One hand washes the other….

I don’t want to be an alarmist, but this Boston Herald story, “Robert A. De Leo tied to tribe flak,” does raise some red flags.

Are we going to get caught in a s__t storm? Of course we are. Brooke Scanell, who is also Credric, Aaron , Markie and Marie’s flak, is getting paid an outrageous amount of money  ($500k) to do a media campaign for the “Taunto itty bitty casino.”  Again, the  tribe’s spending big bucks on that  effort and it should cost about $100k at best. The Council Drones sat right there and voted to give her a$200k deposit.

Brooke is a fundraiser for Speaker DeLeo’s (House candidates) campaign.  She helps him rake in millions from everywhere to get his members back in office. And guess who gets a percentage of what’s raised?

Correct! Have a familiar ring?

How Ghetto Management works

Ghetto Management is unique. There  are no reference materials providing guidelines.  It’s just pure unadulterated mayhem. It’s particularly painful  if you’re forced to work under this management style, which is  used by the Cromwell Administration.


There is no heat at the main Tribal Council offices.  The staff there has been forced to suffer,  and have space heaters all over the place to keep warm.  Clearly a hazard and code violations that the administration has ignored as they lounge in the comfort of their Forrestdale offices.   It’s been like this for at least a year.

There is no hot water there either.  The plumbing in the bathrooms rarely works.

Unlike the old days when the Councils office was alive and bustling,  no tribal members go near the place.  It is vacant, filthy and depressing. So the staff suffers in silence, to hold on to their pay checks.

More on the hazards of Ghetto Management later.

Good luck on your Listening Sessions in Taunton!



We’re not hearing it!

Cedric Cromwell hand delivered a letter to the Taunton Town Council  formally asking for a special election to vote on the “Taunto itty bitty casino.” Not only is the tribe paying for it, it’s also paying Brook Scanell $500k to do a PR campaign ( in 3 months) to convince voters that this is a good idea.

The Taunton Council will probably vote on holding the election Tuesday.  Since the Tribe is paying for it, it’s  an easy  to let the voters decide.  Of course the tribe has no such opportunity in the phoney  Cromwell government.  All we have are illegal elections, poor management, fiscal impropriety and absolutely no long term policy on anything  and no  economic development plan for the tribe.

Cedric says he’s also going to do Taunton ” Listening sessions in every neighborhood, to ensure that the the ideas, needs and concerns of our neighbors  and partners are met.”  That’s mighty White of you Brookie!  Too bad Cedric would not apply the same concept to the Mashpee Wampanoag.

Tribal members showed up  Sunday to hear about how much money they will get from the casino.  You don’t get anything from a commercial casino. Cedric,Aaron, Marie, Mark, Trish, Yvonne, Cheryl (TFL) and Winnie will get a check.   Tribal members will not. Too much debt to be paid off first. That’s why Cedric was talking crazy because he knows all those people he put on the rolls illegally, only care about a casino.

He continues to purposely mislead people.

Of course they got a side show.  Cedric performed like a crazed dictator. His Ghetto Management style reached new  heights  yesterday during the monthly tribal meeting when he shouted, threatened and cursed at Council and tribal members furious over the bungled Land into Trust application.  Certain Council members were angry that they weren’t told for 2 months that the application was rejected. No one would have  known if it weren’t for the  Taunton newspaper story.  They let Cedric know it.  He chastised them and Elders  for talking to the newspapers, saying we should keep everything secret.

Are you listening?

He refused to answer the question about whether he was negotiating  a commercial license that would mean signing our sovereignty away ….so we would be like Aquinnah,  begging the state for everything we need. But the Aquinnah is negotiating  for a casino in Lakeville,  right under Aaron Tobey’s nose.  A few miles off the highway no less.  Good location considering our resort casino in Taunton is actually on 40 acres (1 5 miles off the highway) because we can’t build on the 53 acres across the street ( on the river). Cedric threw away another $200k and many millions on land we can’t build on.  How do you build a $500m resort casino on 40 acres ? He showed drawings of the casino that is to be built on the Galleria’s 90 acres that we have not secured.  Hummmmmmm.

It was so bad, Cedric turned the microphone off as people tried to speak or question him.  He demanded that Council members swear their allegiance to him and his leadership as chair.  Tribal members booed him.  It was a circus.

