Michelle Tobey Fernandes has been fired….it has not been fun.

Michelle Tobey Fernandes has been fired.  She should not have been hired in the first place. Who knows what she was doing over there. The department has been plagued with trouble for a long long time. We hear that Nashville is investigating….that trail will lead to Mark Harding no doubt.

Those problems cannot be covered up.  You see what happens when you throw back the covers of the Cromwell Administration. It’s not a pretty sight.

Tribal Housing Department shut down

Housing has been Cedric and crew's abused mistress

Cedric Cromwell demanded $100k from the Housing Department supposedly  to pay the rent  for the tribe on various properties .  The Housing Committee said no way.  He suspended them. He called the regional office and made the same demand. The Nashville office said no too.  Regional  also said the tribe needed to shut the office down until they figured out just what Michelle Tobey Fernandes was doing as the Interim Director of Housing….ahem.

The meltdown continues…permits, lack of permits, EIS documents  missing, 5 negative audits.  Turmoil.  Nothing like a well run government eh? You can pay your salaries but you can’t pay the rent  ? Interesting.

Calling Echo Hawk a liar….

The Department of Interior, that would be Larry Echo Hawk, the Secretary of the agency that has oversight of nearly 600 federally recognized tribes said the tribe ( Cedric Cromwell) was notified on January 19, 2012 that the land into trust application was “ incomplete, and no longer under consideration.”

Contrary to what Cedric Cromwell said in a statement, the LIT application, and the only one ever filed on behalf of the

Mashpee     Wampanoag Tribe is gonezo.  It is NOT “on hold.” It is dead because he never finished the paperwork and let it languish for 3 years.  Confirmation that he never cared about us having a reservation…anywhere. The Department of Interior, that would be Larry Echo Hawk, said there are no applications for LIT for any land parcels connected to the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe. Nor can we amend and refile and pick up where we left off.

It’s like this, you step out of line, you’re out of luck. Go to the back of the line.

Remember, Cedric said he was going to amend Fall River, Bridgewater,  ( some said even  Samuel G Davis School and South Cape Beach ) and most recently, in a tribal letter, Taunton. The DOI said there’s nothing there for us. Nothing has been filed. That’s part of  CeddieLou’s audacious, bodacious,  and obscene lies. In a memo to the Council he said the DOI email was not correct…basically, the Echo Hawk’s spokesperson was misinformed….lying.

Filing a land into trust application is a very complicated process. It took years of extraordinary research and collaboration with experts and the BIA  to do this.  And despite the fact the Mark Tilden and Lou Catirina have billed the tribe for hundreds of thousands of dollars for work on LIT…they never did a damned thing.
 Cedric has been consistent with 2 things.  Lying and incompetence.

At least now he doesn’t have to worry about the governor forcing him to sign our sovereignty away…the issue was never, ever on the radar.   They’re both off the hook. “Hoka Grungy Boy!”

Can Cedric ever tell the truth ?

No matter what the question, Cedric's answer is always FALSE.

No he cannot.  We had to get the Truth-O-Meter. Course the needle stayed  on false, largely because of  the recent letter to tribal members. The letter  is riddled with lies.  For the second time he’s told members that they will get money from the “Taunto ittty bitty ” commercial casino.  That’s not just a lie, it’s a bald faced lie, followed by a horrific lie.

The horrific lie, and a dangerous one we might add, is to say that the Department of Interior has to approve the the amount of money you’re supposed to get from the “Taunto itty bitty ”  commercial casino.  Of course it’s really dumb to misrepresent the government’s role in anything.  They don’t like that. At all.  But we all know Cedric is a habitual falsifier. He says the Council (ha ha) and the Department of Interior will ” approve the per capita distribution plans.  I guess Cedric has created a new role for the Department of Interior that they are not aware of. Interior frowns on commercial casinos because they are not designed to work to benefit   tribal memberships.  With commercial casinos, tribal members are not protected by the government from unscrupulous investors and their own government for that matter. Boy we’re the poster child for  that little clause. So how and why would the government approve of  “distribution plans” in a  process of which they disapprove?  That’s because Cedric knows there is no money coming for the tribal members and he will therefor blame it on the federal government. The DOI is not a good fall guy actually.  But that only works if  tribal members don’t know the truth….well now they do.

Cedric preys upon the minority of  so called illegal aliens in the tribe who do not know the process and only hear casino and think they’re going to get some money.  Real tribal members know what kind of casino delivers to the members. Sovereignty casino…with LIT ….we ain’t even close.

The other bodacious lie concerns ” amending the Land into Trust application.” You cannot ammend a land into trust application! And you will learn the gory details of that horrific screw up that has set us back 200 years.  Cedric, Aaron, Mark, Marie, Cheryl, Yvonne, and Trish all participated knowingly in the total destruction of the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe.

They must resign while we have the chance to rebuild and restore what’s left of our tribe.


Debt that keeps on giving

Just so you know.  The nightmare continues.

