Cedric Cromwell is the poster boy for tribes that are frequently taken over by urban outsiders who are ignorant of tribal tradition and driven by greed.
The latest narcissistic self aggrandizement of Cedric Cromwell was published in today’s newspaper under the guise of a story about the historic ” ground breaking ” for the Genting casino in majestic Taunton. It was a totally fascinating response to our previous post. Fascinating .
It was all about Cedric’s personal struggle to bring us to this point in our history. It was all about him and his identity issues and disconnect with reality. But a big booger that discredited the whole PR piece was that he never said a word about how or when the Tribal members would benefit.
Shovel Ready Ceddie got his name because of his 7 years of false promises to break ground

Photo opt for Housing in 2013. Not another word about a badly needed service, that’s paid for by the federal government no less. Who knows what happened to the money.
and actually build something. Take the ground

The gate for the road to nowhere. No Housing for the many Mashpee Wampanoag. Millions in paychecks for the Cromwell Administration.
breaking for a Housing development 3 years ago. Then we didn’t have land in trust so it would have been public low income housing and not restricted to Tribal members. Now that the land has supposedly gone into trust, you don’t hear a peep about any progress on critical housing needs that would help our people living in the woods, in broken down motels and out of dumpsters.Let’s not forget the bungling incompetence and nepotism of tribal housing that lost us the important 184 federal program for first time Native American home buyers. But of course for the few years it was operational, the Frye’s got 2/3’s of the homes. Joanne Frye, recently elected to lead Tribal Elders, is the queen of foreclosures and who is one of the Fye’s who got a house.

The sign for the housing project. Still there, nothing built.
You see Ceddie is not interested in positively impacting tribal members. That’s not Ceddie’s problem. He works for Genting, unlike Taunton Mayor Tom Hoye, who works for his citizenry. Hoye did a little tap dance around how messy the casino process has been and you you can imagine he would have been out on his ear if he conducted himself or did business like the embattled Mashpee Chairman. Also, why should Hoye worry? Taunton gets paid no matter what. His beleaguered town gets new roads and infrastructure desperately needed.
Cedric’s early ineptness cost us $3.4 million ( non refundable) in 2010 when he cut an untenable deal with the equally as foolish Mayor of Fall River for the purchase of land already designated for use for a bio tech lab by state.
Here’s an excerpt from the 2011 December edition of Boston Magazine about Cromwell’s total ineptitude .
In any case, Cromwell started snooping around Fall River. Middleborough

Cedric frittered away $3.4 m in Fall River in 2010. Mayor Flanagan bolted from the deal when it was clear that the state had designated the land for something else. Cedric’s incompetence has cost us dearly.
officials claim he kept stringing them along even as he was scouting other locations, and when the Mashpee finally decided in May 2010 to shack up with Fall River instead, Middleborough officials claim they heard about it on the news. The $250,000 payments stopped and, not surprisingly, the bitterness remains: Middleborough selectman Allin Frawley says he plans to push his fellow selectmen to file a lawsuit the second the Mashpee strike a deal with some other place.
The Fall River deal fell apart in just five months, after a deed restriction on the proposed site of the casino and a lawsuit brought by a group of locals proved too much to overcome. So just months from the July 31 deadline, the tribe still doesn’t seem to have found a home for its casino. Cromwell will say only that he’s looking into sites across the area.
Back to the public relations push back and press release publication. SRC failed to deliver to his constituents. He was boasting to the White people in Taunton. He said the Tribe was spending $1,000,000,000 in Taunton. Do you think that Mayor Hoye would be bragging about giving the Mashpee Wampanoag a billion dollars and say nothing of benefits to his people? Course not. Cedric is a damned fool.
WHAT ABOUT US ? When do we get anything? No answer
Here was one of his quotes in the article….a direct response to our previous post.
“First Light Resort & Casino is happening, oh my god, for ancestors who paved the way to be able to stand here on our sovereign land,” Cromwell said. “I’m so blessed to be a Mashpee Wampanoag, I’m so blessed to be the tribal chairman to help lead our people to victory. I’m so blessed to be the tribal chairman chosen by our people to write our history instead of his story.”

Taunton electeds turned out…why not ? They are getting paid and we get the ham and turkey. Meanwhile, Cedric does Indian Speak and clowns about the ancestors.
Cedric cannot talk about our ancestors, because he does not know any of them. He never lived among any of them. He never came to Mashpee every weekend with his mother because she did not come down.Everyone knows that. He did not even know about his own grandmother which is indicting. Mashpee know about their grandmother, grandfather, great grandmother and grandfather, great aunts uncles and on and on. It is cherished. We can look on our lineage chart and tell stories about the old ones. It is our heritage. We tell stories about them and boast of family fame. We also know about everyone elses too….going back 4 generations.We know the nick names and the origin. Of course they are slightly embellished sometimes. As a courtesy, we will turn our heads and smile, but that is our right. Cedric can’t say that. He knows nothing.
In our post, we talked about the stolen election that brought him to power. We talked about his getting on the roll in 2006 ( he did not know what the roll was) we talked about his phony Indian status that is humiliating to us. All of these sad characteristics are proof that Cedric Cromwell is not worthy.
He never said a word about how any of this is helping us. Not a word.
Showing off for the White people.
All those who are with Cedric Cromwell cannot look us in the face. It’s too much.
Phase 1….the parking lot and the Super Walmart size Asino food court with a parking lot would be finished in 2017.? Right…The rest in 2020. What do you think they will do in Brockton ? They will be rolling if they get a license. The only thing for sure for the Mashpee is that Cedric keeps getting a check.
Meanwhile, Genting can only afford to invest $125 m in the Phase 1 Asino ( 80,000 square foot Super Walmart) because that’s all Genting will do and if the land in trust is rejected by the court, well, Genting is not at a total loss.
But the tribe ends up with $800 m in debt and absolutely no dividends.
So the phony newspaper pictures of the casino continue the disingenuous campaign . And we’re still waiting for the 80,000 square foot slot dump, food court, parking lot rendering.
We do know one thing, Cedric his wife Cheryl, Messy Jessy, Tah Tah, Robbie, Yvonne, Winnie, Bobbie, and a whole bunch a Fryes are gonna get paid every Friday…and we are not….for years. That means for 80 % of our people….the future is dark, despite what the REAL Mashpee did to get us recognized.
Cedric is ill, and is not capable of leading us out of the mess he created.
Cedric Cromwell should resign.