendricks.

It is unclear whether the subpoenas issued in 2019 are related to the requests for information issued in June and in August.

Cromwell, who has led the tribe since 2009, has more recently come under fire for his handling of the tribe’s finances. Sources tell MassLive that the 2,600-member Mashpee tribe has accumulated a debt burden that has spiraled to more than $500 million — money that is owed chiefly to its financier, Genting Malaysia.

That scrutiny reached a boiling point last year when a group of tribe members attempted to oust Cromwell, his vice chairman and treasurer, through a recall process written into the tribe’s constitution. Tribe members cited, among other things, the out-of-control debt and the secrecy surrounding tribal finances. Ultimately, the effort was stymied after the tribe’s Election Committee abruptly canceled the planned recall election in September.

The grand jury subpoena comes several months after the U.S. Department of the Interior told the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe that its reservation will be disestablished and the land taken out of trust in what felt like a death blow to a tribe locked in a prolonged legal battle over 321 acres of land in Taunton and its proposal to build a casino there.

A federal judge for the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia ruled in a separate lawsuit in early June that the Interior’s decision to take the land out of the trust was “arbitrary, capricious, an abuse of discretion, and contrary to law,” and remanded the matter back to the federal agency.

Cromwell’s predecessor, Glenn Marshall, spent several years in federal prison in connection with a wide-reaching corruption probe. He was sentenced to three-and-a-half years in federal prison in 2009 for embezzling hundreds of thousands of dollars from the tribe to pay his own bills, making illegal campaign contributions, filing false tax returns and fraudulently receiving Social Security benefits while holding a full-time job.

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We’ll have to tell you what happened because there is no zoom link to allow tribal members to access the emergency meeting. We know that Cedric should resign because he has made the tribe the ” Victim” of alleged abuse for more than a decade.  Messy Jessie continues to try to protect her cousin by impeding transparency.  She is just as complicit as all the others.



So Ironic…There’s a pandemic alright

Cedric and tight girl Winnie is not known for her ability to grasp things…like the fact that her hero is on a slippery slope.

Another $8.4 million in Covid-19 money is a good thing for the Tribe, but a bad thing for Cedric Cromwell. See, all things federal come with a lot of rules and regulations.The Cromwellians can’t play funny with the money. Lotta sad faces on the Zoom a couple a weeks ago and especially when the accountants were there this past Wednesday. The accountants were there to tell them the do’s  and don’t s. It also means more scrutiny don’t ya know The whole scrutiny thing was the reason Cedric decided to suddenly become Mr. Transparent.But the bigger problem is that the very badly needed money is being handed out by a group of people under the most serious cloud of legal scrutiny there is.Course our brilliant Treasurer Gordon Harris missed the first meeting on this.  He hasn’t been to a Council meeting in eons….but he’s still getting that hazardous duty check for (never) entering an empty building.

The question remained “What’s the Grand Jury subpoena about?  The Tribe wanted to know. And guess

Poor Knees Knocking…Poor Poor Knees Knocking, he thought he was so smart.

what ?  They couldn’t get Rita Gonsalves to vote for an an emergency meeting to talk about it. And she want’s to be tribal chairman.  So they had the Zoom Council meeting  for the lawyer to tell the Council ( that already knew the drill and the details) that the specifics were part of attorney client privilege. Course the client is the Tribe, not the Council. Okay, but the $100K lawyer from Todd & Weld slid off track and said it was up to the Council.  Ha ! So Cedric promised to allow a discussion in Executive Session. Right. Well it’s not a good idea to talk about the contents of a Grand Jury Subpoena for obvious reasons.  But if Cedric doesn’t understand the seriousness of this matter he needs his head examined…….again.

The first zoom meeting was pretty comical.First off, they were still looking for the minutes from May 27 and before that. The Secretary didn’t have them either and they couldn’t approve what they didn’t have. The Tah Tah years are definitely missing for as many years as we have bitched about them and that’s been a long time. A government without record is not a government. But  back to the meeting. Because Cedric’s overview of the status of the large appropriation, the guidelines for spending and the fact that it had to be spent by December 31. More importantly, it meant the lazy Council would actually have to design a spending plan that meets the criteria of federal guidelines to the benefit of the tribal members who really need that money. ‘We are going to hear how the money will be spent because it will be audited.”

Well, David Pocknett had something to say about the irony of the spending plan, the audit and the subpoena. He raised the big problem of the 2019 & 2020 Tribal budgets that have yet to materialize or be approved by the Tribe.  Cedric kept mumbling that ” the Council never passed it David.” To that David replied, ” This is why this stuff is happening … this is why you have subpoenas coming.”  Well of course Cedric was silent. He’s touchy about subpoenas.

Here’s are the highlights of the guidelines for this money according to the auditing firm:

  • The Inspector General of the US Department of Treasury has oversight of the $8.4 million.  Non  compliance, or unspent would be returned  to the government.
  • The auditors said, “The Tribe must be careful about records and documentation.” Must do an assessment of need:  for payroll for pubic safety, & health, employment training,health insurance, health facility expansion, health, emergency response and pandemic teams and telework policies.