The Town of Mashpee wants the back taxes owed by the tribe dating back to 2007.  You may recall that after recognition, the Previous Administration was negotiating a variety services and government to government issues like tax exemptions based on the fact that the tribe would be sovereign when the land went into trust.   LIT resolves a lot of issues, like taxes.  And we don’t have it and will never get it with Grungy Boy.

Well Cedric and crew are not the most sophisticated people on the planet and when the land did not go into trust, instead of talking to the town, they ignored them . Completely. And now the bill has come due.  How much do you think the tax tab is ?  There’s the 55 acres, the Housing land, the museum, the farm…

Oh and think about it, Grungy Boy is trying to build a resort casino on land the size of the tribal council property.  Actually the Taunton land is two acres less…..buildable. Just so you know bird.

Taunton Deal of Last Resort

There were no smiles at the press conference about the Taunton Deal of Last Resort.  Course it was not news, cause we told you about it almost two weeks ago.

What should have been a happy occasion about a wonderful future,  was a 13 minute hoge poge  of Cedric double speak about shoulda wooda coulda on 53  acres buildable for his dream Destination Resort Casino.

The Mayor and the few legislative officials there looked like they were at a funeral.  They clearly did not want to be there. Not a smile according to an eyewitness who said the very short event offered no answers beyond being  a pathetic spectacle.

Cedric with his goofy grin and Navajo jewelry is flanked by Bunny.  You remember Bunny,  their Chief who forgot he resigned three times. Clearly Bunny had no idea where he was as usual. And Aaron was trying to look important…licking  his lips.  Does anyone know what that’s about?

Worst of all the witness said was Cheryl Frye Cromwell running around taking pictures while her brother in law sat on the front row dressed up in some kind of Indian costume. He and his brother Cedric made it on to  the roll in 2006.

Clearly trying to portray Wampanoag is a work in progress for the Tobey boys…Aaron included. No going to well.

No tribal members were there beyond a few council members.  Yvonne was alllllllllthe way at the end, as far away as she could get.  Yvonne’s got her parachute ready.

By the way, we gave Cedric too  much credit…the Galleria is probably out of the question…foreclosure you see.  The banks wants $120 m (ya, in Taunton).

Few more problems…$85 m for the license, and the state takes 25% off the top of the gross receipts.  And of course the Governor makes Cedric sign away our sovereignty.

But you have to get by all those frowning White people to be a lot more enthusiastic….the Town Council, the lawmakers, the surrounding communities who, quite frankly would rather have someone White get the license….Someone they know they can trust, who will build a quality facility and generate money.  No one even attempts to build a resort on 53 acres.  The White casino may not be built in Taunton, but thier  citizens can go to work in the surrounding community and have no worries. None of the headaches associated with Cedric and Imitation Indians.

Cedrics explanations for his trail of screw ups are just an example of his ineptness.  He’s so not ready, we didn’t want to go back and review his  stumbling across the state giving away money.  It’s almost like each Mayor would call ahead to the next town to let them know numbskull was headed their way. Roxbury Community College is not U Mass okay?  Roxbury Community College is no place to groom an Indian Leader, even one who’s not real.

Again, after recalculating..The total debt is at least $1.7 b. That’s a lot a herrin’!

Add the interest and the fact that you have no idea what they’re spending it on.  You can’t even get a legitimate budget.  And you’re balloting in a cardboard  box !

Like we said.  Our great grand kids will never see daylight .

A message from Mr. Roe

We got an email from Mr. Roe:

Hi folks, Roe here.  My grand-nephew just set up this computer box for me.  taught me surfin and email and shit.  maybe I shoulda left well enough alone.

Now I ain’t got much schoolhouse but I can add and subtract.  Seems to me that Cedric is borrowin millions of dollars to build a casino so we can pay back them millions.  Whatnahell do we get?  People pissed at us for buildin a casino?  I’d rather take my chances down the bay, even with my bad back I can still pull in a peck o ‘hogs.  Anyway, I’ll be fartin dust fore I see a penny.

Your ol frind,


Mr. Roe can see right through this ruse, can you?  We get nothing until Genting gets theirs.

No thanks.

Dyin’ to go to the Destination Resort in…..Taunton?

Well you gotta hand it to Cedric and his boss-chauffeur, Lou.  They are predictable.  They’re late to the game, have the worst gaming site in the state and the world and no hope for actually making a profit to pay the members for allowing the investor to exploit them.

We can’t talk about what the town and the surrounding communities are going to do, with Ceddie’s very bad reputation for not honoring agreements with members of the Commonwealth.

We at Reel Wamps want to give CeddieLou the benefit of some intelligence by assuming this is a diversionary tactic, that it’s not for real. That it’s designed to throw us off track because it is so totally stupid and obviously last minute, ” We’re so over our heads on this one.”  They’ve got to have Middleboro in mind. Or something. Why ? Here’s why.

Unlike Bridgewater, Fall River, New Bedford and Middleboro,  Taunton is 15 miles off 195. What gambler-high roller-I’m -headed- to- the- Cape New York, Connecticut kinda person,  is going to drive on bad congested highway 24 for 25 minutes  to Taunton? Who comes  from Boston to gamble  when they can go to Suffolk Downs? You end up with locals at the casino playing slots.

