There’s a saying about being “wanted.” “When the man comes knocking, there’s no back door.” Well this fourth subpoena asks for all Cedric Cromwell’s tribal emails dating back to 2012. So, anyone who doesn’t understand the seriousness of this federal investigation needs their head examined. Course there are those council members like Je$$ie Big Dough who makes it her business to hold Cedric in her own self defined ” protective custody” of sorts. And asking stupid questions about sovereignty.
Let’s be clear….the feds were unable to nail America’s most notorious gangster, Al Capone.They finally got the cruel murderer on tax evasion, the government’s most trusted weapon. But they have a favorite hits list of white collar crimes….violation of RICO, that would be Racketeering Influenced and Corrupt Organization act, money laundering, and kickbacks are also favorites that could be the reasons $600 million has disappeared from Tribal coffers without a trace.
It’s clear the investigation is drawing to a end, and they are moving close to the indictment phase…very close. Also, the government has talked to a lot of people who know how the money is moved around in the Gaming Authority and the Tribe….Yup. They have been in and cut heir deals and probably piled on with loads more of Cedric’s ( and Lou Caterina’s) bad deeds to save themselves.
So chew on that for a minute. We will say that suddenly, Treasurer Gordon Harris has taken 2 months of sick leave. We don’t know what’s wrong with him….but you can guess. We still don’t have the budgets for 2 years and he and Cedric have signed off for $1.5 million in hazardous duty COVID money for themselves and 16 employees who come into an empty building. Jesus Christ…none of the officers ever come to work!
There are so many atrocities committed by this administration, especially with one of the
contractors at the top of the list of the investigation. Tribal member David Greene of RGB is under scrutiny. Right now, Greene is paid $5,000 a week to monitor the Taunton land. Nothing is happening there. The phantom Casino was never even started. The land was cleared, that’s all. What the hell is he monitoring? Exactly. But Greene has had his hands in every construction project since Cedric became chair. The tens of millions of dollars spend on unnecessary architectural redos was also in Greene’s wheelhouse. And Greene who showed up after recognition, was brought to the table by David Weeden who wants to see facts in all this mess. The government has all the facts. Facts Weeden, Greene and Cedric have long since forgotten.
People, Cedric and crew have really destroyed this Tribe. As you consider candidates in the upcoming election, you better find some serious people with plans to bring about the sustainability and economic development that generate revenue and opportunity for our people. This cannot be a popularity contest. We need a plan for the future to convince the new administration that we can avoid people who do not have the experience or know how to get us out of this dilemma. We have a big big problem. We need the new administration to help us with our land in trust efforts. We have to prove we have scandal free leaders with an agenda that works.
Cedric is just like Trump and most of the Council members are complicit just like the Republicans in the US Senate. And look at all of Trump’s flunkies….they got jail time.
There’s and emergency meeting Monday. It’s time to take our future seriously.