Well DANM IT…they did what they did not have too, and got new signatures with current addresses for the Recall Election petition for Chairman Cedric Cromwell (128 signatures), Vice Chairman Jessie Baird (126 signatures) and….and Treasurer Gordon Harris (119 signatures). The signatures meet the tribal constituional requrements (100 signatures) with certified signatures of enrolled registered tribal members. The address issue is not part of the constitutional recall mandate but the petitioners did it anyway. NO EXCUSES.
Very interesting is the fact that Councilwoman Ann Marie Askew, and the Deaconess recused themselves from the committee. In other words, they stepped off. That leaves Trish Keliinui, Rita Lopez and Elsie Pocknett to decide the recall issue. Well, you anaylize the threesome determining the future of a recall election.The least credible is Trish Keliinui who has not only sold her family out repeatedly but contiues to prostrate herself to Ceric Cromwell who has robbed the Tribe of it’s traditions, integrity and ability to comand respect as a soverign nation.
Trish also ran the 2009 election that was rife with illegall voters, and brought us Cedric Cromwell. In Mashpee, you can identify tribal membrs because each family has a distinct physical profile that identifies them. When questioned about all the unidentifiable members in line to vote, she said, ” I got this.” She was clueless.We were over run with “pending” members who were not properly processed, or PUT ON THE ROLL and we have been punished ever since. The voter lists were destroyed and we never had a good election since.
Tribal members need to attend the election committee meeting and make sure the constitution is honored and we have an election with paper ballots to let the people speak. We need a tribal government accountable to the people.