Good luck on the Listening Sessions.

Proper punishment

To my Uncle Herrin’:

I want to apologize to you for months of delay, but to complete your assignment I had to be sure that I had all the knowledge available for absolute success.  I had a long talk with our Chief, Earl Mills.  I did not compromise him by letting him know of my assignment, I just asked for guidance in making sure I understood the true character of the Mashpee Wampanoag.  Those characteristics, he told me have  protected the real Mashpee for centuries and gave us the survival skills under  the most adverse circumstances.

Minnie Ah Ha, Mashpee Wampanoag Private Investigator

You know the Chief.  It was a long talk.  It went on for many weeks.  We sang all the Broadway hits. We danced around a lot.  I got really tired, but the Chief said we were high energy people and never gave up.  Then he said I betta do some jumpin’ jacks.  He had me review his latest book….phew! I said wow, you know everything! Not everything he said, but the Mashpee always  learn from every experience and retell the story.  They listen and instinctively know if people are truly good inside.  He said we love each other and talk to those we like to learn more everyday. We’re smart, we’re educated formally and informally because we have outsmarted many a White man who tried to take advantage of us.  I watched him cook some really good fish chowder and he said it was just one element of of traditions that are still alive and must be protected and respected….not recreated.  He said there’s no measure of our greatness, only the proof of our continued existence.  So armed with all that knowledge, and some wicked cool dance steps ( I do them in the mirror ), I went ahead.

The First Lady’s Shenanigans at Ole School Night:  Reports the Cheryl Frye Cromwell was really acting up at the club in December are all true.  Her husband, AKA, Ceddie, Grungy Boy, Awful, Atta Boy Attleboro and Foolish, formally known as Cedric Cromwell, watched in a chagrined state.  Several witness said it was a scene of drunken debauchery with the First Lady bumping and grinding on the dance floor with all makes of  strange men……and women, while her husband looked on. The much discussed scene in the women’s bathroom however was also revealed in many versions.  The activities there were far too unspeakable to reveal here. Unlike the pugilistic battle between TFL and the Pequot woman in a  Connecticut barroom last summer, Ceddie was able to contain TFL  in this latest episode  and drag her out of the place before even more humiliating behavior was displayed.

Request for Grief Counseling Revenues Rejected: Tribal Elders  anonymously submitted a  request for an undisclosed amount of money for grief counseling due to the death of the tribe.  Cedric Cromwell, Mark Harding, Aaron Tobey and Marie “Tah Tah” Stone, said reports of the tribes death are false.  “It’s on life support,” chuckled Harding.  Tobey said, ” Ya we’ve been trying to kill it for 3 years and it just won’t die.”  Tah Tah laughed, ” Yah, wait till they find out you made me tear up that sign in sheet for the 2009 election, you’ll be on life support Lip Licker.”   ” What’ll they do to you when you can’t produce the damned audio tapes?” CeddieLou said. “Least I didn’t take ’em seriously when Roe told you to take a bath in the flume to be accepted by the tribe,” Tah Tah snapped. Cromwell then banged the gavel repeatedly saying ” I’m the Chairman ! I want order.”

Nice ripe fish heads


Punishment: At a time certain, tribal members have agreed to pummel the Council wrong

Thorny ain't they?

doers with fish heads ( at least 4 days old ) and pine cones for as long as supplies last.  Dump trucks will be parked  at  the school tomorrow for your convenience.

That is my report March 10, 2012

Your niece,

Minnie Ah Ha

Markie Markie Markie… You’re such a rascal !

The meeting with the town of Mashpee over the tax issue and the Community Building was like watching a used car salesman pitching a car that the buyer knows won’t make it off the lot.  Poor Cedric Cromwell was doing his blather about the economic impact in Mashpee and tribal sovereignty.  (sigh…) He wouldn’t look anyone  in the eye as he rattled on about sovereignty. Could that be why the tribe has  to pay the back taxes, and secure building permits from the town?No sovereignty? Ya think? Ah, no Land in Trust?

Ain't they cute?

Let’s t  go back to the beginning of the meeting. Remember  Cedric accused Chucky Green of  ” setting him up “? Well, it turns out that Chucky was trying to warn Cedric that Markie Harding was doing his thing by trying to cut all kinds of deals with the town. Behind his back of course.  Up to his old tricks he was.  He was offering land exchanges in lieu of the taxes and all kinds of crazy stuff. Course Grungy Boy still thinks Markie is his friend.  Grungy’s stupidity is exhausting ya know? It was a vintage Markie Move.