Who puts $200 k non refundable security deposit on  property across from the  Taunton Galleria for 53  buildable acres without knowing that Project First Light  can’t even buy the 100 acre Galleria ? That could cost between $60 -80m…if they sell it.

The “Ifs” keep multiplying. How do you pay a $8 -10 million a month over 20 years whether it’s  Genting or Bank of America….when you can’t guarantee an abundance of players at the location?

Who comes to a resort in Taunton?

They have to pay Genting  ( $50 K) to concoct projections that show that we can draw people to Taunton.

You have to presume the states going to accept that despite the many lawsuits that will continue to come.

Genting is a huge problem.  They single handedly shutdown commercial gaming in Florida because they were heavy handed and have a horrible reputation.  They own us lock stock and barrel. That means we take on their image.  Google them.

Tribal members are not getting a dime of any gaming revenues and Ceddie, Grungy Boy will sign an agreement that says that says he gets paid and the investor gets paid and he promises the Governor that we will not build the soverignty casino to take care of  the Mashpee Wampanoag. He’s not a Mashpee Wampanoag. What does he care?

Then ask yourself….who the hell builds a resort in  Taunton?  Are they going to overhaul the towns image?  Are they going to give you free massages to de-stress you after your harrowing drive on 24?

We’ve gone from a 539 acre Destination Resort Casino in Middleboro to Taunton at 153 acres MAYBE. To think we can meet the state requirements for a  $500 m Destination Resort Casino in Taunton is laughable.

We miscalculated by the the way because we forgot the $35 -40 m debt owed to Genting. Plus their dumping money into programs  filling the gaps for all the lost grants resulting from their  incompetent family members on the tribal payroll.

Nothing can replace our sovereignty that will be signed away with the CeddieLou Commercial casino…you know, he promises the Governor never to open a sovereignty casino and our kids and grandchildren are down the tubes.

We have to conclude…….it’s so bad it’s a very bad joke.



A Facinating Horror Story

Reel Wamps receives so much information from so many people, we literally cannot keep up.  We try to stay out of the weeds and deliver the information that is verifiable and most important to the real  tribal members.

There are hundreds  who read this .com  every day. They are not only tribal members.  They are government officials on the highest levels,  reporters,  friends  of the tribe, the old investors, Middleboro folks, Mashpee officials,  other tribes, just a lot of people absorbing this information every day.

It’s  a mesmerizing horror story.  To see the  undoing of a people who finally had hope for the future,  only  to be exploited by the worst and the most minimal people in their small tribe. It happened.

More astounding, is the fact that the bottom feeders were ushered in by one  of the rejected who could never capture the attention of the leaders who got us recognition.  Vengeance is blinding.  Now she’s humiliated and responsible for the destruction of the tribe her father, family and tribal cousins helped finally acquire respect.

It’s fascinating because it just keeps getting worse.

It’s like turning a blind eye to the bludgeoning of someone  on the sidewalk, and walking by because you don’t want to get involved.

But keep tuning in to see how bad it is today.

It’s pretty  bad. A review.

  • The Council voted on the Card Board Box Budget 5 days after it was supposed to, in a complete violation of the Constitution.  It was supposed approve the budget before submitting it to the tribe.
  • Marie  Ta Ta  no doubt, is more agitated because the Forrestdale offices of Project First Light, and the other tribe, are supposed to be closed.  The fact that she would have to show up in Mashpee is more terrifying for Marie than for the outsiders because she is Mashpee and  she has to answer to people when she is able.

Then there is Genting throwing crumbs to the Elders in an attempt to buy them off.  Joanne Frye is the Overseer.  The Elders have no Overseer. Cedric is closing the Pantry (raided by the Council staff).  So Joanne will now hand out gift cards from Stop and  Shop to those in need.  1 for you, 2 or 3 for the Frybal Council. The Fryes have 14 sisters, cousins etc on the payroll of the tribe. No one knows.    That’s over half of the workforce.

Imagine that.


Misunderstanding the Dawes Act

Cedric Cromwell again demonstrates his lack of knowledge of our history by mistaking the Dawes Act  (named after its sponsor, Massachusetts senator Henry L. Dawes) for the mechanisms that led to our loss of Tribal lands.  In fact, the chain of events began with the partition of lands in 1842, whereby Individuals were deeded the lands that they occupied, and at least 60 acres per person.  The remainder was common land, which was forcibly sold when Mashpee was incorporated as a town in 1870, seventeen years before Dawes

Take a look at the 1877 map of Mashpee by Cyrus Cahoon, and you will see that Tribe members owned the greater part of land in town.  Much of this land was lost through means both fair and foul, by trickery and deceit, but the Massachusetts Land Court did much of it legally.  The whole sordid history of the loss of our Tribal and individual properties is a subject that requires a lot of research and can not be explained in a few paragraphs.  I will try to dig up a Cahoon map and put it up for all to see.

History is best left to those who know.