The documentation will have to justify the expenditures according to the accountants

The Cares Act allows the Tribe to spend money based on need.  It can be done based on the average cost for needs. The average cost of Elders light bills for example.  When the Elders came up…..Jessie brought up gift cards and how the government frowned on the use of gift cards. She pointed to Donald Peters who distributed restaurant gift cards from 99 to Tribal Elders under his Title 6 grant. The popular effort provides$100 worth meals to the Elders.  Jessie just kept on haranguing about it. To his credit, Cedric told her repeatedly that Peters got approval from his supervisor. Other council members reminded Jessie that Peters keeps  excellent records of who receives the cards, which has been a problem in other circumstances.They also brought up the use of wavers for conflict of interest which seems to be a problem for Jessie.

Many Tribal members over 18 were looking forward to receiving a check, but it will be based on individual need, not a per capita amount .

Any violation of expenditures in other areas will be taken back by Treasury.  And there will be quarterly audits.

After an hour of a detailed and thorough  power point presentation, Winnie asked for do’s and don’t s. STUNNEDED.    Jesus.

Elections have consequences.

The Tribe is not the target



$100K to take the case. The Tribe is not the target, so why are we paying?

Ben from the Todd and Weld law firm told the Tribal Council that the feds subpoenaed all the tribal financial records. The first bad sign was that the law firm charged a $100k retainer to dance with the federal government. That’s the retainer.  That’s comparable to defending somebody with a murder charge with 5 eyewitnesses. We can only imagine the hourly rate. How about $750 –  $1k.  Who knows.

Here’s one of the dumb questions from our esteemed council. ” Do we have to give them the files? Haven’t they overstepped? We’re a sovereign nation.” Response: “I wouldn’t go that far.” Translation: No, you’re going to give them the files alright. The council may try to stall for time to get everything together. The feds will find whatever they’re looking for to be sure.

So the Feds want all the Tribe’s financial records by Tuesday, June 23. The teeth grinding could be heard on Zoom. So Ben’s attempt to cheer the

Ole Running Bear might have gone too far in more ways than one.

council up was his grand announcement that “The Tribe is not the target.” Well of course not. The Tribe consists of 2600 Wampanoag who has absolutely absolutely no idea what happened to $600 million loaned to us at 27% by Genting. But guess who does? The guy who signs all the paperwork for the money transfers, contracts, orders etc., etc. Cedric Cromwell.  This is not a good thing for old Running Bear.  He can’t possibly remember every switcheroo, sleight of hand, bad deal or shady deal he made. But it’s all in the financial records. We remember a couple, like paying $3m non-refundable) for land already owned by the state. Overpaying millions of dollars for land no one would buy in Taunton.  But there’s so much more we don’t know. But we do know a lot of stuff was illegal.

The brilliant Jessie Baird surmised that the Feds were retaliating  because ” the tribe kicked their ass in court.” Ever the loyal toady for Cedric, Jessie’s dreaming if she thinks the FBI is retaliating for the court ruling.  Besides, that ruling was not the victory Cedric touted.

Judge Friedman knew the consequences of ruling in favor of the Tribe. He tossed it to the DOI. The DOI is not likely to reverse itself.

We told you that the Judge was sympathetic and was trying to find a way to keep our land in trust.  Very admiral indeed.  But it was a stretch. Because legally he couldn’t do it because he would be overturned. Judges don’t like or want to be overturned.  It is the worst stain they can have on their record.

So when the judge sent it back to the BIA as we said he might do, Cedic misleads everyone by calling it a ” victory” for the Tribe. Not so. It’s another delay on the same issue with no new evidence that our land should be in trust. Complying with the US Supreme Court is still the booger. So once again the DOI / BIA has to show through some suggested M  reference by the judge how to justify keeping the land in trust.

Cedric’s misinformation campaign is ongoing. Ole Running Bear is back in his Trump playbook. The judge sent the case back to Interior.  He’s counting on the agency writing a positive decision.  Why would they?

In the Cape Cod Times, he said, “Let’s say they write it’s positive, and it’s a positive record of decision, then we’re done. It’s over. That’s a success,”

And if they don’t, which is very likely, then what? The land could be removed from the trust.  More legal wrangling buying Cedric more time. Here’s the rub. The federal investigation is ongoing as we have seen with the subpoenas today and two weeks ago, another tribal member was called to appear before the Grand Jury.

Cedric thinks he’s going to be saved when we get a new president. Well, in that instance the FBI agents don’t change. The investigation goes on. The Grand Jury has been very busy and if there were nothing going on…they would have shut down long ago. Working this long means they could come out with indictments. And when Cedric’s record was researched, the corruption and abuse of power erupt. One  campaign official said after reading several Cape Cod Times articles, ” Wait a minute, how can he cancel his own recall election?” The response was, he knew he would be thrown out of office. He does whatever he wants.  “What do they mean they’re illegally spending tribal funds without authorization?”  He does whatever he wants because he answeres to Genting was the answer. ” How does he explain the expenditure of $600 million? Is that why all the treasurers were subpoenaed?” Probably more people were subpoenaed, was the answer. “Wow. not exactly a stand up guy.” was the response.