Worse than that was Markie’s contractor’s presentation to the town….a preliminary discussion about the building specs etc.  Whatever the town asked about easements and a multitude of  standard construction questions…the guy said “I don’t know,”  over and over again.  Mark loves to subcontract under front construction firms.  The tribal coffers continue to be his private ATM.  Ahemm…..

In His Own Words

Sometimes it is just as well not to point out a politician’s dishonesty in your words, but to let his own words and deeds denounce him.  In the months and days leading up to the 2009 election,  Cedric Cromwell and others disseminated brochures and flyers touting their accomplishments and laying out their programs to rescue the Tribe from the dreaded previous administration.  I have here dug up two of Cromwell’s propaganda pieces.  You can see them at the bottom of the page.

The first brochure, “Footprints,” is a smarmy collection of slogans and enumerated platitudes that may send you reaching for the bourbon just to erase the images from your mind.  Take the time, however, to peruse the bullet list at the very bottom of page two.  Be honest with yourself.  Do you really believe him on any of these points?  I near sprayed a mouthful of hot tea on my computer monitor when I read this.

His fifth bullet point claims “Lifetime Mashpee Wampanoag roots having been raised within the tribal community and culture.”  Oh really?  When?  Where?  I’m pretty sure that his only close relative in Mashpee was his great grandmother “Miss Etta” Tobey, and how old was he when she died?  Can  Cedric even show a snapshot or two at the old Tobey house on Main St., or at the pond, or buying candy at Theresa Johnson’s store just down the street?

Next I will direct you to the second brochure, called “Reflections.”  This is four pages of “more of the same,” yet we can harvest some good stuff from this.  Look on the third of four pages, at the bottom you will see two green rectangles containing some questions, which I suppose that Cedric wanted the reader to answer for himself.  Okay, do that.  Pay particular attention to “Process & Procedures.”    Freedom of  Information Act?  How’s that doing?  Next look at the “Financial Management” section.  Tell me, where are the 2009, 2010, and 2011 budgets?

How soon they forget, or at least hope that you forget.  These people ran on a platform of “transparency.”  Can you see through them?

Remember what you see here when at the next meeting.

[Click on the links below to read.  You must have a PDF reader to open these files.]



The Master of Misinformation

Cedric Cromwell was scurrying for the last two days doing damage control over the Land into Trust debacle.  Now, he told Taunton that he has ” reactivated the LIT process for Mashpee and East Taunton.”  Cause he got caught.  Can you imagine what the Taunton leadership thought as that horror story about the  Mashpee and Middleboro land mess played out on the news and in the papers?  And the stories about dishonest dealings with Middleboro. The pending lawsuits.  The phone calls about ” What the hell are you people doin’?”

Incompetence will kill the “Taunto itty bitty” casino. Very late,  disorganized and risky.

How do you prove that he reactivated the  LIT process?  How do we know if the BIA has accepted a letter saying Mashpee can start over again?  You just don’t know, because the BIA is not confirming anything.

You don’t expect the truth from Cedric do you?  Considering the fact that he failed to tell the tribe about the rejection of the LIT application on January 19.  He had no intention of doing anything until he got  busted on the 7th. Obviously Taunton officials are skeptical. They say they are ” cautiously optimistic” that “the tribe has a lot of work to do to bring this project to fruition,”  and ” our people have a lot of unanswered questions.”

It’s so bad the tribe is giving the town  hundreds of thousands of dollars  to pay consultants to assess the economic impact of  the casino and the kicker is paying for the special election.  The tribe paying for the Taunton election  is a red flag.  It’s a sign that the struggling community is unenthusiastic  at best.

Another greenhorn move is paying Cromwell regime flak Brooke Scanell $5o0k to do a  3 month media campaign in Taunton. That’s a lot of money to pay an inexperienced PR person to persuade Taunton to accept the deal. You could do a media  blitz in the entire state of  Massachusetts for 2 years and never spend $500k… the state is so small….let alone Taunton. Who on  Cedric’s team can double check how the money is being spent, and if they’re getting ripped off ?  You can imagine where that money is going.   Why isn’t Genting doing it? They have in – house experts that produce stuff all day long.

