Herrin’ and Roe have stopped laughing about the Cedric Cromwell crew and remind us that his failed leadership set us back 50 years. Wiping out all our accomplishments.
Herrin’ : ” I gotta tell ya. I think Cedric did the worst thing a Mashpee could ever do.”
Roe: ” What’s that?”
Herrin’: “He betrayed us. It ain’t like we don’t have enough problems for God sakes!”
Roe: “Damn right boy…damn right.”
“Many American Indians face a host of difficult financial and social issues. They require – and deserve – real leadership. But it appears that Cromwell’s priority was not to serve his people, but to line his own pockets. We will continue to aggressively investigate public corruption, including by those who purport to serve our American Indian tribes.”
“Instead of working honestly on behalf of the Mashpee Wampanoags as their duly elected representative, Cedric Cromwell is accused of using his position as Chairman of the Tribe to enrich himself by extorting tens of thousands of dollars in bribes and engaging in a conspiracy with David DeQuattro to commit bribery. These allegations are extremely troubling and indicate a disdain for the rule of law,”
United States Attorney Andrew E. Lelling.