Yes! More Covid-19 money. Over $7m with a lot of strings attached. Ceddie hired an accounting firm for  $200k to explain the federal guidelines and restrictions.  That’s pretty comical considering how he’s allowed cash grabs on all the grants since he’s been in office.  Ironically they really don’t know what to do with the money.  They but they knew enough to give themselves time and a half hazardous duty pay raises…that is Cedric, Ann Marie, and Gordon.  Jesus. That’s for going into the council building.   They just can’t get enough money. Ironically they were having trouble trying to figure out how to spend the COVID money. God forbid they do something for the tribal members.  We’re still paying for all the bad decisions, misappropriations and incompetence… $300K in a week and millions more going into someone’s pocket. What did we do to deserve these clowns?

A little sympathy can only go so far

Federal District Court Judge Paul L. Friedman was clearly sympathetic toward the tribe during oral arguments. It became pretty obvious as the tribe’s attorney who is on the Genting payroll, repeated the same primary argument that has been rejected…..that tribal members attended Carlisle Indian Industrial School, the federal boarding school. That was the cornerstone of the effort to prove that we were under

Jim Thorpe romanticized Carlisle and made it famous. The Mashpee already knew what their cousins were about to learn. Tough lessons.

federal recognition before 1934. Not real convincing.  In 2009 the US Supreme Court said that the Department of Interior could only take land into trust of tribes that were under federal jurisdiction prior to 1934. Carlisle was the strongest angle the tribe had other than the fact that the US Secretary of War decided to let the Mashpee Wampanoag stay on their land during the Indian Removal Act.

The whole Carlisle thing had a lot of missing parts.  Indian students, the majority from western tribes, were torn from their families by the droves between 1879-1919 and forced to go to the boarding school that would train them and erase their culture.  It was called assimilation. Well, we had our own school, unlike the western tribes.  We lived in the ‘Old Indian Town’ of Mashpee. We

At the Old Indian Church built in 1684. Our remarkable legacy is disappearing.

wore the White man’s clothes and regalia during pow wow and at ceremonies at the Old Indian Church. We had already assimilated to a point because for centuries we lived among the British, the colonists, the Yankee Cape Codders and survived with traditions intact. We ran our own lives.

Back to our relationship with Carlisle.  We had young tribal members sent off to Carlisle in the early 1900s and one of them was sent to Pennsylvania because he was mischievous and didn’t mind. He was sent by his family. It wasn’t about Christianity or assimilation or by order of the DOI.  Well he didn’t stay long. He ran away and came back to Mashpee.

At the Mashpee school in 1910. Steve Peters’ (top 2nd  right) brother Charlie was the rascal sent to Carlisle and didn’t stay long. It was a vintage Peters move. Defiant Mashpee.

So the government, attorney Costello argued that Carlisle was considered but it was not conclusive.  And that we had no treaty with the federal government. That’s because we were a tribe of people living in a state township, formally a plantation or reservation in modern times, in the state of Massachusetts.

The judge seemed pretty disturbed by the governments’ poorly produced documents.  He exploded about the typos and grammatical errors. He was also thinking out loud saying.” If I rule against the government and remand it back to the government how do you maintain the status quo?” He was looking for a way to keep the land in trust. And the tribal attorney threw him a softball saying, ” There’s no procedure to take the land out of trust.” Like that would stop it.

The conference call dropped off so there really was no end to the hearing.  But it was clear that the judge was looking to rule for the tribe. That means sending it back to the Department of Interior or not ruling at all, which will delay things. The trouble is it’s impossible for the DOI to defy the US Supreme Court.  The tribe cannot appeal  the Supreme Court’s decision…to who?

We will remain a recognized tribe. That was confirmed during the hearing. But we all know that was not in jeopardy. But Genting will own the Taunton land if the land does not go in trust.  And we paid for it dearly $82 m at 27% interest and a second loan of the casino-less property.AND Cedric Cromwell wants to pay the Taunton bill of $500K  out of the Corona money. He really did.

Now, we’ve been down this road with Cedric for years.  The guy is just so damned shady.  He keeps, borrowing, begging and stealing from grants to keep getting paid.

Genting is not giving Cedric any more money they made that clear recently so that well is dry. But he’s stalling again, you know why. The covid money keeps on gving him and his cronies a salary.

This is real people.  We know how this ends. And Cedric has been running a criminal enterprise right in our face. He never had a plan to keep the tribe alive. But he never missed a paycheck in 11 years. That’s quite a record.

Word to the wise Ceddie Lou, when the man comes knocking, there ain’t no back door.