Cedric was circulating his emails and taking down posts on Facebook. Trying to push back.  He’s getting so much criticism that he took his personal Facebook down and put up a Public Figure page that has only 5 ” likes” where in his bio he takes credit for bringing down Glen Marshall.  And he’s  still exaggerating his education credentials. Take a look. It’s awful.  Wampaleaks researched his lineage, and his education, so he had to make changes.

But the most telling issue is the fact that Cedric and his team  have not even started the complicated LIT process that costs millions. Mashpee LIT  was done by the previous administration, but Taunton is not even started, because the Taunton casino is Cedric’s personal  commercial venture, so you don’t need LIT.  But, if Mashpee and Taunton are tied together there’s a problem.  But if  Taunton is incomplete,  it kills Mashpee. But we will never know what’s going on because the dishonesty is so pervasive.

And besides, applying for LIT is not like applying for a job at Burger King.  Someone needs to tell Ceddie.




  • The Town invited Chucky Green and Quan Tobey to sit in on discussions with Cedric Cromwell and Mark Harding (of all people) concerning the tax issue.  Apparently they needed witnesses. Cedric,

    Those wild and crazy guys in Taunton. Can't you feel the excitement?

    now in a complete state of paranoia, accused Green of “setting him up” and spreading rumors about the tax problem. It’s compounded by the Town’s knowledge that there’s no application for LIT pending anywhere in the UNIVERSE.

  • The Emergency Housing meeting was pretty frantic.  Aaron Tobey and his sidekick Carol Lopez were running the meeting trying to find a replacement for Michelle Tobey Fernandes.  Carol pushed her daughter Rita Lopez.  Right. Rita said no.  Carol implied she wanted the job.  She has wanted the job since her daughter Alice passed away last year. We know how absolutely out of the question that is! There has been no budget in place for Housing and only $500,000 remains of the millions in the fund after recognition and the $2m grant awarded in 2010.
  • Cedric Cromwell and his campaign team began phone banking the illegal aliens he, Aaron and Jessie Baird loaded  on to the rolls.  He has to coral his uninformed sheep into the Sunday meeting so he can tell them the Department of Interior is lying  about our dead LIT.  He will continue with claims that the DOI will sign off on this imaginary  casino money from his imaginary “Taunto Commercial Casino.” A certain Council member will have the letter from DOI telling the tribe that the application was rejected, since Cedric refuses to give it up. Just like he refuses to produce the voter sign in sheets that ushered this nightmare into our daily lives.

Emergency Housing Meeting Tonight

The Housing Committee is meeting at 6:30 tonight.  There are questions about who has access to the books in Housing.  It is rumored that some committee members have seen them, while others have not.  But most on the committee do not know what’s going on.  It was also said that a non tribal members who works for the tribe making 5 figures, was given mortgage money.  Listen, HUD does not play, and that agency loves to arrest people…ask the Narragansetts.

That department is plagued with fraud and treated like an ATM.  It all stems from the very top.  Why is the chairman and all of his crew continuing to take a salary,  for making us look like damned fools, and can’t pay the rent or the taxes to the town,  cause we have no Land in Trust, and ain’t applied to do so.

Good luck at the Meeting. Somebody has to stop the bleeding.


Skipping our way to the Silver City. Who’s that man behind the curtain?

Ah, the Wizard of Attleboro, and the prevaricator of prevaricators!  That same financial prestidigitator who wowed many of our fellow tribespeople with promises of restaurants and big ticket positions at the Wamp casino in Fall River, errr….., Bridgewater, ummmm…. Taunton, yeah, that’s the ticket.  Who is this wizard that I speak of?  Why it’s the very same one who:

  • Had little or no contact with his tribe until talk of a casino.  He became a Tribe member in 2006.
  • “Embellished” his educational record and later changed his online claims.
  • Lied about his employment status and position.
  • Promised “transparency” in his administration, yet submitted a budget only this year, in violation of the Tribe’s constitution, and because of pressure from Tribe members.
  • Lied about the status of our Land Into Trust application.

I’m sure you and I can list more violations of our trust, but we all know what the score is.  This “wizard” and his flying monkeys have soiled our precious community long enough.  Time for a change.  Are you hearing me?

Next:  Who is Dorothy?