Stockholm syndrome is a psychological response. It occurs when hostages or abuse victims bond with their captors or abusers. This psychological connection develops over the course of the days, weeks, months, or even years of captivity or abuse.A person who develops Stockholm syndrome often experiences symptoms of post traumatic stress: nightmares, insomnia, flashbacks, a tendency to startle easily, confusion, and difficulty trusting others.
The majority of the Tribal Council are so ridiculous we decided that they suffer from Stockholm Syndrome. They’re not just sycophants, they seem to thrive on the abuse doled out by their beloved Cedric Cromwell. So…the emergency meeting last night was to decide Cromwell’s political fate. Essentially to get rid of him. Je$$ie Big Doe was running the meeting and blocking people from getting on the Zoom call. Shes pretty exceptional. Anyway, the Stockholm Crew they worship Ceddie despite the fact that he is the “target” of a major federal investigation (backed by 4, count ’em, subpoenas). In addition, the US Attorney also says the “Tribe is the victim.” But what do they care. They’re in love with their abuser.
They killed the motion by Carlton Hendricks Jr. to remove Ceddie immediately and instead approved a motion by Frick (David Weeden) and seconded by Frack (Anne Marie) to remove him as chair of the Gaming Authority. Not the Council where he gets paid to keep abusing us…the Gaming Authority aka Cromwell’s Laundromat. Course the laundromat’s closed. No more laundering to do. $400-500 million was enough I guess. Any they just won’t do anything to stop the abuse. Yvonne, and Winne joined Frick & Frack and essentially endorsed the continued victimization of the Tribe.
These people are keeping us from getting our land in trust. The first thing anyone paying attention would say is why didn’t you do something? Everything we did, Cedric or the Council up ended it. Like:
Cedric cancelling his own recall election.
The Council voting to remove him, and them restoring his status.

Frick has a split personality. One for the Board and another for the Tribe. He needs to take his job on the Council more seriously
They refused to remove Je$$ie after she resigned in a written letter. So take it all in and remember these clowns and their marathon Amateur Hour make us look like the Howdy Doody show. Who would give us anything with a federal grand jury investigation in full bloom and David Weeden confused about what’s actually happening to us.
Let’s put it this way. If this were happening in the Town of Mashpee, do you think those White selectman would be playing patty cake with the federal government and ignoring the blatant wrong doing. What a clown show Thanks Yvonne, Anne Marie, Winne, David, and Je$$sie Big Doe, keep embracing corruption.This is why we are going to have a rough time getting on our feet once Ceddie stops ducking and dodging. He is the target after all.